Super Monk

Chapter 846

"Is that true, Mr. Ross? Is this so-called hero Zhao Fugui a terrorist? " A foreign reporter asked in surprise.

"Yes, I assure you in my honor that this guy is a terrorist. He killed some of my bodyguards and slandered the refugees we rescued from the war-torn countries as abductors. This man is a liar full of lies!" Rose said in a loud voice.

"I can testify to Mr. Roth. All the famous gentlemen in our clothes can testify to Mr. Roth. Everything he says is true. This hateful terrorist even brutally cut off my arm! " Ivanov pointed to his severed arm and screamed bitterly.

"God, this Zhao Fugui is so cruel. He must be a terrorist. This man is so evil!" Exclaimed a reporter.

"I believe Mr. Roth is a gentleman and participates in charity activities all the year round. I believe he is not a bad man at all!" Another reporter yelled.

"We demand that Zhao Fugui be severely punished. He will pay for what he has done! This man slanders the gentry of our country. He must pay for what he has done A blonde reporter shouts with righteous words.

"Zhao Fugui is finished, even without our Jin family's help! Lin you, you didn't expect that the news conference you made would be the tomb of Zhao Fugui, did you? " Jin Shao glances at Lin You triumphantly and says contemptuously.

"Brother Jin, I haven't finished watching the good play. Why come to a conclusion so early?" Lin you said without changing his face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what Ivanov and rose said is only one side of their story, but what I said has evidence!" Zhao Fugui gave Ivanov and rose a cold glance and said to the spokesman of the maritime guard, "we have to bring those women on board!"

"Mr. Zhao, we are ready!" The spokesman of the marine police nodded to the side. The two marine police immediately opened the door on the side of the news conference. Suddenly, the more than 100 abducted women appeared in panic.

"These are the abducted people we found on the goddess of liberty. They come from various countries, all over Asia, Europe and North America. I think their words are more convincing than what I said!" Zhao Fugui said aloud.

"They are just a group of refugees. They were rescued because of our kindness. They are not refugees at all. Don't believe this liar!" Rose yelled at the top of his voice.

Reporters are still in a daze, and they don't know who is really saying it. Many reporters only know how to take photos, and even don't know how to determine whether these people are abducted or refugees.

"You are MSA reporter, help me, I'm from Gothenburg, please help me, let me talk to my mother!" Just at this time, a 20-year-old blonde girl suddenly rushed out of the crowd, grabbed a female reporter with MSA logo microphone in her hand, and cried in horror.

"God, are you Swedish? Why are you here? " When the female reporter heard the familiar Swedish, she was shocked and asked.

"Those demons kidnapped me on the cruise ship. They want to sell us. Please help me and let me go home!" Yelled the blonde in horror.

"What? Are you really abducted? " The female reporter was shocked, and the cameraman behind her kept shooting. At the request of the blonde girl, the female reporter took out her mobile phone and handed it to the blonde girl, who immediately dialed a number.

"Mom, the Chinese saved me. I'm going home!" As soon as the girl dials the phone, she cries on the phone.

With this one as the leader, soon those girls swarmed into the press conference and began to look for TV reporters they were familiar with. Soon dozens of girls found TV reporters they were familiar with. Through the girls' stories, these reporters were all angry and shocked.

"Devil, when did Sweden become a war-torn country! Rose, you will go to hell. We will apply to the Congress to investigate all Shenggao group's assets in Sweden. You are waiting to go to hell Swedish female reporter yelled angrily to rose.

"You're a good-looking bastard. We'll expose it to the public and make you disgraced!" Another reporter also yelled.

"They must accept severe punishment and pay for what they have done!" The angry reporters yelled.

"Is there any other evidence that they are likely to be bribed or forced to change their testimony after they return home?" Zhao Fugui looked at Ross, who didn't have much panic on his face, and asked the marine police spokesman in a low voice.

"Of course, this is given to us by one of your female companions, Mr. Zhao. Everything in this USB flash disk is evidence!" Marine police spokesman took out a U disk to Zhao Fugui said.

Zhao Fugui looked down at the U-disk, which was exactly what xiamuhuilizi found in Ivanov's safe.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please be quiet. These women are human witnesses. I still have material evidence here! This USB flash drive was found in Ivanov's safe. It records the real evil faces of these so-called celebrities and gentlemen! " Zhao Fugui clapped his hands and said aloud.Then the U disk is given to the staff and played directly on the large screen. Seeing Zhao Fugui take out this USB flash drive, Ivanov's expression suddenly becomes panic, extremely ugly.

These high-definition video records in the USB flash drive were originally the evidence kept by Ivanov himself. He was prepared to threaten these celebrities and rich people when he encountered a crisis in the future, but he did not expect that these things now became the evidence in the hands of Zhao Fugui.

The reporters were all quiet, the cameras were all aimed at the big screen, and all the actions of the rich on the cruise ship were shown on the big screen.

In these videos, there are not only various luxurious banquets on the top floor of the cruise ship, but also all kinds of licentious and evil parties. In a celestial party, not only the abducted girls are auctioned, but even these girls are cruelly pushed out from the top floor of the cruise ship directly after being ravaged by a group of celebrities and rich people, and disappear in the sea in a flash.

"God, this is murder!" Exclaimed a reporter. In such a night, pushed down from the high-speed cruise ship, the girl has absolutely no chance of survival.

"These bastards, they are a group of demons!" A reporter angrily threw the cup on Rose's face and yelled angrily.

"They have to be punished and their ugly faces have to be seen all over the world!"

"Damn bastard, you dare to secretly shoot video!" Rose a face dead ash, fierce crazy rushed to Ivanov, strangled Ivanov's neck and yelled.

As soon as these videos come to light, they're done. They're done.

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