Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 223: Destroy the World Thunder Tiger

At this time, the thundering power of the World Extinguishing Thunder Tiger is constantly surging, and a pair of tiger pupils are full of warfare, and when the mouth is opened, several violent lightning sprays out. At the same time, the Liuying Magic Moon Dog on the side also wants to do it, but World Exterminating Thunder Tiger directly stood in front of it and shook his head at it.

Lin Ran naturally understood what Leihu meant, and he was obviously provoked with a strong will to fight. You must know that Thunder Tiger originally mutated after receiving the blessing of the dragon god, and it has become The legendary guardian of the dragon **** possesses a trace of the consciousness of the dragon **** in his body. As the supreme dragon clan alien beast, will he be provoked by this mixed dragon?

Therefore, under the stimulation of the dragon **** consciousness, the original tiger clan alien beast's Destroying Thunder Tiger became even more warlike and angry.

"Second treasure, look at it from the side, Dabao wants to fight this stupid dragon." Lin Ran quickly sent his thoughts to Liuying Magic Moon Dog.

The Liuying Magic Moon Dog nodded slightly, with a restrained manner, silently walked to the side and climbed down, looking at it comfortably.

The other strange beasts on the side saw the monstrous aura emanating from the World Exterminating Thunder Tiger, and all stopped, seeming to understand what the World Exterminating Thunder Tiger wants to do, so they stepped back one after another. , Handed over the battlefield to it.

The violent and raging lightning bombarded the Blood Demon Flood Dragon frantically, making it feel a bit of danger, and quickly spit out a fire dragon flame to resist.

But the Blood Demon Flood Dragon never expected that the power of these violent and raging lightning was too great, and his own fire dragon flame was suppressed by it, and it was slowly going out at this time?

In desperation, the Blood Demon Flood Dragon immediately lifted its claws, lifting the surrounding boulders, and bombarding them with the lightning. After a loud noise, the lightning finally disappeared, but the Blood Demon Flood Dragon became even more angry at this time. , I was so flustered by this little tiger?

What a joke!

The Blood Demon Flood Dragon went mad and forced its aura to skyrocket. His whole body was constantly burning. At the same time, a trace of black aura continuously radiated from his body, fused with the raging flames, and the original bright red flames turned completely black at this time. At the same time, these dark flames burned more and more fiercely. After a roar of the dragon, these black flames seemed to have spirituality. At this time, they were all separated, forming a black flame dragon in the air. Looks like, madly sweeping towards the Destroying Thunder Tiger.

"The black flame dragon roars, it's interesting." Lin Ran smiled slightly when he saw the huge black flame dragon, and didn't care at all. On the contrary, because of the powerful power erupting in this place, the ordinary strange beasts did not dare at all. Approaching, after confirming that there was no danger, Lin Ran walked to the Liuying Magic Moon Dog comfortably, lying on its stomach, watching the battle.

Seeing the black inflammation in the sky, Thunder Tiger didn't care at all. At this time, the power of the thunder was surging out all over his body. The black and golden hairs all over his body turned to gold at this time, and the words "thunder" on his eyes and on the top of his head also kept appearing. With the golden light, after roaring at the sky, he immediately provoked, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the thunder continued to gather.

Thunder Tiger Claw!

The World Extinguishing Thunder Tiger suddenly jumped on the back of the black flame dragon, and despite the fierce black flame burning, it could not harm the World Extinguishing Thunder Tiger at all. It was all golden light gathered by the power of this layer of thunder. Put an end to it, and then the huge tiger claws directly tore the black flame dragon to pieces.

The Blood Demon Flood Dragon was terrified at this time. Because the Black Flame Dragon was connected to its consciousness, when the Black Flame Dragon was torn apart, it was also affected. A mouthful of blood came out from the corner of its mouth, and instinctively took two steps back. .

However, the attack of the Destroying Thunder Tiger is not over yet.

Shadowless Thunder Prison!

After the World Exterminating Thunder Tiger shredded the black flame dragon, it did not stop in the slightest. The thunder power of the whole body continued to radiate. After a long roar, the strong thunder power was gathered in those dark clouds. As if they had received some instructions, they all moved towards the retreating Blood Demon Flood Dragon.

Lightning flashes like a prison, surrounding the Blood Demon Flood Dragon, and at the same time madly bombarding the Gore Demon Flood Dragon. It was originally injured. At this time, facing such a thunder prison, the bombardment was even more serious, and the whole body was extremely hard. The dragon scales were massively broken at this time. Without the protection of the dragon scales, these lightning bolts directly bombarded its flesh, immediately splashed with blood, and the miserable dragon's roar echoed in everyone's ears.

Ou Chen and others naturally saw this astonishing scene, and they were all dumbfounded and horrified.

Their view of cognition was completely subverted at this time!

The Liuying Magic Moon Dog, who originally thought it was the main force, didn't even need to make a move?

How could it be possible to severely injure the Blood Demon Flood Dragon by relying on a world-destroying thunder tiger that had just grown up to the seventh rank? The fighting power that broke out in this way is probably not weaker than those real ninth-ranked monsters.

Doesn't this mean that Lin Ran's World Destroying Thunder Tiger possesses a super combat power that can cross two major levels!

And this is just the Destroying Thunder Tiger, the canine king Liuying Magic Moon Dog, at this time, is still extremely comfortable lying with Lin Ran comfortably?

This can explain a problem, that is, Lin Ran is really too strong, at least everyone on the field can not be his opponent!

"What a terrible combat power!"

After seeing such a scene, they all had only one sentence in their hearts.

Under the frantic bombardment of the Shadowless Thunder Prison, the Blood Demon Flood Dragon's whole body was wounded and dying. Except for the heart-protecting dragon scales on the chest, almost all the rest fell off, and the remnants became charcoal. Any defensive effect.

Other animals watching the battle naturally saw the dying Blood Demon Flood Dragon, so they stopped watching the battle immediately. How could such a good opportunity not come?

At this time, World Exterminating Thunder Tiger also saw that the battle was almost over, so they did not stop them from entering the battlefield, and allowed them to attack the dying Blood Demon Flood Dragon. Soon, the scene became a one-sided crush. .

After a while, the battle was over. After the blood demon dragon roared in pain, he fell down unwillingly. Its whole body was bloody, blood stained the ground, and the heart-protecting dragon scales on its chest were all covered. Pulling it out, when its huge head smashed into it weakly, the World Exterminating Thunder Tiger also saw the timing, and immediately jumped, rushed over with a low growl, and bit its head.

The dying Blood Demon Flood Dragon naturally couldn't resist, and was bitten into his head by the blood basin of the Exterminating Thunder Tiger. Blood was splashed on the spot and his brain was overflowing. The scene was once very bloody.

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