Super Monk

Chapter 849

There is no military airport near Chengdu. Huge military transport aircraft land at Chengdu airport. Military aircraft can borrow civil airport if necessary.

"Where's your plane, boss?" When Zhao Fugui went to pick up the car, in the rented hangar of Chengdu airport, the ground maintenance personnel of Gulfstream were surprised to see Zhao Fugui alone and asked. Zhao Fugui drove a private plane when he left, but when he came back, the private plane disappeared.

"The plane crashed, but someone will pay for it!" Zhao Fugui said that 350 million Gulfstream was bombed by the Jin family, and the matter must be endless. How the Jin family bombed Zhao Fugui's Gulfstream, they had to compensate him.

The ground crew watched as Zhao Fugui drove away Knight XV from the hangar. Zhao Fugui drove to pick up Lin you and Ling Lao, and drove directly to Xiaowan village.

Nearly an hour later, Zhao Fugui returned to Xiaowan village with Knight 15. Xiaowan village is full of tourists. The summer vacation is coming to an end, and the last peak of passenger flow is taking advantage of the holiday to travel with family.

Zhao Fugui drove Knight XV to Houcun and sent linglao back to sanatorium. Xiaoling is still waiting for linglao, and Lin you also went with him. Last time he came, he hasn't been around Xiaowan village. This time, he must play around and eat something delicious.

"Richness, are you back? Is everything done? " Chen Yihan suddenly sees Zhao Fugui and asks in surprise.

"It's done. There's nothing wrong with the Shenzhu club!" Zhao Fugui doesn't want to worry Chen Yihan. He doesn't intend to tell Chen Yihan what happened in Japan. "But I've found some new projects in Japan these days!"

"What project?" Chen Yihan asks curiously.

"There are Kobe cattle in Japan. Kobe beef is well-known in the world, and we Chinese also love beef. Dawan village has nearly a thousand mu of arable land. We have a field. I'm going to set up a cattle farm to cultivate China's own top beef! At that time, the beef can be supplied to our own restaurants and restaurants. Now the quality of the beef bought by restaurants from outside is not good! " Zhao Fugui said.

Zhao Fugui had a taste of Kobe beef before he knew how delicious this real top beef was. Compared with Kobe beef, Wan Village cuisine and the beef usually bought by small farmers' stoves are hardly palatable.

Ordinary beef is not only coarse in fiber and hard to chew, but also coarse in texture and poor in taste. However, Kobe beef is almost ready to melt and tastes very good.

The Japanese can cultivate this world-class beef, but it's unreasonable that Chinese people can't. what's more, Zhao Fugui still has Lingquan water in his hand, which is sure to cultivate the world-class beef belonging to China.

"It's OK to run a cattle farm. At present, we have a great demand for beef. Moreover, there is no top beef brand in Huaxia, and the demand for top beef is even greater. If the cattle farm can be run and the world's top beef can be cultivated, the prospect is still great!" Chen Yihan thought about it and said.

"I'm going to take about 100 mu of land from Dawan village to grow grain. In the future, we'll be self-sufficient in the rice and noodles that Xiaowan village needs. If we want to do it, we'll try our best to do everything!" Zhao Fugui said, "the rest of the land, I first delimit 500 mu to plant grass, 500 mu of land suitable for raising as many cattle as you can, the rest of the land will be put first, and then we will see if we are doing something else or what!"

"That's OK. There are a lot of cattle on 500 mu grassland!" Chen Yihan nodded and said, "I don't understand cattle raising. You have to ask some experts. Oh, by the way, the archaeological team on Daqingshan has left, and the female doctor has also applied for transformation documents for you. If you want to build a ghost house, you can do it directly! "

"They have gone?" Zhao Fugui was surprised to say that he didn't expect Dr. Tu and them to walk so fast. "As long as we reinforce some places that need to be rebuilt in the ancient tombs, I'll start arranging these days!"

Then I went to see Chen's farm and discussed with Zhao Yihan. The chickens, ducks, geese and wild boars provided by Xu Wei are all in place. You can see these chickens and ducks running everywhere in the back mountain of Daqing Mountain.

Zhao Fugui entered the ancient tomb from the suspension bridge on Qianshan Mountain. The archaeological team cleaned up the tomb very well. Except for some bone shelves, almost nothing was left for Zhao Fugui. However, those things were not needed to rebuild the ghost house.

"Those traps that should be removed have to be removed, but we have to find professionals for this matter!" Zhao Fugui thought about it and said to himself.

There is no professional archaeological team here in Chengdu. If Zhao Fugui doesn't plan to do it, he will ask a few digaizi. Digaizi is the dialect of Chengdu, which refers to those tomb robbers. There are many such people here in Chengdu, because there are many mountains and tombs near Chengdu, so there are many people in this line.

Zhao Fugui went to Daqingshan and then went to Ma Wenqiang. Ma Wenqiang is responsible for building a bar next to Heilongtan. At present, the progress of the bar is very fast, and the underground floor has been built almost.

"Brother Zhao, when did you come back?" Seeing that Zhao Fugui appeared, Ma Wenqiang quickly took out a box of Jin Zhizun and ordered one to pass to Zhao Fugui.

"Just came back, you smoke yourself!" Zhao Fugui pushes the cigarettes back, and Ma Wenqiang follows Zhang Youhu to work on the project. It seems that he has made a lot of money, and he has already smoked 161 boxes of jinzhizun. Zhao Fugui looked at the construction site of the bar and asked, "when will the tempered glass be installed and how long will the construction period be?""The tempered glass can be installed in three days. If all the projects are finished, it will take about half a month. After the tempered glass is installed, the project will be simple!" Ma Wenqiang said.

"Safety first, it doesn't matter if the bar is built more slowly. In addition, you can help me find out if we have any creepers with some real skills here!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Brother Zhao, what are you looking for? Do you want to steal Tombs? " Ma Wenqiang widened his eyes, looked around and asked in a low voice.

"What tomb do I steal? I'm going to transform the ancient tomb on Daqingshan into a haunted house, but there are still many traps in it. I'm going to find someone to take down the traps so as not to hurt the tourists." Zhao Fugui shook his head and said.

"It turns out that's the case. I'll make inquiries on the road. There are a lot of people in this line of work here. We should be able to find people!" Ma Wenqiang said.

Zhao Fugui nodded and was about to leave. He suddenly remembered something and asked, "has Ma Yong contacted you during this period of time?"

"Brother Zhao, I know about Xiaolian. If this boy dares to contact me, I will break his leg and take him back! This boy is addicted to drugs. I'm looking for him too. He doesn't learn well. He has a way of doing bad things. If I find him, I won't let him off lightly! " Ma Wenqiang said firmly.

It seems that Ma Yong has not contacted Ma Wenqiang, which is a bit difficult to find.

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