Super Monk

Chapter 939

"Why are those birds flying towards us?"

Many villagers were surprised to stop and look up at the sky. Soon they found that there were many kinds of birds in these birds.

There are sparrows, crows, crows, crows, hawks and other birds. These birds don't attack each other when they gather together.

In particular, the eagle did not attack sparrows and other birds. You should know that the eagle usually preys on these small birds, not to mention that different kinds of birds hardly fly together.

"What do you care about those broken birds? Teach the boy a lesson and get rid of him Chen Hong also realized that it was wrong, but he didn't care about the birds at all. He yelled at the gangsters and villagers around him.

"Brother Hong, I'll deal with this boy!" A gangster around Chen Hong yells, grabs the iron pick from a villager and rushes to Zhao Fugui.

This kind of pickaxe is usually used to break the floor. The front end of the pickaxe is very sharp, even the concrete can be broken. If it hits the head of ordinary people, it can even kill people with a hoe.

It's a pity that Zhao Fugui is not an ordinary person. The thug raised his iron pick and smashed it at Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui's eyes were cold, and he stepped forward in a moment, kicking in the Hun's chest.

"Ah The gangster screamed, his chest ribs cracked, and the guy spat out a mouthful of blood and hit the villagers behind him, knocking down a large area of people. More than a dozen people followed him into a rolling gourd.

"Damn it, let's go together. This boy has some ability. Let's go together and chop him!" Chen Hong saw that his gangsters were so useless. His face changed and he quickly retreated to the crowd. He waved his hand fiercely and yelled.

Several gangsters who followed Chen Hong yelled and rushed to Zhao Fugui. At this time, the birds flying from the southeast finally came.

Since he left Chengdu, Zhao Fugui has controlled all the birds along the urban and rural roads for ten miles.

There are a lot of birds in the suburbs of Chengdu. Now it's summer. It's the time when the number of birds is the most. Many large groups of birds are looking for food in the fields on both sides of the urban and rural roads. Zhao Fugui has controlled tens of thousands of birds in one trip.

Several gangsters rush towards Zhao Fugui, and a group of birds hit them like bullets. Several birds even directly hit the gangsters' heads. In an instant, these gangsters scream.

"Ah A gangster wailed and his face became bloody. Several sparrows bravely bumped into the gangster's face and made several blood holes in the gangster's face.

The gangster next to this gangster is even worse. All the time, the crow even talked about his eyes, almost didn't dig out his eyes.

The thug holding his head, crazy rolling on the ground howling, the crow on his head, crazy attack on him.

This guy's eyeball is broken. I'm afraid that even if he is cured, his vision will be greatly affected. If he is blind, he will not be a gangster in the future.

"My God, these birds are crazy. Run Tens of thousands of birds are crazy to attack these hundreds of thousands of people. On average, everyone is attacked by more than ten crazy birds.

It's better to be attacked by sparrows. If you are attacked by some crows or crows, even if you protect your head with your hands, you will be pecked on your hands and body.

in a threatening manner, the villagers threw away their shovel and hoe frames and ran away with no head.

some people are fighting against spades, and many sparrows and crow are killed. But these people can shoot one, two, three, five, but the number of birds is too much. They just shot several of them, and they were all shovel by blood from other birds.

In addition, in the summer, everyone was wearing thin clothes, and their clothes could not stop the attack of the birds. The villagers who were still clamoring to kill Zhao Fugui just now were in a rout and wanted to escape one by one.

"What the hell is going on?" Chen Hong's face was frightened, and he couldn't figure out what was going on. Several birds run into Chen Hong. Chen Hong quickly pulls one of his little brothers in front of him. The little brother is immediately pecked by several birds and his face is covered with blood.

"Brother Hong, brother Hong, help me, help me The little brother was pecked by several birds, and there was an eagle in the birds. With its sharp claws, the eagle left several deep blood marks on the little brother.

Chen Hong only cares about his escape from the attack of the birds, where he cares about his younger brother. He doesn't even see the little brother who is being pecked by the birds rolling on the ground. He bows his head and hides next to the excavator.

"Don't you want to teach me a lesson? Why don't you teach me now? " At this time, Zhao Fugui's cold voice came over and said.

As soon as Chen Hong looked up, he saw that Zhao Fugui was coming, but none of the birds that attacked people attacked Zhao Fugui.

"It's you, it's you Chen Hong cried out in horror. He never thought that Zhao Fugui could control tens of thousands of birds to attack them."What does it matter to me that you are attacked by birds? Can you go to the police and tell them that I let the birds attack you? " Zhao Fugui said with a sneer.

The biggest advantage of psychics is not to let animals hurt people. Even if the animals bite and peck these gangsters to death, it's useless for the police to come. Who can prove that these animals are controlled by Zhao Fugui.

Even if it's said, no one will believe that it's possible for a dog to listen to its owner's orders. Is it possible for hundreds of dogs? What's more, it's these birds and sparrows. It's impossible for these thousands of sparrows and crows to listen to people's orders.

There are no sequelae of using birds to deal with these poachers. What's more, Zhao Fugui didn't want to do it originally. He gave these guys a chance.

However, these villager gangsters thought that Zhao Fugui was a bully and wanted to beat and kill him. On the contrary, they wanted to beat and injure the owner of his land and drive him away. At this point, these people are completely responsible for it.

"You hurt Ma Wenqiang and want to rob my land. If you don't teach me a lesson, you don't know who I am, Zhao Fugui!" Zhao Fugui sneered and walked directly to Chen Hong.

"You are sure to be a sorcerer. Don't come here. Damn it, come and save me!" Chen Hong's face changed greatly when he was scared. He yelled, but the gangsters and the villagers were too busy to take care of him.

"They are all mud Bodhisattvas. It's hard for them to protect themselves when they cross the river. I'll see who can get you!" Zhao Fugui said with disdain.

"Zhao Fugui, don't be happy too soon!" Chen Hong face a ruthless, unexpectedly fierce climb up the excavator, roaring open excavator directly to Zhao Fugui bumped over.

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