Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 854: Thunder God of War

Moreover, the Frozen Aurora used by Shangguanheng was originally a powerful ice-based ancient secret technique, and with the increase of his colorful frost decision, this ancient secret technique will be even more powerful.

Shangguanheng had also relied on this skill to easily kill the ninth-order alien beasts, and all of them were shot in seconds, so in his opinion, as long as they successfully hit Lin Ran, then this Lin Ran will have no way out.

Of course, Shangguanheng dared to do this, naturally he did not want to kill another person. After all, as long as he is an individual, he will be afraid and nervous when facing the danger of his life. By then, Lin Ran knows that he cannot resist and will inevitably choose to surrender. , And at this time, Shangguanheng can also stop in time, so that Lin can burn his life.

However, since he wants to teach Lin Ran, Shangguanheng will not stop all of them. He will choose to deliberately shed a little power, so that it will be enough to severely injure Lin Ran without hurting his life, and he will not be cancelled. Qualification can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Seeing such a powerful frozen aurora heading towards Lin Ran, the audience all raised their throats, fearing that Shang Guanheng could not hold it back, which would lead to Lin Ran's death.

After all, in the last accident in the northern region, it was because Shangguanheng failed to stop the frozen aurora in time, which caused the contestant to accidentally die. If it still can't stop it now, then this Lin Ran may be dangerous.


"Lin Ran, you surrender as soon as you don't want to die, this Shang Guanheng obviously wants your life!"

"Hurry up and surrender!"


Some kind viewers couldn't help but yell at this moment, wanting to remind Lin Ran.

"Lin Ran, if you can't even resist it, then I can only say that I've missed it."

"I hope you won't let me down."

Yang Han, who was watching the game silently on the stage, muttered in a low voice.

And in the battlefield at this time.

Lin Ran didn't show any panic when facing such a powerful freezing light bombarding him, on the contrary, he was a little disappointed.

"From the silver-white star spiritual power armor to the transparent colorful color, this is the ability of that colorful cold frost."

"And the white light from the chest just now should be the power of that phoenix feather feather."

"It's just that the power of this Frozen Aurora is a bit too small, isn't it? Is it sure that it is blessed by the dual power of Qi Cai Hanshuang Jue and Phoenix Lingyu?" Lin Ran couldn't help but vomit in his heart.

"You don't need to be too puzzled. The Seven Colors Hanshuang Jue that Shang Guan Heng has mastered is only part of it, or even half of it. In my opinion, it is only one third."

"The reason why I have the ability to transform the armor of the Star Spirit power into colorful colors is entirely due to the power of Phoenix Lingyu, otherwise it would be impossible to do it with his ability."

"Do you think he can barely use the Colorful Frost Decision, how much power can he still have to cast the Frozen Aurora."

Purple Phoenix Zulong observed Shang Guanheng's strength through Lin Ran's eyes, and was also very disappointed with him.

In its view, if it hadn't relied on the strength of Phoenix Lingyu, the strength of this Shangguanheng was simply weak, let alone compared with Lin Ran, even the strongest players in other regions could not match.

It can be said to be the weakest one.

"Cut, it's because I wanted to see the power of this Phoenix Lingyu so much. It really disappointed me." Lin Ran shook his head slightly.

"But don't underestimate the power of this Phoenix Lingyu. Its power is much more than that. It's just that this Shangguan is too weak to use his full power. You must remember to find a time to help me. Snatch it over." Zihuang Zulong couldn't help but reminded.

"Don't worry, putting such a precious thing on him is completely wasted. I will definitely grab it for you."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ran stopped communicating with the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, and looked directly at the frozen aurora coming towards him.

"Since we have already understood it, there is no need to continue this game."

"Now let you see what a real ancient secret technique is!"

Lin Ran’s eyes flashed through a flash of thunder, and then a layer of golden materialized astral power armor emerged on his body. On the outside of the astral power armor, it was also entwined with the power of violent thunder, with a terrifying aura. It broke out in an instant.


"Lin Ran in this southern region also masters such a powerful ancient secret technique!"

"And it turns out to be a thunder attribute!"

The four referees who were still worried about Lin Ran couldn't help but exclaimed.

The audience in the audience was completely stunned at this moment, all staring at each other without speaking.

The four big men who were still watching the game seriously in the box couldn't help but stand up at this time, their faces were extremely shocked.

"There is such an amazing ancient mystery in the southern region?"

The little old man widened his eyes and said in surprise: "Isn't it supposed to be the King Ming Jue mastered by the Murong family only, what's the matter with this ancient secret technique of thunder attribute?"

"Is it possible that in the southern region is there a big family more powerful than the Murong family?" Uncle Scarface also said with a look of shock.

They all know the information about Lin Ran, and they all know that Lin Ran possesses a powerful ancient secret technique that can control Thunder, but they don't think it can be compared with the colorful cold frost decision mastered by Shangguan family. The ancient mystery.

They all thought it was just a normal lightning attribute ancient secret technique. The reason why such a powerful power could erupt was due to the power of some thunder attribute magical device. Therefore, after the use of the magical device is prohibited, this ancient secret technique The power should be greatly reduced.

But I never expected that it could have such power. The most terrifying thing is that it can directly change the color of the celestial spirit armor like Shang Guanheng.

Moreover, Lin Ran's was even more powerful. It was directly the armor that embodied the power of the stars. At this time, it was almost like a Thor wearing a golden armor.

On the contrary, Shang Guanheng was a bit dim and pale. Although it exuded colorful light, the astral power armor was too dim. It was obvious that the difference between the two of them was too big.

"From the current perspective, this Lin Ran is completely determined to win, I am afraid it is better than the strongest players." The more the city owner looked at Lin Ran, the more pleasing his eyes, his eyes admired very much.

"Patriarch Wan, is your grandson better than him?" The city lord asked tentatively.

Patriarch Wan did not speak immediately, but shook his head slightly, and said solemnly, "It is impossible for Wan Rufan to defeat him!"

"It now appears that only Yunfeng in the western region and Xiang Nianwei in the eastern region are capable of fighting Lin Ran."

"I think the final champion will definitely be born among these three."

As soon as Patriarch Wan said this, the other three people present also showed surprised expressions.

After all, Wan Rufan is his grandson. He is very powerful and famous in Yaoguang City. Patriarch Wan has always been proud of this grandson, but he didn’t expect that he would just say that it would be Lin Burning opponent.

It can be seen that Lin Ran's strength is really a bit too strong.


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