Super Monk

Chapter 850

Ma Wenqiang has no news of Ma Yong either. Zhao Fugui estimates that Ma Yong is either hiding or running away. He also knows that the case he is involved in is big, so he is afraid to come back.

Zhao Fugui didn't ask for any news from Ma Wenqiang. He turned around and went to Xiaowan village. Just at this time, a young woman in Heilongtan swam to the bank. When she looked up, she suddenly saw Zhao Fugui and was surprised.

"Miss Zhao, how come you haven't been to our class for such a long time? Many students are looking forward to you every day!" The young woman has fair skin and hot figure. The sexy bikini can't block the spring light at all. Many male tourists nearby are secretly looking at her.

"I've been a little busy recently. I can't get out of it. I'll go after a while when I'm free!" Zhao Fugui has no influence on this young woman. In fact, there are many beautiful young women and girls in Meiyan international. Zhao Fugui seldom goes there, and he can't remember people at all.

"Mr. Shu also knows that Mr. Zhao is busy. During this period of time, he has pushed off a lot of business. Many guests want to find Mr. Zhao to lose weight and beauty. Mr. Shu doesn't agree!" Said the young woman.

"Mr. Shu pushed off a lot of business?" Zhao Fugui didn't expect to have such a thing. Shuya never told Zhao Fugui that Zhao Fugui was sincere. As a super teacher of Meiyan international, he didn't go to class. It's really inappropriate for Shuya to delay so much business.

"Yes, especially recently, Mr. Zhao won the champion of the Chinese division of the international Hercules competition, and his reputation was so great that more guests came. Mr. Shu basically pushed them away!" Said the young woman.

"It seems that I still have to go there. I'll go to Meiyan international sometime recently!" Zhao Fugui thinks about it and says that after all, he has a good relationship with Shuya. He can't watch Shuya push the business out.

The young woman walks and chats with Zhao Fugui. She is wearing a bikini. Zhao Fugui feels a little embarrassed, but she doesn't feel anything. She happily follows Zhao Fugui to Wan village for delicious food until Zhao Fugui recently applied for wechat.

Zhao Fugui passes by the delicious food in Wan village. He is going to the village to ask the old cowherd about the cattle raising. As soon as he arrives at the entrance of the village, he meets Xiaolian.

"Xiaolian, when did you leave the hospital?" Xiaolian's face has disappeared.

"Your injuries are not all well. Take more rest these days. When you have a good rest, don't go to work in Wan village. You'd better stay in Xiaowan village and work in a small farm stove!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Yes Xiaolian nodded and said, "I've heard what Zheng Yue said that night. Fugui, thank you. If it wasn't for you, I might not have come back!"

"It's all from the same village, so what do you want to do? And you still work in Xiaowan village. I don't care who cares about you! " Zhao Fugui waved his hand and said, "you have a good rest. If Ma Yong is looking for you, you must tell me about him!"

Xiaolian nodded silently. Ma Yong's story made her sad. After she was injured, no one in her family came to see her, which made her sad even more. Her mother's family just as she is a married daughter splashed out of the water, even though her brother does not care about her.

When Zhao Fugui entered the village, many villagers were busy. When they saw Zhao Fugui, they said hello. Zhao Fugui said hello to them and went directly outside a Farmhouse Inn near Houcun.

"Uncle Niu, are you at home?" Zhao Fugui stood at the door and knocked.

"Who is it?" A bald old man came out of the Farmhouse Inn with a basin. He looked up and saw that it was Zhao Fugui. He quickly said, "Why are you here, Fugui?"

"Uncle Niu, I want to ask you about raising cattle. Our village is going to set up a farm!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Richness, come in and say, come in and say!" The old man quickly welcomed Zhao Fugui in, moved the stool and poured the tea.

The old man's name is Niu Dagui. He is a famous old cowherd in Xiaowan village. He has been raising cattle for most of his life. At first, he raised cattle in the village. Later, when he wanted to build a cattle farm, he went to work in the north. He also herded cattle for people, and herded cattle for the big cattle farmers on the grassland.

Two years ago, I couldn't survive the winter there. I couldn't come back. If you want to say that you are an expert in raising cattle in Qingtian Township, you can't find anyone else except Niu Dagui.

"It's a good thing to run a farm, but it's a big investment, and there are a lot of people needed to build bullpen and recruit workers!" Said the old man.

"Uncle Niu, investment is not a problem. We also have land. On the other side of Dawan village, I'm going to build a cattle farm with 500 mu of land!" Zhao Fugui said.

"The land in Dawan village is very good. If you want to build a cattle farm this year, you have to plant the grassland before it's cold!" Said the old man.

"Today, I will contact the forest farm and the farmers' market to see if they have grass seeds. I have a way to make the grass grow in half a month at the latest." Zhao Fugui said, "Uncle Niu, when the time comes, we'll hire you as the general consultant of our cattle farm. Uncle Niu, you can watch the cattle farm more!"

"What's the matter? Don't worry about wealth. It's on me!" Old man Niu took a puff of dry tobacco and said, "richness, when you buy grass seeds, you should buy ryegrass. Cows like to eat that. Other grass is useless!""Ryegrass? OK, I remember it Zhao Fugui nodded. He thought that as long as it was grass, he didn't expect that the grass the cows ate was different. Fortunately, he came to ask.

"Fugui, where are you going to buy the calf? Do you want to raise beef cattle or farm cattle or cows? " The old man asked again.

"I want to raise some high-quality cattle, beef cattle and farm cattle are not suitable! Originally, I wanted to import some calves from Japan, but Kobe cattle over there are not allowed to be exported, so I have to find a way from home! " Zhao Fugui said helplessly.

"Kobe cattle is good. It's good for others to raise and breed cattle. I went to Japan with my boss to investigate Kobe cattle before. It's really good, but we can't learn the breeding method. The investment is too large and it takes a long time. We can't make a brand for decades!" The old man said, "we have three kinds of beef in Huaxia, one is yellow cattle in plain area, the other is Simmental and Limousin!"

"I know the yellow cattle. Why haven't I heard of the other two kinds of cattle?" Zhao Fugui asked with a frown.

"Because the scale of breeding the other two kinds of cattle in our country is not very large, and the meat is mainly exported after cultivation, so not many people in this field know about it in China! Simmental and Limousin can sell more than 100 catties of meat for export, but who wants more than 100 catties of meat for domestic sale? " Said the old man.

Zhao Fugui said, let alone more than one hundred catties of beef, even five thousand and one catties of beef.

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