Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 872: Break the seal

"Did you forget, this Destroying Thunder Tiger is the patron saint of the Dragon God, and its main purpose is to protect me, so naturally it is to increase its strength."

"In fact, I haven't done anything yet. It's just that I have stayed in your alien beast space for so long. Over time, it has absorbed some of the dragon god's breath, which has caused it to become more powerful. It is now far from the peak of the ninth step. It’s only one step away."

"By the way, it's the same with the other Liuying Illusory Moon Dog, so you have to hurry up and improve your cultivation base. If you don't have the strength of the nine stars, there is no way for them to break through the shackles and promote to the realm of quasi-sacred beast level." Huang Zulong explained.

"I didn't expect to let you stay in the alien beast space, there is still such a benefit."

Lin Ran was very surprised when he heard the words of Zihuang Zulong.

However, it is true that the World Exterminating Thunder Tiger and Liuying Magic Moon Dog originally evolved because of the Dragon God Golden Egg.

Now that the Dragon God Golden Egg has hatched, it is normal to stay with the two of them all the time, and become stronger imperceptibly.

Lin Ran is actually ready for something that can make the World Extinguishing Thunder Tiger break through the quasi-sacred beast level. That is the dragon ball he obtained after passing the first pass of the Thunder Abyss inheritance ground, but Lin Ran’s current cultivation base has not yet reached the nine-star level. , World Destruction Thunder Tiger has not really reached the nine-star peak, so there is no way for it to break through for the time being.

But this time, it won’t be long. Lin Ran has touched the threshold of the nine-star beast trainer, and the World Exterminating Thunder Tiger and Liuying Huanyuue Dog are beside the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, and they will soon be promoted to the nine-star. peak.


"Sorry to wait for a long time."

Now that he knew why the Destroyer Thunder Tiger suddenly became stronger, Lin Ran immediately recovered his senses and said to Yunfeng.

"No problem." Yun Feng said with a slight smile.

"In that case, let's start."

As soon as Lin Ran's voice fell, World Exterminating Thunder Tiger burst into a powerful thunder power.

Under the command of Yun Feng, the star light and shadow dragon in the sky also slew the World Exterminating Thunder Tiger.

At the same time, the fighting scenes of the two were also broadcasted for the first time, making the audience of Blue Sea Star very excited.

In particular, seeing the most powerful alien beasts on both sides, one of the dragon species and the other of the tiger species, this scene where dragons and tigers fight is what makes them most excited.

Not only that, Yang Han also confronted Xiang Nianwei.

About half an hour ago, Xiang Nianwei felt the light attribute energy left by Yunfeng along the way, and knew that he was waiting for her to challenge herself. She possessed the energy of the demon system, and longed to be able to join Yunfeng. I fought, but I didn't expect that I didn't encounter Yunfeng, but was cut off by Yang Han.

And Yang Han’s first choice was actually not Xiang Nianwei. She had the same goal as her. Both were attracted by the light attribute energy. She wanted to challenge Yunfeng, but she ran into Xiang Nianwei on the way. It was impossible to escape, so a battle broke out immediately.

During this process, Xiang Nianwei also learned from Yang Han's defeat of Wan Rufeng, and in her heart she was extremely afraid of this deeply hidden northern region player.

But Xiang Nianwei didn't have the slightest fear, and drove her alien beast and Yang Han's Ice Emperor beast to fight together.

Therefore, at this time, the two exciting battles were broadcast live on Blue Sea Star at the same time, so that the entire Blue Sea Star audience was eager to watch it in person, but unfortunately the Xinghai Forest is too dangerous, and ordinary people like them cannot Entered.

You can only cheer for your favorite players across the screen.


At this time, in a circular lake inside the Xinghai Great Forest, the original clear lake water had been completely dyed black, and there was a huge purple crescent mark in the center of the lake.

Beside the round lake, there are a large number of monsters of the Demon system, many of them even have the strength of the ninth rank, but their current looks are very strange, as if they are waiting for something, and they are crawling piously on the lakeside.

At this moment, the purple crescent mark in the center of the lake immediately emitted a dazzling purple light, and then a beam of light shot out, and in the beam, a very petite purple kitten appeared.

It was originally locked with a lot of iron chains, but as its eyes opened, these chains were destroyed in an instant, and an extremely terrible breath was emitted.

The demon monsters crawling by the lake roared excitedly.

"Finally let this king break the seal!"

The purple kitten slowly landed on the crescent mark in the middle of the lake, and glanced coldly at the demon monsters present.

"Unexpectedly, only you are left to survive. My army of demon monsters no longer exists."

The purple kitten sighed with emotion, and then there was endless killing intent in her eyes.

"It's all caused by the hateful human beings at the beginning. In any case, this king needs to thwart it!"


The purple kitten roared angrily, and behind it, a dark phantom appeared. The demon monsters around were frightened on the spot and began to tremble a little.

"Tsk tusk tusk, I didn't expect that the strange beast king who caused the beast wave to attack the city of Yaoguang a hundred years ago would look like this, which surprised me a bit."

A pitch-black crack suddenly appeared near the circular lake, and then the white-haired demon slowly walked out of it.

"Human! You are looking for death!"

As soon as the purple kitten was about to act on the white-haired demon, he noticed the magical atmosphere on his body.

"Oh? It turns out that you are a member of the organization. It seems that your cultivation level is quite high. If you enter here alone, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" The purple kitten said to the white-haired demon.

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid, you and my well do not offend the river, besides, can you break the seal without me?"

The white-haired demon said calmly without being afraid of the purple kitten.

"It's no wonder that such a powerful seal will suddenly loosen. It turns out that you found the key."

"But I'm very curious, what do you demon mean when you let me out, and how did you get that person's key?" The purple kitten sneered and said.

"The purpose of releasing you is very simple, and that is to cause you to trigger a wave of beasts again and besiege Yaoguang City."

"As for how I got the key, it actually doesn't make any sense anymore, because the human who sealed you in the first place is dead, so it doesn't take much effort to get the key." The white-haired demon responded calmly. Tao.

"What! That human being actually died!"

The main purpose of the purple kitten breaking the seal was to kill the human, but he did not expect to die, which made it a little unacceptable.


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