Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 224: Into the crack

After seeing the end of the battle, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then slowly came over.

Ou Chen hurriedly went up to check the situation of the Blood Demon Flood Dragon, and found that he was already dead at this time. The whole head was shattered. The bright red blood and the white brain were mixed together, splashed everywhere, and the huge body was also bloody. Death is very miserable.

"We...we killed a ninth-ranked monster..." Fang Jin and Zhang Yi glanced at each other, feeling like they were dreaming. They were just paddling outside the whole time. They didn't expect it to be true. That's the victory.

At this time everyone’s attention gradually moved away from the blood demon dragon’s corpse, looking at the World Extinguishing Thunder Tiger who looked down upon the audience, everyone’s eyes shrank slightly. This World Extinguishing Thunder Tiger is really too Enchanting, he defeated the Blood Demon Flood Dragon so easily with the strength of the seventh stage of his adulthood.

Although the original Blood Demon Flood Dragon had already suffered a lot of injuries, it could be easily resisted by the attacks of so many alien beasts. It was not until the emergence of the World Extinguishing Thunder Tiger that the scene was turned upside down. The change, if they hadn't accurately sensed that this World Destroying Thunder Tiger was definitely a seventh-order strength of the newly grown-up, I am afraid they would have thought it was a mutated and deformed monster.

And what surprised them even more was Lin Ran and Liuying Magic Moon Dog. They were not nervous at all. Even when the Blood Demon Flood Dragon displayed such a powerful Black Flame Dragon, their eyes did not change a bit. , Is always lying aside leisurely.

Ou Chen looked at Lin Ran with a trace of deep jealousy in his eyes. This young man was definitely too strong. Although he was very reluctant to admit it, he was indeed overwhelmed by his brother called Tianjiao. With such a young cultivation base, he has such an amazing combat power. I am afraid that among those who enter the secret realm and Lin Ran's age, none of them will be Lin Ran's opponents. Even those on the Tianjiao list are probably inferior to the present one. A teenager.

At this time, Lin Ran slowly stood up, stretched his waist, and recalled the World Exterminating Thunder Tiger and the alert Dream Eater.

When Ou Chen saw the three extremely powerful beasts surrounding Lin Ran, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice. Fortunately, he had a good relationship with Lin Ran. If he was an enemy, he might not have enough lives.

Ou Chen couldn't help being like this, and the rest of them were even more so. Apart from fearing Lin Ran, they were also very curious. Whether it was Lin Ran's life experience, age, combat power, or strange beasts, they were unpredictable.

"Since this Blood Demon Flood Dragon is dead, let's hurry down and get the treasure." Ou Chen said excitedly, thinking of the dragon bones in this core area, his mood became a little excited, and he didn't want to delay for a moment. Up.

"Zhang Yi, your Skyhawk will fly, so you will stay up there again. After we go down to get the treasure, you will be responsible for picking up us. By the way, check the surrounding situation. After all, the smell of blood here is too heavy and it is still the core area , Maybe it will attract people from other teams. Once you discover the situation, you must smash the signal ball. We will catch up as soon as possible." After Ou Chen finished speaking, he took out a red sphere from his backpack and handed it to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi nodded immediately and reached out to receive the signal ball. Once crushed, this red sphere can emit a dazzling light and a harsh sound, so that it can warn everyone for the first time.

Zhang Yi didn't stay too much, and immediately let his Skyhawk fly into the sky. As he continued to investigate, he found a hidden place to hide.

After everyone was ready, they immediately walked towards the crack. The crack had already collapsed due to the collision of the blood demon dragon, so it was obviously difficult for the larger monsters to enter. Bring some small animals with you.

After Ou Chen took a fiery look, he summoned the injured Heavenly Sacred Dragon Turtle back to the alien beast space, leaving only the Raikage Wind Lizard, and then immediately jumped into the crack. The rest of the people also After the big alien beast was summoned back, it quickly followed.

At this time, Lin Ran looked at the corpse of the Blood Demon Flood Dragon and thought about it, the more something was wrong, because this Blood Demon Flood Dragon was obviously different from the one he encountered in the fragments of the Thunder Abyss plane, regardless of appearance or momentum. They were all a bit worse, but seeing them all went down, Lin Ran didn’t think too much. When he was about to summon the larger Liuying Moon Dog and the World Exterminating Thunder Tiger, only the Dream Eater and Go down by yourself.

Soon everyone was brought into the crack. The inside of the crack was actually a huge cave, but with the riot of the blood demon dragon, it obviously collapsed a lot, and the light was very dark. Even with a flashlight that grabbed the bright light, everyone There was still a slight blur, as if there was a magical energy blurring their sight.

"Why do you always feel that your eyes are blurred?" Ou Chen rubbed his eyes, very surprised.

"There should be an enchantment, it's okay, anyway, the Blood Demon Flood Dragon was killed by us, it should be safe." Fang looked back and forth and said.

Ou Chen nodded, and immediately walked forward.


Ou Chen went all the way, suddenly felt something wrong.

These collapsed rocks have obvious traces of being moved, and many of them have been crushed to rubble, but when he came the most advanced just now, they did not have these. They must have been made when the Blood Demon Flood Dragon rushed out. , But why are these boulders moved again? Moreover, the scope of this crushing is not large, and it is not like the crushing of the Blood Demon Flood Dragon.

He frowned slightly, could it be that other strange beasts came in? But this is too fast, and too courageous, aren't you afraid that the Blood Demon Flood Dragon will suddenly come back halfway?

"I hope I have been thinking about it too much." Ou Chen sighed secretly in his heart, and didn't think much, because there really is no other strange beasts here, it's all about thinking about it, and immediately speeding up the action again.

Walking along the twists and turns of the cave, the huge cave is now very quiet, only the breathing and footsteps of the group of them, and the air is still filled with a strong stench and the smell of corpse corruption.

As it got deeper and deeper, everyone felt the heat more and more, and the temperature seemed to keep rising.

"The front is where I found that the Blood Demon Flood Dragon was sleeping, it was lava, so it was so hot." Ou Chen wiped his sweat and explained to them.

Everyone nodded suddenly, did not think much, and immediately followed in Ou Chen's footsteps to move on.


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