Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 853: Colorful Frost Decision

"not good!"

"How could the punch of this dream-eater beast so powerful!"

After all, Shang Guanheng was also born in a big family, and he was also a nine-star beast trainer. Naturally, he knew how terrifying the power of this killing fist shadow wave was.

"I understand, it must be the alien beast armor. In addition to greatly increasing the strength, this alien beast armor must also be able to enhance a certain skill."

"It should be this Killing Fist Shadow Wave that has been strengthened now. At the same time, with a series of boosting skills, it is no wonder that it will have such power."

"It seems that I underestimated the strength of this Lin Ran before. It seems that he can become the strongest player in the southern region. It is really not unreasonable."

When Shang Guanheng saw the strength that Lin Ran had displayed at this time, his expression became very heavy, absolutely he had really taken Lin Ran too lightly before.

And in my heart, I feel more and more strange to these southern region players. How can every player have such a powerful alien armor?

But even if it was shocked, Shangguanheng had to respond.

Now that he wants to condense a large number of ice creatures, it is obviously too late to resist this punch.

And if his ice crystal beast was bombarded by this punch, it would definitely suffer severe damage.

Moreover, Shang Guanheng had already put down his ruthless words before, and must defeat Lin Ran. If there is no way to break the situation now, then he will really lose.

So it can't be attacked by it anyway!

"Humph! You forced me!"

At this time, Shangguanheng's eyes showed a strong killing intent, and the silver-white star spiritual power armor was also looming, and a terrible ice attribute energy suddenly burst out.

"Hehe, it's finally here."

Lin Ran suddenly became excited when he saw Shang Guanheng's current state, and wanted to see the power of this Phoenix Lingyu.

The four referees who followed the game outside the battlefield also looked at each other, and all understood what Shang Guanheng wanted to do.

All the spectators present have watched many games, and they all know what Shang Guanheng wants to do.

That is the armor of the explosive star spirit power, trying to use the powerful ancient secret technique to resist this punch!

"It seems that Shang Guanheng discovered that he was a strange beast, unable to defeat this dream-eater, so he wanted to deal with Lin Ran instead."

"Although the game stipulates that the use of magical weapons is not allowed, the use of ancient secret arts is not prohibited. It seems that the next game will be more exciting."

"Sure enough, this duel between the strong is wonderful."

"Now it's up to Lin Ran to deal with it. If he can't resist Shang Guanheng's ancient mystery, then I am afraid it will be overturned. After all, it is obviously more likely to win against the trainer than against the dream beast."

At this time, all the audience present were increasingly looking forward to it. On the one hand, they wanted to see the powerful ancient secret arts from the ancient family, and on the other hand, they wanted to see how Lin Ran would respond.


Shangguanheng sighed for a long time, and a layer of silver-white celestial spirit power armor immediately appeared on his body, originally because of the ice crystal beast's appearance, which caused the temperature of the audience to drop sharply.

But now with the explosion of ice attribute energy in Shangguanheng, the temperature has obviously dropped a few levels. Fortunately, this Xinghai Battle Hall has a strong protective cover, which prevents the cold air from passing out, otherwise it must affect the presence. Of the audience.

"Here, I warn you two that you want to explode the celestial power armor to compete for a match. We agree with this, but once we find that the divine weapon is used, then we will immediately disqualify him!"

At this time, a referee with an extremely serious expression shouted at Shangguanheng.

Shangguanheng looked at the referee coldly and said, "I understand naturally, I still need you to talk more?"


Seeing Shang Guanheng's face, the referee immediately became angry and couldn't help clenching his fists.

But after all, Shangguanheng didn't violate the rules of the game. They couldn't clean up the Shangguanheng now, and the game was still going on, so they all forcibly endured it.

Yang Han, who silently watched Shangguanheng on the stage, had a subtle change in his expression, as if he smiled disdainfully, but soon disappeared.

At this time, the Purgatory Dream Eater completely ignored Shang Guanheng’s current actions. It was only instructed to attack the ice crystal beast with all its strength. At the moment when the killing fist shadow wave was brewing, it punched out. .

Huh! ——

The huge golden fist shadow directly bombarded the ice crystal beast, its power was extremely terrifying, and even the ground was shattered by Yu Wei.

However, at the moment when the Golden Fist Shadow was about to hit the ice crystal beast, Shang Guanheng's chest suddenly emitted a bright white light, and three extremely thick ice walls formed out of thin air.

Although it failed to withstand Mie Sha Quan Yingbo and was crushed one by one, the three ice walls greatly weakened the power of Mie Sha Quan Yingbo.

With an absolute cold wave ejected from the mouth of the ice crystal beast, this powerful killing fist shadow wave was successfully offset.

However, Shang Guanheng's attack did not end. The three ice walls were just a drop in the bucket, and his real attack was about to officially begin now.

I saw that the originally calm battlefield suddenly began to blow, and under the blizzard, Shangguanheng slowly flew into the air.

Condescendingly, he said disdainfully at Lin Ran: "You have the honor to see what I look like. You are already amazing, but you are here. Next, let you see, my Shangguan clan is in the colorful cold frost decision. power!"


Shangguanheng yelled, the silver-white astral armor on his body turned into transparent in an instant, radiating colorful light under the light, and the ice attribute energy on Shangguanheng's body became stronger and stronger. .

Then Shangguan Heng raised his right hand slightly, and a large amount of ice attribute energy in the audience was rapidly condensing towards his right hand.

"Frozen Aurora!"

The ice attribute energy condensed in Shangguanheng's right hand immediately turned into a blue beam of light, which directly bombarded Lin Ran.

Upon seeing this happening, the Purgatory Dream Eater was shocked and immediately stopped attacking the Ice Crystal Beast, and hurried to Lin Ran's side, trying to block the frozen aurora for Lin Ran with his body.

However, Shangguanheng's goal was originally Lin Ran, so naturally there was a way to restrict the dream-eating beast.

The purgatory dream-eater that was about to move just now suddenly appeared four thick ice walls around it, and then under the control of the ice crystal beast, a large number of ice creatures in the audience were constantly directed at the purgatory dream-eater Run away.

Shang Guanheng did this, not intending to defeat it, because he already understood that this alien beast of Lin Ran possessed an extremely terrifying recovery ability, and the ice creature summoned by the ice crystal beast could not cause any harm to it. .

But the actual damage did not mean that it could not limit this weird dream-eater, so many ice creatures, once they all surrounded it, it would take time to rush out first.

But if you want to help Lin Ran resist this frozen Aurora, you can't do it at all.

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