Super Monk

Chapter 847

Hundreds of copies of the video in the USB flash disk were directly copied and handed to reporters from all walks of life. For humanitarian reasons, Huaxia provided free air tickets to arrange the abducted women to return to their own countries.

Zhao Fugui has become the hero of domestic and foreign media reporters in the voice of these women's gratitude, while rose and them have become respectable bastards.

The country where the cruise ship is registered is the United States. The jurisdiction of this case belongs to the United States, and most of the celebrities and rich people involved in the cruise ship are Americans. This case is too big for the United States to cover up. It will obviously make some senior officials in the United States worried.

"Now all the evidence shows that I am self-defense, Jin Dashao. I'm so sorry. You can't use this against me!" Zhao Fugui looked at Jin Dashao lightly and said.

"Boy, you are lucky today, but no one can protect you when you kill Jinpeng. Lin you can protect you for a while, but not for a lifetime!" Jin Da Shao miraculously said, "last time the bombs on the plane couldn't kill you, next time I'll see if you have such good luck!"

"My plane is a bomb installed by your family?" Zhao Fugui's eyes were suddenly cold, and the temperature around seemed to be two degrees lower. Zhao Fugui thought it was the zaodao family who arranged for the bomb on the Gulf Stream, but he didn't expect that it was the Jin family's hand that got it in Japan.

"Yes, the bomb was set by someone I arranged. You are lucky that it didn't kill you!" Jin Dashao sneered and said, "boy, be careful when you go out next time. I don't believe you have such good luck every time!"

"You set the bomb. If you want to die, I'll help you!" Zhao Fugui's eyes are full of murders, and Jin Dashao's face turns pale. He can't help but step back two steps. The special police team around him immediately gets nervous and points his gun at Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui around the soldiers or do not want to let, raised the muzzle of the gun also pointed to the past.

"Brother Fugui, don't be impulsive. You can't do it here!" Lin you quickly said that the reporter of the press conference is still in the room inside. If you do something here, it will be very noisy.

"The Jin family wants to kill me, Zhao Fugui. Let's see who can kill who!" Zhao Fugui stares at Jin Dashao coldly and says in a deep voice.

"OK, boy, you have seed. You wait. I'll show you the power of the Jin family!" Jin Dashao's face changed. He was a little afraid of being too close to Zhao Fugui. With a wave of his hand, he left in a hurry under the escort of the special police.

Zhao Fugui's eyes flash, directly activate the pagoda, quietly release the ghost general, the ghost will quietly follow Jin Dashao to leave.

"Brother Fugui, let's go too. I'll take you back to Rongcheng! The Jin family is deeply rooted here and has great strength. I'm afraid of trouble after staying here for a long time! " Lin you said.

"Yes, rich and noble, the Jin family is not as arrogant and domineering as every generation. Let's leave here! Sooner or later, these guys will be punished Linglaozi also said.

"It's time to go back!" Zhao Fugui looked at the direction of Jin Dashao's departure and nodded. He followed Lin you and Ling Lao as they walked and asked, "where are Shu Xiaosu and Xia Mu's lining? Where are the two of them? "

"I have arranged for Miss Shu and miss tulizi to go back by plane first! Today's press conference also thanks to Ms. Tu Lizi. She gave us the USB flash drive. After reading the contents of the USB flash drive, we have the confidence to hold this press conference! " Lin you said.

"Xiao Lin, thanks for your help this time, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be in danger!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Brother Fugui, if you say anything, you are the one who saved my life. I'm sure I can't just sit back and ignore you! And I also know the strength of brother Fugui. It's not so easy for the Jin family to move you. It's just that once they are in direct conflict, things will become very troublesome! " Lin you said.

Military vehicles directly sent Zhao Fugui to a military base, Zhao Fugui did not know that there was a military base in the suburbs of Chengdu before.

On the runway of the military base, a dark green military transport plane was stopping there. Zhao Fugui was surprised when he saw the military transport plane. He did not expect that there would be a military transport plane waiting for them.

"This transport plane is just going to the Chengdu base to transport some things. We are in a good hurry. We just take a downwind plane!" Ling said with a smile.

There are many mountains to the north of Chengdu. Zhao Fugui has heard that there are many secret military bases there. It is estimated that this transport plane is going there to deliver materials.

"Salute Zhao Fugui and his family were sent to the bottom of the transport plane by military vehicles. The bottom of the transport plane was wide open. There were several soldiers nearby. When they saw Zhao Fugui, they immediately saluted.

Ling returned a military salute, and then took Zhao Fugui and Lin you on the plane. The soldiers who escorted them didn't follow.

The abdominal compartment of this military transport plane is very large, in which a lot of materials are tied with cables. There are two rows of fixed seats on both sides of the cabin. Zhao Fugui directly finds a seat to sit down. Soon the huge plane began to glide slowly and accelerate to take off.

"I didn't sleep all night last night. I'll squint for a while." Zhao Fugui put something similar to the seat belt on his body and said to Lin you and Ling Lao."Rich and noble, then you sleep for a while!" Linglao nodded and said. But Lin you is curious. It seems that this is his first time to take this kind of plane in the military transport plane.

Zhao Fugui didn't want to sleep at all. He sat in his seat and his consciousness sank into the pagoda. As soon as the pagoda was golden, Zhao Fugui's consciousness entered the body of the ghost general. When Zhao Fugui opened his eyes, he controlled the body of the ghost general.

"Waste, it's a bunch of waste. Even a local farmer can't clean it up! What's the use of a bunch of trash? " Jin Dashao watched Zhao Fugui go away. The more he thought about it, the more angry he was. He yelled at a group of special police officers.

"Jin Shao, because you were there, we can't risk hurting you too!" The Swat chief whispered.

"Don't give me a damn reason. It's not over. Get the hell out of here!" Jin Shao angrily pushes open the car door and gets out of the car. He barks and goes to his Pagani sports car.

This Pagani sports car is the only customized sports car in Asia, with a price of 20 million yuan, and the body lines are extremely beautiful. Jin Da Shao angrily opened the door and sat in the car. With a bang of the accelerator, the car sped up to 100 kilometers in just three or four seconds.

At this time, Jin Dashao seems to see a shadow in front of the car.

Zhao Fugui controls the ghost general and stands in the middle of the road. Jin Dashao's luxury sports car rushes over in an instant. A sneer appears on the ghost general's gloomy face, and his huge chopper suddenly waves down to the luxurious front of the car.

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