Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 1017: To the eastern suburbs

"Too hateful, I must seek revenge from them!"

Meng Zhishan said angrily after hearing about this Zhao family.

If it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of this Zhao family, his father wouldn't have had an accident at all, and he wouldn't have become the way he is now. In any case, Meng Zhishan couldn't swallow this breath.

"You can't act rashly. There is a person in this Zhao family who is very powerful and has reached the nine-star peak. If you rashly seek revenge from them, you will be surprised."

"Furthermore, after the exposure of the Zhao family, they must have left Linhai City. I'm afraid they won't be able to find it at all. Now they can only rest and rest for a while."

Although Meng Linghan was also very unwilling in his heart, the reality was right in front of him. At present, there was no revenge at all, and he could only bear it.

"It is true that you cannot act rashly. This Zhao family is clearly a demon, and there are also very powerful demon in the family. Normally, this demon energy cannot be covered at all, and they can never let it be discovered, I think It must be hidden by some special means."

"If there is a way to perfectly cover up the devilish energy, it may be on the blue sea star, it is not just a Zhao family."

Lin Ran said solemnly.

At the same time, all the Meng clan members present also had heavy faces.

"Hey, what Lin Xiaoyou said is right. Since there is a Zhao family that can conceal the devilish energy, it is very likely that there are many such families in other cities of Blue Sea Star, and even our Linhai City still exists."

"This is also the reason why the Lord of the City has not acted for the time being, in order to jointly investigate with other cities to find out what can cover the devilish energy." Meng Linghan sighed slightly and said.

"Senior Meng, I want to ask where you used to fight against the devil?"

Lin Ran looked at Meng Linghan and asked.

"The specific location is in the eastern outskirts of Linhai City, where there is a small mountain peak. At the half waist of the mountain peak, there is a black crack similar to a time-space crack, but after entering it is not a normal time-space crack, but entered. A place similar to an enchantment."

"It's the environment that I have described as having a dark castle palace. Although this is obviously a trap, I always feel that the real Black Demon Temple may be like this."

"It's a pity that the black crack has disappeared. Xiaoyou Lin is going to investigate?" Meng Linghan asked curiously.

"Well, since it's here, let's drop in and take a look. Anyway, those demons have already evacuated, maybe they can find something."

Lin Ran nodded slightly and said.

"I am coming too!"

Meng Zhishan immediately stood up when he heard the words, and said.

"No, it's fine for me to go alone, and your father still needs your care. It's better not to leave at this stage. I'll just go and take a look. There will be no danger."

Lin Ran smiled at Meng Zhishan and said.

Meng Zhishan glanced at Lin Ran, then at his weak father, and finally nodded obediently.

"Ling Qiu, take Xiaoyou Lin to the eastern suburbs of Linhai City."

Seeing Lin Ran insisting on checking it out, Meng Linghan couldn't say anything, and said to a man who looked a little like him next to him.

"Okay, big brother, I'll send Xiaoyou Lin there." The man nodded and walked out the door.

After Lin Ran hugged Meng Linghan, he followed the man and left Meng's house.


"Thank you, Senior Meng."

After driving for a while, Lin Ran came to the east gate of Linhai City and said to the man who was driving.

As for this man, Lin Ran already knows who he is. It is Meng Linghan’s younger brother Meng Lingqiu. Compared with Meng Linghan’s strength, he is much weaker. He has only just reached the level of nine stars, but even if it’s just this cultivation base, it is already in the eyes of normal people. Be regarded as the top powerhouse.

"You are welcome, Lin Xiaoyou is my benefactor of the Meng family. I will definitely help from the Meng family if there is a need in the future." Meng Lingqiu said with a smile at Lin Ran.

"Well, I'm leaving, goodbye Senior Meng."

Lin Ran hugged fists at Meng Lingqiu, then strode out of the city gate and entered the eastern suburbs.

The eastern outskirts of Linhai City are actually not very big. Lin Ran saw the small mountain peak mentioned by Meng Linghan at a glance, so the goal was very clear. The cyan star spirit armor immediately appeared on his body, running around. Qianyuan controlled the wind, and flew quickly towards the small mountain peak.

After a while, Lin Ran successfully reached the half waist of this small mountain peak.

This small mountain looks very peaceful and peaceful, and there are many alien beasts living around, but they are all those of lower rank, basically all beasts below rank 6 and 7, which are very suitable for those low-star beasts. The teacher came here to capture the alien beast.

"What do you think is the situation of the Zhao family?"

Lin Ran wandered around halfway up the mountain, and found no abnormalities, and said to the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon in his mind.

"According to common sense, whether it is a human or an alien, as long as it becomes a demon or a magical beast, the magical aura on the body must be unconcealable.

So basically, he would deliberately hide from others, but it’s a bit weird that Zhao’s family can be exposed to the crowd at will without being spotted. "

The current memory of Zihuang Zulong does not have this information, so he said in a puzzled manner: "I guess it might be some kind of demon's technique, or some kind of treasure, otherwise it's really unexplainable."

"But now that I have discovered this, it is really very possible that there are many hidden demons in the blue sea star, which is really very unfavorable."

"If there is a war in the future, if these guys suddenly turn back, it must be a devastating blow, and it must be discovered as soon as possible."

Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon said solemnly.

"Yes, this is also the most worrying point. So far, only this Zhao family has been exposed. If you want to discover the secrets in it, you can only find out where the Zhao family is hidden. If you can find it, you must use your ability. It’s not difficult to discover the secret."

Lin Ran talked with Zihuang Zulong as he walked.

"Yes, as long as you can find a member of the Zhao family, I can definitely detect it, but I guess this secret is the highest secret of their demon. This Zhao family must have returned to the Black Demon Palace. It's hard to find out!"

Zihuang Zulong sighed with emotion.

"By the way, the black crack mentioned earlier, what black castle palace is inside, what exactly will it be? Is it possible that the real Black Demon Temple looks like this?"

Lin Ran suddenly remembered something and asked Zihuang Zulong.

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