Super Monk

Chapter 947

"Zhao, boss Zhao, I won't catch any infectious diseases, will I?" Seeing that Zhao Fugui looked serious, boss Zhang immediately asked nervously.

"Boss Zhao told you not to touch. You really owe your hand. What if you get rabies? I think this bone may have been bitten by rabies. It's only when I get sick that I grow up like this! " The ground climbs son facial expression ugliness of say.

"Rabies? Then I have to get vaccinated! " Zhang's face "Shua" turned white, and he said in a trembling voice.

The incubation period of rabies varies in length. It can occur in one year and half a year in a short time, and it is possible that it will not occur in more than ten or twenty years in a long time. However, whether it occurs early or late, rabies is an incurable disease. If it happens, the patient will die.

"Rabies patients can not grow into such a deformity!" Zhao Fugui said solemnly, "take your hand and I'll have a look!"

Mr. Zhang reaches out his hand. Zhao Fugui touches the pulse of Mr. Zhang. The pulse of Mr. Zhang is normal, and there is no abnormality. Zhao Fugui looks at Mr. Zhang's body with his heavenly eye, but there is no problem.

Zhao Fugui wants to activate the pagoda and let out the disease eaters. The disease eaters devour the disease Qi of boss Zhang. Boss Zhang has many problems, such as kidney deficiency, dampness and cold, and bad lung.

In a short time, the disease eater devoured all the disease gas from boss Zhang. Then he went into the pagoda and disappeared. The disease eater also used it. Zhao Fugui estimated that even if there was something wrong with the skull, it would be OK.

"Boss Zhao, I suddenly feel that my body is much lighter, as if my body is better?" After a while, boss Zhang said in surprise.

"What's the advantage of this bite? Don't talk nonsense here Sanmao turned his eyes and said.

"There should be no problem with your health, but if you feel uncomfortable, call me as soon as possible. If you want to go to the hospital for examination, I will pay for the examination fee!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Check what? I'm a poor man, not so expensive! Don't worry, boss Zhao. This is not a problem! " Zhang said, patting his chest.

"Well, pay attention to yourself. If you don't feel right, just say it. Don't delay!" Zhao Fugui also felt that there should be no problem, nodded and said, "first pick up so many bones, pull them up again!"

There must be something wrong with this strange skull. Zhao Fugui thought about it for a while. It's not suitable to keep this skull here, nor to put it in an ancient tomb. Zhao Fugui is going to take it back first, find a place to put it, and then study it.

"Work, work, Lao Zhang. Pay attention in the future. Don't be so short handed!" The ground climbs son fiercely to stare Zhang eldest brother one eye to shout a way.

They are the people who work underground. They don't want to be short handed. It's easy to get into trouble if they touch things that shouldn't be touched. Boss Zhang has a problem that he can't control his own hands. In the past, he didn't know how much he suffered, but he just can't remember.

"Yes, yes, I remember!" Boss Zhang was also frightened just now. He quickly nodded, not to mention that strange skull, even other ordinary bones, he did not dare to touch.

Zhao Fugui and di Panzi slowly picked up two baskets of bones. He himself took the strange skull and climbed up along the nylon rope. Di Panzi and Lao Zhang also climbed up along the rope, and then pulled up the big basket tied under the rope.

Two baskets of bones were carried into the tomb. Zhao Fugui casually found a rag, wrapped the strange skull, and then entered the tomb.

"Put the bones in those coffins, and the other bones play the role of the graveway. Put some bones everywhere. It's a little scary!" Zhao Fugui said.

"You guys help. Listen to boss Zhao. Hurry up!" The earth climber yelled at several people to put some bones in the tomb.

"Boss Zhao, I think we can get some long-term lights to hit these skulls and nail them on the wall. On the one hand, they can illuminate and on the other hand, they can create an atmosphere!" Sanmao said.

"That's a good idea. You can figure out how to do it yourself. Don't exaggerate it too much!" Zhao Fugui said.

Sanmao reminds Zhao Fugui that the light inside the ancient tomb is very poor, and it doesn't matter if they do something inside, but if they open up a project in Xiaowan village, the light won't work.

All depends on natural light, which means that there is no light. The tomb is too bright or too dark. Zhao Fugui has to install some lighting lights and monitoring in the tomb, otherwise it will be very troublesome for tourists to get lost in it.

Di Panzi arranges several people to arrange the bones in a hurry. Zhao Fugui is ready to leave when he sees that they are almost done here. When di Panzi finishes the work in the ancient tomb, Zhao Fugui is arranging the construction team to install some secret monitoring and lighting.

If all these things are done well, the ancient tomb will be able to be put into use. This place will certainly be very attractive to young tourists.

"If you don't have to worry about the medical expenses, I'll call him if there's any problem." Zhao Fugui said to the climber.

"I know, boss Zhao, it's OK. Don't worry. Just a little bit of injury. We've had more serious things than this before. We'll be fine!" Said the climber.Zhao Fugui nodded, took the strange skull in his rag, turned around and came out of the ancient tomb. He was ready to take the skull back and put it in a safe place, so as not to have any more problems.

Not long after Zhao Fugui left, several people in the ancient tomb were riveting a trap, and one of them suddenly cried out in pain.

"Ah, my hand, you look at it a little bit and drive the nail into my hand!" The man suddenly held his hands and screamed, and blood came out of his hands.

"You nailed it with your hands!" The man in charge of nailing said innocently.

"What the hell are you doing?" On the hand is nailed to bleed the person immediately displeased scold a way.

"Come on, come on, don't make any noise. Hurry to bandage your hands. Fortunately, you use new nails. If you use rusty nails, you must have tetanus!" The ground climbs son to say in a hurry, let a person dress up the wound for the person injured on the hand.

"Lao Zhang, what are you looking at?" Sanmao heard the movement and looked at it. He found that boss Zhang was staring at the man's bleeding hand. His eyes seemed a little red. He suddenly patted boss Zhang on the shoulder and asked strangely.

"No, it's nothing. I'm a little dazed!" Boss Zhang was scared and immediately recovered. The light red in his eyes disappeared immediately. He quickly turned around and went to work.

"Strange!" Sanmao looked at the back of boss Zhang and said to himself strangely.

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