"The black crack was opened up by the ancient super-powerful monsters, so the black castle is probably the Black Demon Temple. It can be hidden in this special space. No wonder no one has discovered it for tens of thousands of years."

"I was deliberately exposed to them this time. I guess it should be a trap, and the Black Demon Temple inside should be an illusion. After it is obtained, it is useless, so the illusion here has disappeared."

"Unfortunately, if I was there at the time, I would definitely be able to find something, so that it might be possible to find out where the real Black Demon Temple is in Linhai City."

Zihuang Zulong said slightly regretful.

"Hey, it seems that this demon is far more cunning than we thought. He deliberately exposed an illusion to attract Linhai City powerhouses to enter, so that he can catch them all in one go. Fortunately, the Linhai City Lord has notified the others in time. Come, the master of the city, otherwise it will really be over."

"But it's really weird. Obviously there is such a good opportunity, but the so-called hall master has never appeared. The same was true in other cities a few times before."

"I don't know what kind of medicine they sell in Demon Gourd." Lin Ran said puzzledly.

Regardless of whether Yunhe City was besieged by the demon at first, or the demon of Yaoguang City caused a tide of beasts, and then the demon of Linhai City set a trap, none of these so-called sub-temple masters had ever appeared, and the only time was in Xuan. Midtown, but it happened that only a blood claw appeared, and nothing else was known.

I have to say that these hall masters are really too mysterious. If Lin Ran hadn’t really experienced it when he was attacked by blood claws, he would even doubt if these hall masters didn’t exist at all, otherwise what? May miss so many good opportunities.

"Often the more weird the signs, the more they represent the secrets of the Black Demon Temple, I'm afraid it's brewing some big plan." The purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon's voice echoed in Lin Ran's mind.

"Forget it, don't want that much, I will continue to explore for a while, if I find nothing, I will go back."

Soldiers will block the water and cover up the earth. No matter what ulterior secrets they have, they will eventually have to face it. They can only continue to improve their strength.

If it is not found here, then Lin Ran decided to return to the store in Xuanzhong City first, forge the original water armor, and then let the store manager cultivate the water spirit beast on his behalf, and hand it over to Lin Shanshan in the future.

By the way, you can also take the blood of the demon and poisonous dragon python and the blood of the green thunder basalt previously obtained, and at the same time let the basalt beetle be subdued, let it evolve into a basalt beast, thereby further enhancing Lin Ran's current strength.

In this way, only the Bone Demon General is left in Lin Ran’s hands that has not yet evolved. Lin Ran is not anxious about it, because the inheritance of the eastern region is bound to be inherited, and by then, it will naturally change. Cheng is very powerful.


About half an hour later, Lin Ran ran the Qianyuan Wind Control Technique to observe the small mountain peak inside and out. However, the small mountain peak was still very calm and did not find anything. Lin Ran And therefore had to leave.

But when Lin Ran decided to return to Linhai City, he suddenly noticed a group of unidentified people coming from the front.

Although this group of unidentified people looked very ordinary in their costumes, the head of the person exuded good celestial spirit power fluctuations. The five or six people behind them were almost all beast trainers, and their breath was good.

Obviously, these people suddenly came here for a purpose, so Lin Ran, who was accustomed to vigilance, immediately lifted the celestial spirit power armor and landed on the mountain halfway up to watch from a distance.

Under Lin Ran’s observation, this group of people did not enter the mountain peak, but stopped at the foot of the mountain peak. Except for the one headed, the others scattered around, as if guarding the surroundings. .

At the same time, the first gray-haired man also started looking for something at the foot of the mountain, making Lin Ran even more surprised.

But just when Lin Ran was surprised, the voice of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon suddenly remembered in his mind.

"Are these guys weird?"

Purple Phoenix Zulong said in a slightly excited tone.

"Oh? What do you say?"

Lin Ran was shocked and asked quickly.

"The person in the lead, although he looks like a normal beast trainer, and his cultivation is also at Jiuxing, but I vaguely feel a hint of magic and magic from him!"

"For the time being, it's not clear whether something is coming out of him, or it is coming out of him, and it's very thin, but I think it's enough."

"It is absolutely impossible for a normal person to carry things from a demon. Obviously, he should be a demon. Although the others do not exude a magical atmosphere, they are obviously in the same group, which is enough to prove that they are very good. It may be that, the weird member of the Zhao family."

Originally, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon was still planning how to find these hidden demons, but he unexpectedly encountered it by chance, which made it very surprised.

"Great, I didn't expect to be able to meet this way, it seems that even God is helping us."

Lin Ran's expression also showed excitement when he heard this.

Afterwards, Lin Ran restrained his aura and slowly moved towards the foot of the mountain in order not to stun the snake.


"Patriarch, the hall master asked us to come and find the missing thing, where is it?"

"Yeah, if you can't find it, let's leave as soon as possible. Now this small mountain is closely watched by the Linhai City government. Maybe there is an army patrolling nearby. Once it is found, it will be over."

Several men in charge of vigilance said nervously at the gray-haired man headed.

"What is it!"

The gray-haired man shouted sternly: "We have the Black Demon Temple's secret magic body, and the devilish energy on our body has long been hidden. Those ignorant humans can't detect it at all. Even if we look for it on this mountain, it won't cause anyone. Doubts."

"Furthermore, our identities have long since changed, and even our faces have changed. Now in front of those humans, I am an extremely powerful nine-star powerhouse. They all respect me extremely. How could it be possible? doubt?"

"Don't talk nonsense, just look for it for me. If there is no foot of the mountain, I will immediately go to the mountainside and top to find it. In a word, this thing is extremely important to the Black Demon Temple. You must find it!"


As soon as the gray-haired man at the head fell off, the five or six younger brothers beside him nodded one after another, and then quickly scattered towards the surroundings.

"Ahem, what are some of you doing? Is there something missing? Would you like me to help you?"

When the enthusiasm that these demons were looking for was in full swing, Lin Ran calmly walked out from the side.


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