Super Monk

Chapter 845

"Sir, all the criminals have been arrested. A total of 116 women have been abducted and trafficked. They are now being properly resettled. At present, the marine guard is searching for evidence on the cruise ship!" An officer arrived at the police station shortly after, saluted Lin you and Mr. Ling, and then reported.

"Is the press conference ready?" Lin you asks again.

"It's ready. At present, 37 international media have been invited, and relevant media and representatives in China are coming from Beijing!" The officer reported.

"Brother Jin, I've prepared a press conference. Would you like to have a look?" Lin you smiles at Jin Shao and says.

"Press conference? What the hell are you up to? I'll see what you can do? " Jin Shao harshly threatened that "there are hundreds of international celebrities and rich people on the international cruise ship liberty. If you dare to be careful, uncle Lin will not spare you!"

"There's no need for brother Jin to worry about it. My father supports me!" Lin you said with a smile, "brother Fugui, let's go. You are the leading role in today's press conference. Don't let everyone wait too long!"

"Jin Dashao, I'm so sorry. It seems that you can't keep me!" Zhao Fugui sneers, strides to Lin you and they come here and say. The black muzzle of the SWAT team points at Zhao Fugui, but Jin Shao does not dare to order to shoot. The soldiers Lin you brings are not furnishings.

"You're suspected of killing people. Don't try to leave like this! Everybody, look at him. Don't let him run away! " Jin dasheo's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and he cheered fiercely.

A group of special police, you look at me, I look at you, no way, had to follow Zhao Fugui closely, staring at him. Lin you didn't care about them either. He waved and took Zhao Fugui to the military car.

Three military vehicles roar out of the city, and the car of the special police team also follows. Jin Shao is sitting in the car of the special police team, and his face is very ugly. He never thought that the Lin family would protect Zhao Fugui, but now he has no chance. After all, Zhao Fugui killed many people on the cruise ship.

Although the cruise ship's nationality is in the United States, when the case happened, who could make it clear whether it was on the high seas or in the waters of China. As long as we operate it for a while and nail Zhao Fugui to death as a terrorist, we can still sentence him to death and avenge Jin Peng.

A group of police in the city Bureau watched the military car and the special police car leave, looking at each other one by one. Then they could only start to clean up the mess of the police station. The immortals above fight, they these mortals can only admit bad luck.

"Xiaolin, what do you mean by the press conference?" Sitting in the military car, Zhao Fugui takes a look. Jin Shao and his men have been following closely. This guy is a big trouble.

Jin Shaoyao really asked the special police team to arrange an attack on Zhao Fugui. With the firepower of the special police team, Zhao Fugui was very difficult to deal with.

"The Jin family believes that if you kill Jin Peng, they will try their best to deal with you. I can't let them succeed easily. At least they can't use their official power. There must be a result on the other side of the cruise ship, otherwise the Jin family will hold on to the cruise ship. After all, you did kill several people on the cruise ship. If it's because of this, the Jin family will use their official strength to catch you, and I can't stop it all the time! " Lin you said.

"What does that have to do with the press conference?" Zhao Fugui asked with a frown. Lin you is right. Zhao Fugui is not afraid of private assassination, but he doesn't have so much confidence if he confronts with Cheng Cheng's team.

For example, if these 10 or 20 special police officers and 10 or 20 assault rifles attack him secretly, Zhao Fugui is very difficult to deal with.

"We need to use the press conference to define the nature of the cruise ship, so that they can not find an excuse. Without an excuse, the Jin family will not dare to use their official power to deal with you. After all, they dare not do whatever they want! " Lin you said.

The military car drove for more than ten minutes and stopped in front of a building in mordu. The outside of the building was already full of media cars, and many media reporters were in and out.

"Here it is Lin you and Ling Lao get out of the car, and a group of soldiers escort Zhao Fugui into the building. Zhao Fugui went in and found out that it was the marine guard. The Marine Police Corps was holding a press conference to introduce the case.

As soon as Zhao Fugui went in, the news speech of the Marine Police Corps saw him and immediately said in a loud voice, "here comes our hero. This is Mr. Zhao Fugui. He saved the abducted people on the ship and helped us stop the crime!"

In an instant, Zhao Fugui was surrounded by a lot of flash lights. Almost all the reporters were taking photos of Zhao Fugui, and Zhao Fugui was stunned.

"Mr. spokesman, can Mr. Zhao alone deal with so many mafias? We doubt that! " A reporter said suddenly.

"Mr. Zhao once won the champion of Huaxia division in the international Hercules competition. He beat many famous Hercules in the world. I believe he has such strength!" "Of course, we will show the evidence," the spokesman said

The spokesman asked Zhao Fugui to come on stage, then nodded, and immediately a lot of marine police showed off with gloves, AK47 and bullets.

Close to 20 AK47s and various types of pistols immediately caused a scream, followed by seven or eight living Mafia with hoods and handcuffs were escorted in."Can Mr. Zhao tell us what happened?" A reporter said in a loud voice.

"Of course, Mr. Zhao, please say a few words. Friends of the reporters are very curious about your heroic deeds!" The spokesman stepped out of the microphone and said to Zhao Fugui.

"Well, let me just say it!" Zhao Fugui took a look at Lin you and knew that it was a matter of determining the nature of the matter and not giving Jin Shao the opportunity to control the space. He immediately said, "here's the thing. Several of my friends and I flew back to China from Japan, but on the way, the plane had a problem and fell into the sea. My friend and I survived and entered the cruise ship. But I didn't expect that the captain of the cruise ship colluded with the Mafia and sold it People, and I saw them kill people with my own eyes, so I had to save those who were trafficked. In addition, it has something to do with Ivanov and the honorary directors of Shenggao group! "

"My God, Mr. Ross of Shenggao group, he is a gentleman and philanthropist. How can this matter have anything to do with him?" Exclaimed a reporter.

"I don't think it's that simple. I don't believe that this Chinese can deal with so many Mafia." Another reporter also said.

"Yes, I think the Chinese are hiding something. There must be something inside. Maybe Zhao Fugui is a Mafia!" Another reporter said.

"Mr. Zhao, you said that Ivanov and Mr. Ross are also criminals, but we need to confront them. We want to interview them!" Cried a foreign journalist.

"Sure, bring them in!" Zhao Fugui turned to look at the spokesman, who said confidently.

"Slander, it's all slander. It's all Chinese slander. This Zhao Fugui is a terrorist. He hijacked our cruise ship and wanted to slander us!" Ivanov and rose just entered the meeting hall and yelled angrily.

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