Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 1000: Huge tentacles

Time flies, and the sky gradually darkens in the blink of an eye. Lin Burns, who has been practicing, is not sure how long it has passed, but since staying on the back of this giant snapping turtle in mountains and seas, he is very safe. Indeed, no alien beast dared to harass.

Originally, Lin Ran thought that as long as the mountain and sea giant snapping turtle was solved, he could quickly see the stele and enter the depths of the Qingling Sea. But now that I think about it, it is completely wrong. Even after the mountain and sea giant snapping turtle is solved, he still needs Go ahead for a long time.

Therefore, it was really a wise choice to subdue this giant snapping turtle in the mountains and seas.

But at this moment, the mountain and sea giant snapping turtle, which was moving fast, stopped immediately.

This sudden stop caused Lin Ran and Meng Zhishan, who were in the cultivation state, to wake up one after another. At the same time, the two strange beasts beside them opened their eyes for the first time.


The mountain and sea giant snapping turtle roared at the front.

When Lin Ran saw the giant snapping turtle behaving like this, he immediately looked forward, and his pupils suddenly shook.

At this moment, not far in front of the giant snapping turtle in the mountains and seas, there was a huge stone monument standing on the surface of the sea, which represented that Lin Ran and Meng Zhishan had successfully entered the depths of the Qingling Sea.

At the same time, after entering here, Lin Ran obviously felt that everything around him was quiet, even the sea level was very calm, there were no waves, and even the sea breeze disappeared, which looked very strange.

"finally reached!"

Lin Ran looked at the stone stele in front of him, and the star spirit power armor on his body appeared vaguely. The Xuanguang Liehuofeng on the side also lit up with a golden flame, ready to start fighting at any time.

"I didn't expect that there was actually a huge stele standing in the sea. How is it placed here, and it can be directly inserted into the bottom of the sea, the plane of this stele is too big, this is simply a miracle."

It was also the first time Meng Zhishan saw this peculiar stele, and couldn't help exclaiming.

But since Lin Ran said before, as long as you see this stone tablet, it means that you have entered the depths of the Qingling Sea, which means that the terrifying overlord alien beast may be nearby, so Meng Zhishan immediately became vigilant. A purple celestial armor appeared on his body.

At the same time, in her hands, the Broken Poison Blade also emerged, and the colorful Saint Poison Butterfly beside her was also ready to fight at any time.


After the mountain and sea giant snapping turtle arrived here, he no longer dared to move for half a step, and kept roaring.

"Don't worry, your task has been completed, and you have done a good job. You can leave as soon as the alien beast hasn't appeared yet."

After Lin Ran finished speaking, the star spiritual power armor on her body immediately materialized, and at the same time it turned into gold, and flew directly into the air. Seeing this, Meng Zhishan also followed Lin Ran and flew into the air, and their strange beasts were also at the same time. , Left the back of the mountain and sea giant snapping turtle.

After seeing them all left, the mountain and sea giant snapping turtle was relieved and immediately dived into the sea and left here quickly.

After the mountain and sea giant snapping turtle left, Lin Ran and Meng Zhishan were still suspended in the air, wanting to see if the strange beast would appear.

However, the surroundings are still very quiet, and there is still no movement.

"Since you don't show up, then I will look for you!"

After looking around for a while, Lin Ran didn't find any strange beasts, and said to Meng Zhishan behind him: "You are waiting here. I will go and take a look near the stone tablet."

Meng Zhishan didn't speak, nodded slightly, and looked around with alert.

However, Lin Ran led Xuan Guanglie Huofeng to fly towards the stele, but just after Lin Ran approached the stele, the originally unusually calm sea suddenly began to surge.

Not only that, even the weather has undergone abrupt changes, and a whole thunderous sound has begun to sound. At the same time, it is accompanied by waves of sea breeze, and it seems that a storm is about to start soon.

"Finally coming!"

Lin Ran stopped immediately and said solemnly.

"I gave you the opportunity to leave, so you didn't cherish it, then don't let me!" Suddenly, a low voice came from the bottom of the sea.

At the same time, a huge whirlpool immediately formed on the surface of the sea directly in front of Lin Ran, which was very attractive, and seemed to be able to **** everything in. If it weren't for Lin Ran's celestial power armor to resist, I'm afraid it would have already happened. Was sucked in.

"It seems that this rumor is also true, there is a huge vortex in the depths of Qinglinghai, which can swallow everything."

Lin Ran urged the star's spiritual power to resist the attraction of this vortex, and said solemnly.

"To have such a cultivation base, it seems that I underestimated you, but no matter how strong your cultivation base is, there is no chance of winning in my field."

"All the humans who broke into here, go to death!"

As soon as the low voice finished speaking, four huge dragon-like tentacles stretched out directly from the bottom of the sea, and slammed them fiercely at Lin Ran!

"I'm going! What is this!"

Lin Ran was still resisting the attraction of this whirlpool, and was shocked when he saw these four giant dragon-like tentacles.

But Lin Ran's reaction was also extremely fast, the star ring in his hand flashed immediately, the dragon soul thunder sword appeared immediately, and at the same time it immediately turned into a golden dragon, fighting with these tentacles.

"The waiting is for a moment, go all out!"

As soon as Lin Ran's voice fell, his hands immediately began to print, activating the five kinds of alien beasts to increase the BUFF, and the alien beasts became mad.

"The origin of fire, start!"

After the increase in BUFF, Lin Ran also immediately let Xuan Guanglie Huofeng activate the skill of the advanced alien beast armor.

"Qiang Qiang!~"

After Xuan Guanglie Huofeng received Lin Ran's boost, his whole body's aura skyrocketed, and at the same time a flame-like alien beast armor emerged from Xuan Guanglie Huofeng's body.

Today's Xuan Guanglie Huofeng relies on these increases, even if the current cultivation base is only Tier 9, but it has the strength of the quasi-sacred beast level for a short time, and does not lose the seven-star Golden Thunder Tiger.

After that, Xuan Guanglie Huofeng broke free of the vortex's adsorption power in one fell swoop, rushed to the huge tentacles, using powerful fire skills, and attacking frantically.

Meng Zhishan, who was always vigilant on the side, also reacted immediately. Under her command, the Seven-Color Saint Poison Butterfly also showed a different animal armor. At the same time, Meng Zhishan's increase, erupted in full cooperation with Xuan Guanglie Huofeng to attack these huge tentacles. .

"I didn't expect that the overlord in the depths of Qinglinghai would be a huge octopus!"

"With just four tentacles, it is already like four giant dragons over ten meters long. No wonder that even the giant snapping turtles as large as the mountains and seas dare not approach."

Lin Ran said solemnly at this time.


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