Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 873: Holy Spirit

"Hehe, you don't need to be so surprised. You don't know the cultivation level of that person. Do you think that on today's blue sea star, you can tolerate humans with such a powerful cultivation level?"

"He just disappeared between heaven and earth just like those so-called supreme, divine beast-level alien beasts."

The white-haired demon sneered and said.

"That's really a pity, this king also intends to wipe it out personally, so that's it."

The purple kitten also understood this, and at this time was not too angry.

At this time, the white-haired demon also reopened a black crack and walked directly in.

Now that the purple kitten has broken the seal, even if the white-haired demon doesn’t say it, it will definitely seek revenge from the people in Yaoguang City. After all, it was they who united with the human and injured it severely, resulting in being sealed for a hundred years. .

Now that the human being has disappeared, the only objects of revenge are those in Yaoguang City.

For this reason, there must be a terrible wave of beasts next.

The white-haired demon can also take this opportunity to clean up those young people with great potential.

If the tide of beasts can break through the city of Yaoguang, the white-haired demon can report to the lord and take the capital of the blue sea star in one fell swoop. At that time, the blue sea star will be their demon's world.

The purple kitten saw that the white-haired demon was gone, and didn't say anything, there were only two words revenge in its mind!

Roar! ~

The purple kitten roared angrily, and the black phantom behind it became more and more enlarged, and at the same time it exuded an extremely terrifying aura.

After hearing the roar of the many strange animals present, their eyes immediately turned red, showing a bloodthirsty look.

Not only that, the purple kitten's roar spread far, far away, echoing deep in the western part of the Xinghai Great Forest, causing many strange beasts to hear this roar, their eyes turned red.

Whether it was a demon monster or not, they all ran towards the purple kitten's position at this moment, as if they had been manipulated. For a while, the entire western part of the Xinghai Great Forest began to riot.


However, Lin Ran and the others were located at the periphery of the west, far away from the depths of the west, and they had not been affected at this time.

The battle between Lin Ran and Yunfeng became increasingly anxious.

Yunfeng's star light and shadow dragon is indeed very powerful, and the Destroying Thunder Tiger can also be regarded as encountering a tough opponent, and it will not be able to decide the winner for a time.

At the same time, the alien beast armors on both of them were also activated, and they continued to fight in midair.

"Brother Lin's World Destroying Thunder Tiger is really very strong. It can be said that I have encountered the most powerful tiger animal. Otherwise, the ordinary tiger animal, under the attack of my star light and shadow dragon, definitely supports it. Only three rounds."

Yun Feng looked at the World Destroying Thunder Tiger fiercely fighting with the Star Light and Shadow Dragon, and couldn't help feeling sigh.

In their western region, Yunfeng’s star light and shadow dragon is really very powerful. Once it grows up, it can be said that there is no other animal that can match it. The tiger clan alien beasts encountered in the past have also been For the second kill, until today I met Lin Ran’s World Destroying Thunder Tiger.

And what surprised Yun Feng the most was that the alien beast armor on this World Destroying Thunder Tiger actually allowed it to have the ability to fly, and the pair of thunder pools behind it also possessed the terrifying phoenix aura, which made the original bloodline slightly weak Destroying the World Thunder Tiger does not fear the stars and shadow dragons at all.

"Brother Yun's Star Light and Shadow Dragon is also extremely powerful. It seems that we can hardly tell the winner in a short time." Lin Ran said with a slight smile.

In this battle with Yunfeng, Lin Ran was actually very confident that the World Exterminating Thunder Tiger would definitely defeat the Star Light and Shadow Dragon.

As long as he immediately initiates the beast madness now, then the World Exterminating Thunder Tiger will immediately increase its combat power and defeat the star light and shadow dragon in one fell swoop.

Nowadays, Lin Ran is only using the most basic rage, but he is actually thinking of being able to fight the ancient mystery rightly against Yunfeng.

After all, Lin Ran was really curious about the Supreme Ancient Secret Art of this Light Element.

This light system is originally an attribute that is biased towards assistance. The alien beasts with this attribute basically have certain auxiliary abilities. This is the main reason why the star light and shadow dragon is so powerful, that is, it can continuously restore physical strength and increase With its own strength, Thunder Tiger Destroy World has no such advantage.

The biggest advantage of World Destruction Thunder Tiger is its extremely powerful attack power. Without this, it would be absolutely impossible to defeat the Star Light Shadow Dragon.

"I wonder if Brother Yun can fight me upright?" Lin Ran looked at Yun Feng and said.


Yun Feng has been waiting for this, and has long wanted to see Lin Ran's powerful thunder attribute ancient secret technique.

For this reason, even if Lin Ran doesn't mention it now, Yun Feng himself will raise it.

"If this is the case, let Brother Lin take a look. My Yun Clan has inherited the super ancient secret technique for tens of thousands of years, the Holy Spirit Guangju!"

As soon as Yunfeng's voice fell, a layer of golden astral power armor immediately appeared on his body, but this gold was not the color of ordinary astral power, but was accompanied by a sacred power.

At the same time, behind Yunfeng, a phantom of a Seraphim appeared, but it was still very transparent now, and it was impossible to see what it was.

But even so, Yun Feng's breath at this time is also extremely astonishing.

And what surprised Lin Ran the most was that with the launch of the Yunfeng Holy Spirit Light Jue, some surrounding flowers and trees that had been spread to death due to the battle between different beasts were all covered by this sacred force, slowly Resurrected.

Not only that, some of the scars on the body of the starlight and shadow dragon in the mid-air were also healed quickly at this time, and the state turned out to be better, but on the contrary, the World Exterminating Thunder Tiger appeared to be weaker and weaker.

Of course, this was not because it was weakened by the wind and wind, but because the star light and shadow dragon was constantly getting stronger, while the Destroying Thunder Tiger did not, so it appeared to be weaker and weaker.

"Holy Spirit!"

"This light element's ancient secret technique has such terrifying healing power."

Lin Ran said in shock after seeing Yunfeng launching the Holy Spirit's Light Decree.

"This is only a part of the ability. If you can cultivate to great success, even if the alien beast or human has only one breath, it can be directly restored to its full state, and in addition to the healing ability, there are many buff skills that increase."

"Not only that, the attack power of the light attribute is also very powerful. The most powerful thing is that the light attribute can be condensed into various things. You just saw the golden lightsaber in his hand, which is condensed by the light of the Holy Spirit. from."

"This is not the one condensed by the substantive star spirit power. The two are not at the same level. The powerful light attribute energy condensed by the holy spirit light decisively, once it attacks the human body, the terrible light attribute energy will immediately Invasion into the body can cause very serious injuries."

Through Lin Ran's eyes, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon saw Yun Feng's holy spirit's power, and said excitedly.

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