Super Monk

Chapter 948

When Zhao Fugui came down from the mountain, the old man and several workers were busy. Some workers began to harvest grass, some were washing the calves, and some were mixing some feed to add food to the cattle.

These feeds are mainly made from the mixture of Pueraria lobata, Plantago asiatica and Rehmannia glutinosa. This formula comes from Shenzhu society, which is used by several Kobe cattle farms belonging to Shenzhu society.

Zhao Fugui asked Kimura for the formula, but Kimura didn't dare not give it. Although the formula of Chinese herbal medicine eaten by Kobe cattle is confidential, Zhao Fugui spoke. Kimura didn't dare say no.

Pueraria lobata, Plantago asiatica and Rehmannia glutinosa are mixed together to make the feed, which can remove the slight sour taste of beef. Long term eating of calf can also make the fiber of beef finer, which can make the taste of beef better.

Zhao Fugui visited the cattle farm. There were many tourists outside the cattle farm. Many tourists were taking pictures with Simmental cattle in the background of the cattle farm. Zhao Fugui also saw several tourists who only took pictures for the cattle farm.

These tourists attracted Zhao Fugui's attention. Zhao Fugui was about to walk over and have a look. Several tourists soon disappeared in the stream of people.

Moreover, there are many tourists who only take pictures of cattle farms. It seems that they are everywhere. Zhao Fugui doesn't think these cattle are rare, but some people think they are rare.

"Uncle Niu, does the cattle farm arrange people to watch at night?" Zhao Fugui asks the old man who is mixing the ingredients.

With so many people running to the cattle farm, a Simmental is not cheap. Zhao Fugui thinks about the safety of the cattle farm.

"It's arranged that people will sleep in the cattle farm every night, and I'll ask someone to find two local dogs and keep them in the cattle farm to watch the door!" Said the old man.

"Well, it's enough to be watched at night!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said that he didn't care much about it.

After all, calves are not happy fruits and corals. It's worth more than a hundred catties to steal in one night, but it's easy to deal with. It's not particularly valuable to steal them back, and it's not easy to deal with them. It's estimated that there won't be any tourists who want to take advantage of them.

Zhao Fugui turns around the cattle farm and walks along the back village to the sanatorium. Mark is working hard with Sai zhangfei in the warehouse of the sanatorium.

In the last few days, mark has not only lost weight, but also has a lot of black hair. He seems to have not cleaned up for a few days, but he seems to be in a lot of spirit and working hard.

Zhao Fugui can't help nodding at Mark's appearance. If he wants to have this spirit, he can get twice the result with half the effort.

"Richness, I'm going to find you!" When Zhao Fugui walked by the sanatorium, Lin you just came out. Seeing Zhao Fugui, he pulled him aside with a dignified face and said in a deep voice, "I just received the news that Jin Wuhai is leaving for central China. It is estimated that he will arrive at the provincial capital at noon today!"

"Is he really here?" Zhao Fugui said in surprise.

"Not only Jin Wuhai, but also his son, the legitimate son of the Jin family, came with him. The second generation and the third generation of the core members of the Jin family are all here. It's not a good idea! " Lin You sighed and said.

If only Jin Dashao comes, Lin you is fully confident that he can hold him down. But if Jin Wuhai, the owner of the Jin family, comes, Lin you is a generation worse than him and a lot worse in identity. Lin you can't hold Jin Wuhai down.

If you want to suppress Jin Wuhai, you have to have a big man of the Lin family come forward, but the big man of the Lin family can't move lightly. Moreover, Zhao Fugui's life-saving kindness to Lin you, and Lin You's appearance on behalf of the Lin family is to repay this kindness. I'm afraid it's not so easy for the Lin family to suppress Jin Wuhai.

The Lin family is not monolithic. Although Lin you is the legitimate son of the Lin family, he has been seriously ill since he was a child. The focus of the Lin family's training is not him at all. The resources of the Lin family have been tilted to him only recently when he has recovered from his illness. In fact, Lin You's status in the third generation of the Lin family is not the highest.

When Lin you was ill, many people didn't pay attention to him, but when he got well, it also affected the interests of many people in the Lin family. These rich families' gratitude and resentment made it difficult for Lin you to explain to Zhao Fugui, and he didn't want to explain to Zhao Fugui. Even if he told Zhao Fugui, Zhao Fugui couldn't help.

"Jin Dashao dares to come here. He's not afraid of death!" Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed and said coldly. Last time, Zhao Fugui sent ghost generals to kill Jin Dashao's Pagani.

But Jin Dashao is lucky. He has a treasure to protect his body. He was not killed by the ghost. In addition, when Zhao Fugui was leaving the magic capital, the ghost general almost went beyond the control of the pagoda. Zhao Fugui could only take away the ghost general immediately and didn't let it continue to attack.

But if Jin Dashao thinks that he can resist the attack of the ghost general with his body protection treasure, that's a big mistake. The ghost general can't kill Jin Dashao with one knife, but with two knives, three knives, five knives and ten knives, he can always cut off Jin Dashao's treasure and kill him.

As long as he is not mentally handicapped, he will surely understand this, but he dares to come here. It seems that he should have something to rely on.

"Rich and noble, don't mess about. Jin Ruyu is the legitimate son of the Jin family. Her identity is totally different from Jin Peng's illegitimate son. Even if Jinpeng gets the love of Mr. Jin again, he is just a illegitimate son. Jin Ruyu is different. His own son is his own son. If you kill Jin Ruyu, no one can mediate, and the Jin family will try every means to take revenge on you Lin you said quickly."As long as Jin Dashao doesn't seek his own death, I won't touch him, but if his family is determined to kill me, don't blame me for being cruel and cruel!" Zhao Fugui said coldly.

Although Zhao Fugui's current power is far less than that of the Jin family, if Zhao Fugui takes revenge on the Jin family, it can be said that he can kill all the Jin family.

But the disadvantage of doing that is that Zhao Fugui's family and friends will be implicated, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to have a foothold in China in the future, so Zhao Fugui also has scruples, and he doesn't want to do that unless he has to.

"Wealth, don't worry. I won't let the Jin family touch you easily here! And now Jin Wuhai is just in the provincial capital. Maybe he won't come to Chengdu. As long as he doesn't come to Chengdu, he will be OK! " Lin you saw Zhao Fugui's murderous appearance and quickly advised him.

Although the Jin family is only one of the big families, there are not many people in China who dare to touch the children of the Jin family. But Zhao Fugui said that if he killed Jin Peng, he would kill him.

Lin you is afraid that Zhao Fugui will kill Jin Ruyu in his anger. Then he can't stop Jin's revenge.

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