After Lin Ran came out of the rift in time and space again, he had already arrived at Grandpa's house. At the same time, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon also returned to Lin Ran's alien beast space for the first time.

When Lin Ran was about to come over, he had already contacted his mother by phone.

After hearing this news, Lin Ran's family members were very happy, but they also understood Lin Ran's concerns, so they didn't say anything and waited silently at home.

"I'm back!"

After Lin Ran returned home, he shouted excitedly.

At this time, all of Lin Ran's relatives were present at Grandpa's house, including Wang Shiyun and Lin Shanshan who were still studying.

When Lin Ran left, Lin Shanshan’s cultivation base was not as good as Wang Shiyun’s, but at this period of time, Lin Shanshan relied on her amazing cultivation talent to catch up with Wang Shiyun instantly, and her breath was obviously stronger than Wang Shiyun. Obviously, it won't take long to overtake.

But now both of them are practicing divine mind art, so their cultivation bases are much better than their peers. At present, the two of them already have six-star cultivation bases. You must know that at their age, ordinary people are the most common. It is about four stars at most.

Especially Lin Shanshan, who is only ten years old now!

Wang Shiyun has reached the sixth-star cultivation level in the second grade and is already the strongest student in the school, but since everyone knows that she is Lin Ran's cousin, she is not too surprised.

But this Lin Shanshan is terrible. He came in to study suddenly halfway through, and he was still very young. At first, many people questioned, but Lin Shanshan quickly cultivated to six stars in a short period of time and became recognized by the whole school. monster!

However, after learning that she was Lin Ran's sister, everyone was relieved. The genius sister is undoubtedly a genius!

There are also Lin Ran’s uncle, aunt and Ni Xin. Several of them have also practiced spiritual thoughts, so their cultivation base has also skyrocketed. The most obvious one is Lin Ran’s uncle, who already has an eight-star peak cultivation base. Jiuxing is only short of a kick, although he hasn't made a formal breakthrough, but it must be soon.


At the moment when he saw Lin Ran coming in, Lin Ran's mother, Wang Qian, had red eyes, and ran quickly to hug Lin Ran.

At the moment when Lin Ranli defeated the geniuses in the other four regions, he won the championship of the Beast Trainer League. In the eyes of countless people, Wang Qian was the mother of the genius. During this period of time, countless people had already visited the house. , And even people from other regions have come a lot.

They all have only one purpose, that is, they want to make friends with Lin Ran, and some of them have a more specific purpose. They bring a lot of treasures to the house, in order to absorb Lin Ran into the family, but Wang Qian understands himself. All of the children’s thoughts were rejected.

In these recent times, I even thanked guests behind closed doors. Although they angered some people, they still didn’t dare to do anything. On the one hand, they were afraid of being discovered by the officers of Xuanzhongcheng, and on the other hand, they were afraid of Lin Ran’s revenge. Can only go home in disgrace.

However, compared with these so-called honors, Wang Qian and Lin Ran’s other family members were worried about Lin Ran, afraid that he would be targeted by the demon. After all, in the final matchup of the Beast Trainer League, it was because of the demon. The game was interrupted only when it appeared.

At that time, Wang Qian and others were very afraid that Lin Ran would have an accident, but fortunately, Lin Ran was fine. Instead, he won the Beast Trainer League Championship.

"You kid, you're really good. He said he was going to participate in the Beast Trainer League Competition, but he won the final championship." Ni Xin said while looking at Lin Ran with a smile.

"It's really too competitive. Although you have brought a lot of trouble to our family after you won the championship, it doesn't matter. We have solved it for you." Lin Ran's grandfather Wang Yi laughed and said.

"Yes, at the moment you won the championship, the lord of the city sent an army to surround our house, preventing a lot of people from pouring into our house. If not, we would have to move." Wang Linzhi smiled and agreed. Tao.

"Hey, I knew this would happen, so I didn't come back the first time. This time I came back secretly and didn't alarm anyone."

Lin Ran was led by Wang Qian and sat on the sofa.

"You won’t come back, mom and I have suffered. During this period of time, I don’t know how many people came to visit, and they sent a lot of gifts without saying a word, all thinking about making friends with you, or making me nod to join. Their family."

"I thought you would definitely not agree, so I refused, and our family just closed the door to thank guests these days."

After seeing Lin Ran coming back, Wang Qian seemed to be cured of all the illnesses, with a bright smile on her face.

"Mom! Nice job!"

"These people will come back in the future. They don't need to be polite to them. They just blast me out. I don't want to join a big family anymore." Lin Ran laughed immediately after hearing this.


"Then whoever goes to the academy to find your sister will rush away?" Wang Shiyun smiled.

"Oh? You dare to harass you all, and they all blast me out. If there is no way, I will wait for the principal to have a good chat.

Lin Ran immediately became angry when he heard that someone had gone to the college to harass Lin Shanshan and Wang Shiyun.

"Don't worry, the principal has already helped us solve it. Now, except for local students, no one else can come in." Lin Shanshan said.

"Oh? It seems that I am still a little influential. I didn't expect these big figures in Xuanzhongcheng to give me face like this, haha!"

Lin Ran was surprised when he heard that the principal personally refused to enter the college.

"No, no, no, I think you are the big man in Xuanzhongcheng now. If you go out now, I'm afraid you can cause a sensation in the entire Xuanzhongcheng in an instant." Ni Xin ridiculed.

"It's an exaggeration to think about it. I'm bound to be surrounded by the crowd immediately when I go out. I'll show up again after the limelight has passed." Lin Ran shook his head quickly and said.

"By the way, the Su family sent several carts of ore a few days ago, saying that it was originally yours, and we are not sure, so we will accept it first. You can go to confirm it later." Wang Yi suddenly remembered. What happened, looked at Lin Ran and said.

"Grandpa doesn't need to confirm it. That's what I want, but I'm not in a hurry. I'll be transporting it away after a while."

Hearing a few carts of ore from the Su family, Lin Ran knew that it must be the Star Origin Stone without even thinking about it. At that time, Lin Ran asked Su Xiao to help receive it, but he didn't expect the Yun Clan to send it so quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ran chatted with his family for a while, mainly talking about some things encountered in the competition in the central region.

After talking about it, Lin Ran was ready to do business, lifted the Purple Golden Devouring Armor from his body and placed it on the table.

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