Super Monk

Chapter 941

"I'll go, I'll go!" Chen Hong did not dare to have the slightest nonsense, holding his broken hand, and ran away in a panic.

Excavators, bulldozers are still in the field, no one dares to move, just now the mountains and fields are full of people, in the twinkling of an eye there are few people.

Ma Wenqiang and a group of construction workers can't believe that they saw that the situation that needed a large number of police to maintain just now was scared away by the attack of birds and Zhao Fugui's hand.

What's more, the appearance of the birds just now is too coincidental. If it has nothing to do with Zhao Fugui, the construction workers don't believe it.

Every construction worker is thinking that boss Zhao is definitely not an ordinary person. He is not only good at fighting, but also has a mysterious way to ask the birds to help.

A dense flock of birds chased the villagers and gangsters out of the village for several miles. Then Zhao Fugui scattered the spirit control amulet and let the birds return to freedom.

Nearly ten thousand birds lost the control of the talisman and flew away. In the attack just now, nearly a thousand sparrows and crows were killed. However, with the support of a large number of birds, the number of birds did not decrease much.

Without the attack of the birds, the villagers and gangsters still dare not look back. One by one, they run back to their villages and hide in their homes. When they are attacked by these birds, they will tremble when they even hear the sound of birds on their way home.

"Wen Qiang, let me see your wound!" Zhao Fugui watched Chen Hong run away and didn't care about him. This guy is an example of Zhangji township. He dares to steal turquoise, which is the end.

"Richness, I'm fine, just a little skin injury!" Ma Wenqiang came over with his head covered. His clothes were full of blood. He was attacked by Chen Hong just now.

Zhao Fugui looked at the wound on Ma Wenqiang's head. There was a seven or eight centimeter long wound on his head. The skin around the wound was rolling and there was blood everywhere. Fortunately, it was skin trauma, and it didn't hurt the bone and brain.

"I have a bottle of treatment spray in my car. Get it!" Said Zhao Fugui, a construction worker who stopped by the side of the road and didn't press a key to get out of the car.

"Yes, boss!" The construction worker hurried to the knight fifteen, and after a while, he brought a bottle of treatment spray from the car.

Zhao Fugui took a bottle of worker's mineral water and washed Ma Wenqiang's wound. Then he sprayed the wound with Ma Wenqiang immediately.

treatment spray sprayed on Ma Wenqiang's wound, Ma Wenqiang's wound immediately began to heal, and soon recovered. If it wasn't for the position of the wound, it wouldn't look like it was hurt.

Zhao Fugui treats Ma Wenqiang's wound. He doesn't have to go to the hospital. Twenty or thirty of the other workers were injured, including the broken leg. Most of the others were skin injuries.

"You arrange for two people to take the broken leg worker to the hospital, and I'll take care of the others!" Zhao Fugui said to Ma Wenqiang.

"Good!" Ma Wenqiang quickly nodded, took out his car keys and handed them to two uninjured workers, saying, "you two drive my car and take him to the hospital. The medical expenses are taken from the company's account. I'll pay you 10000 yuan first. If it's not enough, call me again!"

"I see, Margo!" Ma Wenqiang took his bag out of his Mazda car, counted 10000 yuan and gave it to two construction workers, then handed them the keys. Two construction workers took the money and car keys, nodded quickly, and helped the broken worker to the other side of the car.

"Let all the injured workers come and I'll show them!" Zhao Fugui arranges over here, say to Ma Wenqiang again.

"All the injured people come here. Boss Zhao will show you!" Ma Wenqiang nodded and yelled immediately.

the rest of the construction workers were not seriously hurt, almost all of them were skin wounds. Zhao Fugui personally treated them, plus treatment spray.

"I feel uncomfortable today, I'll go to rest. The rest of the people will clear up everything in the fields, pick up turquoise, shovel and hoe together, and burn them up later." After seeing their injuries, Zhao Fugui immediately said, "Ma Wenqiang, please call Zhang Youhu and ask him to arrange another team of construction workers to come here. Today, I will circle the walls for you!"

"Well, I'll call him now! Everyone else listened to Zhao's boss, shovel the spade and hoe, and don't let them come back to pick them up again! Ma Wenqiang immediately yelled.

The construction workers all began to act, and the turquoise was gathered together. Spades and hoes were also picked up. Those villagers and bullies were just those who shovel and shovel. Now these things will never be returned to them.

Ma Wenqiang made a phone call to Zhang Youhu. After more than an hour, Zhang Youhu sent hundreds of construction workers to come here. These workers brought in machines and construction materials, and immediately began to work in full swing.

During this period of time, there was a police car in the police station of Zhangji township. However, the police car just looked at it from a distance, and the police in the car drove away without even getting off the car.Someone must have called the police, but the construction team was beaten by villagers and gangsters, but no one was beaten. Villagers and gangsters were all pecked by birds, and Zhao Fugui was not responsible for the pecking.

What's more, the police of zhangjixiang police station didn't know that Zhao Fugui was not easy to be provoked. Last time he came, half of the police and leaders of zhangjixiang police station were closed for investigation. Let alone no evidence, they didn't want to take care of Zhao Fugui even if there was evidence.

"Rich and noble, don't blame the people in the village. They are afraid of being tossed. In addition, there are only a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people left in Zhaojiagou. The younger ones have gone out to work. They just can't manage it if they want to!" Seven aunt son leg also was thrown, take a lot of people to come over from the village to say.

Just now, when those people in Zhangji Township clashed with the construction workers, only a dozen villagers came to help, but they were not hurt.

Now seeing that Zhao Fugui has driven all the people from Zhangji village away, the villagers in Zhaojiagou feel sorry. They have made a lot of tea, sweet potatoes and corn to feed the construction workers.

"Seven aunts son, a little trifle, need not put on the heart, all right!" Zhao Fugui waved his hand and said that what happened just now had nothing to do with the people in Zhao Jiagou. It's human that they are willing to help, and it's right that they are not willing to help. Zhao Fugui doesn't blame them, as long as they don't help those people in Zhangji Township.

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