Super Monk

Chapter 940

"Brother Hong, don't push me!" Chen Hong drives his excavator into Zhao Fugui madly. In front of the excavator, several gangsters who are being attacked by the birds change their faces. They shout in horror and scramble to escape.

Chen Hong's face is ferocious. He doesn't care whether the gangsters are alive or dead. The excavator directly rolls on the land and rushes to Zhao Fugui.

This huge machine monster with several tons of weight turns the track and rushes to Zhao Fugui fiercely. If it's pressed on him, even the iron beating people can't bear it.

Zhao Fugui coldly looks at the crazy Chen Hong in the cab. His eyes are shining. Several black crows yell and bump into the cab of the excavator.

"Bang, bang!" The cab glass of the excavator made a loud noise when it was hit. A crow's head directly penetrated the cab glass. The crow's head entered the cab and most of its body was still outside the cab glass. While it was shouting, it was crazy to drill into the cab.

A chill came out of Chen Hong's heart, which made him shiver. These birds are crazy. Chen Hong picked up a wrench in the cab and smashed the crow's head.

Then he stepped on the accelerator of the excavator and ran into Zhao Fugui like crazy. He didn't dare to crush Zhao Fugui, but as long as he crushed one of his legs, he was angry.

Excavator crazy rushed to Zhao Fugui in the past, suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Fugui. Zhao fuguimeng sidestepped to hide, lifted Daoli and kicked the track on the right side of the excavator.

"Bang!" The excavator trembled violently. Zhao Fugui used Daoli to kick off the track of the excavator. The excavator limply drove forward for more than ten meters, and then the track on the left side completely fell off from the excavator.

Several excavators are unable to move forward in the huge field.

"Damn it Chen Hong's face changed. I can't believe that Zhao Fugui can break the track of the excavator. It's made of steel. It's not easy to break with a big hammer.

"My God, this guy is too strong to be human!"

"Brother Hong has made a mistake. It's over. This guy must have some Kung Fu!"

"Run, brother Hong is dead. Let's run!" The faces of the gangsters near the excavator changed greatly. One by one, they looked at the scene in horror. They were completely frightened. One by one, holding their heads, they turned around and ran to the side of the mountain. They did not dare to turn back.

"A group of rubbish, I will deal with you when I go back!" Hong elder brother sits in the excavator to see this scene, the facial expression suddenly big change, ferocious curse way.

At this time, a few crows are still madly hitting the cab of the excavator, knocking out cracks on the cab glass of the excavator. I'm afraid it won't take long for them to break the excavator glass.

"Chen Hong, where else do you want to run?" Zhao Fugui walked slowly to the excavator and asked in a deep voice.

Chen Hong originally intended to run away from Zhao Fugui by driving the excavator. He could avoid the attack of birds by hiding in the excavator, but he didn't expect that Zhao Fugui would kick off the track of the excavator. Now he just can't run by driving the excavator.

"You fuckin 'force me, I'll kill you!" Seeing that he couldn't escape, Chen Hong saw that the cab glass of the excavator had been hit with blood and flesh. He suddenly yelled and turned his head to operate the excavator. The big bucket of the excavator directly hit Zhao Fugui.

"You want to die!" Zhao Fugui roared and stirred up his whole body's strength. He didn't dodge. With a ferocious fist, he went straight to the dig.

Zhao Fugui's arms are wrapped by Daoli. The iron and steel digger and Zhao Fugui's fists collide with each other.

"Boom!" There was a huge crash, and the whole excavator trembled. The steel bucket was blown away by Zhao Fugui. The two or three hundred jin bucket flew out and fell more than ten meters away.

"No way, how can it be!" Chen Hong is stunned to see that he has been beaten to the ground. His whole body can't help but shudder. It's impossible for Zhao Fugui to be able to dig with one blow.

Zhao Fugui's fists and the huge sound of digging were like the sound of a roaring gun. The villagers who heard the sound looked back at the scene and ran faster.

The dark crowd in the field ran away like a group of frightened ants, and soon ran clean from the field. There are many blood stains and some birds that are killed in

field. The turquoise raw ore is thrown everywhere before the shovel hoe is gone. These escaped villagers could not even pick up.

Zhao Fugui's feet fell into the soil and slowly took back his fists. He did not expect that he could make so much damage with his full power of Taoism and his body. The excavator's bucket was not only blown away, but also twisted and deformed by his fist, and completely turned into a scrap metal.

Chen Hong's face turned pale as he sat in the excavator, and the thin water ran down the seat. This gangster who thought he was a tourist and was forced to go to jail was scared to pee."Bang!" Zhao Fugui jumped on the excavator directly, smashed the cab glass of the excavator with one punch, and pulled Chen Hong out with one hand.

"Brother Zhao, spare my life. I won't dare to do it next time!" Chen Hong was pulled out by Zhao Fugui holding the glass with one hand and threw it on the ground. He instantly recovered himself and knelt down on the ground to beg for mercy.

"When I speak well, you treat me as Zhao Fugui. You don't know how powerful I am until I do it!" Zhao Fugui light said, "you hurt Ma Wenqiang, Ma Wenqiang work for me is my people, you hurt him, I break your hand not too much?"

"Brother Zhao, please don't do it. I know it's wrong. I won't dare to do it next time!" When Chen Hong saw the bucket of the excavator, he cried and cried.

"If you had known today, why should you have known at the beginning?" Zhao Fugui knows a lot about Chen Hong and their gangsters. He beat them up again and again. He thought you didn't dare to do anything about them and would continue to make trouble.

Zhao Fugui, expressionless, grabs Chen Hong's right hand and abruptly "clicks" Chen Hong's right hand.

"Ah Chen Hong cried out like a woman, holding his broken hand and rolling all over the ground. A stench came out of this guy. He, a guy without eggs, was incontinent.

"OK, it's clear now. Get out of here!" Zhao Fugui hummed coldly.

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