Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 1001: Plan negotiation

"Do you know what kind of octopus monster this is?"

Seeing Xuan Guanglie Huofeng and Colorful Sacred Poison Butterfly, while fighting fiercely with these huge octopus tentacles, Lin Ran took the opportunity to ask what the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon was. In this way, he first discovered its weaknesses and had to do it. response.

"First of all, in the information and memory I have, the blue sea star has never had such a huge octopus from ancient times. The largest species is called the devil octopus."

"But compared to this one, the size of the Demon King Octopus is still too small, and the patterns on the tentacles are different. Obviously this octopus on the bottom of the sea should not be the Demon King Octopus at this time. As for what it is, I I'm not sure yet, I need to observe it."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon carefully observed these huge tentacles through Lin Ran's eyes.

"You said that there is no such a huge octopus, would it be a mutation?"

"For example, an octopus monster of ordinary size accidentally gained part of the power in the ruins, which caused its body to mutate and become as huge as it is now?"

"Furthermore, the patterns on these tentacles are very similar to the dragon scales on the dragon creatures. After the mutated size is increased, they really look like giant dragons. Are there any octopus tentacles with similar dragon scale patterns? "

When Lin Ran heard that the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon did not dare to determine what kind of strange beast it was, he immediately had this idea, that is, this strange octopus must be mutated!

"If you say so, it's possible."

Upon hearing this, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon also said with approval.

"There is indeed a kind of octopus with dragon-scale patterned tentacles. The name is dragon-marked octopus. However, the dragon-marked octopus has crimson tentacles, but these huge tentacles in front of you have dragon-scale patterns. It's black."

"If the dragon octopus is mutated, it may not only be mutated, it may even have changed its own attributes."

"It is very likely that you have mastered the attributes of the devil!" Zihuang Zulong added.

"Then it seems that it is the dragon-marked octopus after the mutation. I didn't expect it to be so powerful. I understand that this dragon-marked octopus is just a water system monster of the ninth-order bloodline. Under normal circumstances, it is simply Can't match the previous giant snapping turtle in mountains and seas."

"But this is different, and the strength is a bit too strong, even if it's just its four huge tentacles, it is enough to resist the Profound Light, Fiery Phoenix, and the Colorful Sacred Poison Butterfly in its heyday."

"With this kind of cultivation base, I'm afraid it will be infinitely close to the real monster-level alien beast. In other words, it may not be called the dragon-marked octopus, it should be called the dragon-marked octopus king!" Lin Ranzhen Shi's face immediately became heavy.

Although Xuan Guanglie Huofeng is also of the quasi-sacred beast-level bloodline, the actual cultivation base is only ninth level. After some increase, it can be dealt with facing the beast-level alien beasts, but this dragon king octopus king is different. Almost already a monster of the beast level.

The only one who can deal with it is the Seven-Star Golden Thunder Tiger under the perfect increase, but the Seven-Star Golden Thunder Tiger cannot fight on the sea surface, so it can only rely on Lin Ran's own strength.

Seeing Lin Ran’s heavy expression on the side, Meng Zhishan couldn’t help but worry. According to her understanding of Lin Ran, after determining what the alien beast was, she should have rushed over to fight, but now she hasn’t. Instead he hesitated.

It can be seen that this huge octopus must be very powerful, so Lin Ran has to plan a bit before he can make a move. He must not be reckless, otherwise he will be buried in the Qingling Sea.

However, Meng Zhishan didn't bother Lin Ran's thinking, just watched vigilantly from the side, waiting for Lin Ran's instructions.

"Since it is determined that it may be a dragon-marked octopus, what habitual combat methods does this alien beast have? Or is there any weakness?" Lin Ran pondered for a moment, and continued to inquire about the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon.

In Lin Ran’s opinion, although this dragon-stripe octopus is very powerful, it should still be a dragon-stripe octopus in nature. The weakness in its bones should not disappear. As long as this weakness can be found, then it will be better to defeat it. Grasped.

"The usual combat technique of the dragon octopus is actually to use these eight dragon-like tentacles to attack the enemy, and these eight tentacles are so hard that it is not easy to cut them off."

"At the same time, the dragon octopus is also very good at using the surrounding environment. It often chooses to roll up the boulders on the bottom of the sea with its tentacles, or use some silent ships to bombard its opponents. This dragon octopus is so huge, once it rolls up the boulders on the bottom of the sea, it must be It is also very huge, and I am afraid that you will be finished in an instant."

"Therefore, it is necessary to avoid these possible boulders, ships, etc., and the dragon octopus does have a weakness, that is its head!"

"This is also the weakness of all octopus monsters. They have very powerful tentacles, but their heads are relatively fragile. They usually bury their heads on the bottom of the sea and use their tentacles to reach out to attack the enemy."

"If you can get close to its head and use the dragon soul thunder sword to make a heavy blow, then this dragon king octopus must be finished!" Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon responded.

"Attacking its head?"

"Under normal circumstances, the octopus's head is actually its body. The structure inside is very complex and will protect it very well. At present, there are only four tentacles, and four more are on the bottom of the sea. impossible."

Lin Ran had also considered the weakness that Zihuang Zulong said, but it was indeed very difficult to implement, and it was almost impossible.

And for such a huge dragon-stripe octopus, if Lin Ran gets close to it, it doesn't even need to take a shot, just open its mouth and **** it, and it can instantly swallow Lin Ran with no bones left!

"Wait! Open your mouth and take a breath?"

"I seem to have a way." Lin Ran said suddenly with his eyes brightened.

"Are you sure you want to do this? The risk is very high, and you can't guarantee that you will enter its body, will it be dissolved and extinct immediately, the huge vortex that appeared on the sea before, I think it is most likely that it opened its mouth and sucked. Forming."

"Think about what ships, boulders, etc., it swallows directly without hesitation. What's more, if you are a human being, if you are swallowed and dissolved and digested by it in an instant, then I can't save you in time."

After hearing Lin Ran's crazy behavior, Zihuang Zulong quickly reminded.

"I know what you said, but this is indeed the only way to defeat it. Once I enter its body, I can directly use the Dragon Soul Thunder Sword to inflict heavy damage inside its body. This is comparable to attacking it many times outside. It works."

"Furthermore, I have the materialized astral power armor, as well as the Seven Sacred Thunder Body and other supreme ancient secret arts blessings. It must be extremely strong and absolutely impossible to be dissolved and digested instantly. As long as it is not dissolved instantly, then this method can be used. It succeeded!"

"At that time, it will definitely be in pain, even if I don't vomit me out, I have the ability to break it!"

Lin Ran's eyes were firm, and his fists clenched unconsciously.


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