Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 939: Green jelly

"Wouldn't this be the defensive magical weapon that you have been wearing, which many people call invincible?"

Lin Ran's family members immediately understood after seeing Lin Ran take off an armor with purple-gold gemstones.

After Lin Ran became famous, the residents of Xuanzhongcheng would talk about Lin Ran, especially the divine weapon that Lin Ran possessed. The most famous of them was the dark long sword, followed by this Lin Ran is in an invincible place, super defensive magical weapon.

The seven phoenix feather fan only appeared once in the game, so everyone was not as popular as these two artifacts.

"Yes, it's the defensive divine weapon. It's called Zijin Devouring Armor. I got it by accident." Lin Ran nodded and said.

"But Ran'er, what is the big green jelly above?"

"Does the cost come like this?"

Lin Ran's family found a pile of green jelly on the purple-gold gemstone, and asked suspiciously.

"Haha! This is not a green jelly, this is a baby, even if I lose this magical artifact, I can't lose it."

Lin Ran said as he stroked the star spirit vine demon.

Then he said: "This thing is called Xingling Vine Demon. It is a very old creature. Although it doesn't look very eye-catching, it is the only treasure that can heal the injuries of mother and grandfather!"

"What! He healed my and your mother's injuries?"

"This thing that looks like jelly is really useful?"

What Lin Ran said earlier was that they didn't know what it was and didn't care much, but they were shocked when they heard that the Star Spirit Vine Demon could heal.


Lin Ran’s expression immediately became serious, and said: “It is said that when our blue sea star was born, this star spirit vine demon appeared on the blue sea star. At that time, the blue sea star was ruled by alien beasts. The power is very weak."

"But it is because of the abilities of this Protoss Vine Demon that the astral power appears in the human body. Therefore, we humans have completely risen up and become the masters of the Blue Sea Star together with the alien beasts."

"And the injuries of Mom and Grandpa were actually caused by the complete damage to the acupoints of the Star Spirit Power in the body, so as long as the Star Spirit Vine Demon is willing, it can be repaired again, and your injuries will be healed by then."

"This Star Spirit Vine Demon is so powerful!"

"But this is just a legend after all, and it's too old. Will it actually be useless?"

For so many years, Wang Qian has long been accustomed to her current body and no longer has any illusions. Although she is still very excited, the story of the Star Spirit Vine Demon is really a bit mysterious.

And Lin Ran's grandfather Wang Yi and the others were also puzzled, carefully observing the Protoss Vine Demon, but at first it was a green jelly, and there was no fluctuation of Prosperity's power.

"Mom, grandpa, don't worry, this star spirit vine demon can definitely heal you!" Lin Ran said confidently.

Although in their opinion, the Star Spirit Vine Demon is indeed just a legend, there is no way to verify it, and it is normal not to believe it, but Lin Ran knows that this Star Spirit Vine Demon can do it!

So Lin Ran stroked the Star Spirit Vine Demon, and at the same time whispered at it: "Don't sleep, I promised me something, now I should do it, otherwise, I will take back this Purple Gold Devouring Armor."

The Star Spirit Vine Demon, who was still lazily attached to the Purple Golden Dragon God Dragon Ball, was suddenly startled and slowly opened his eyes. As a result, he saw a group of people staring at him, making it tremble instinctively.

"Don't panic, these are my family members. I think with your ability, you should be able to detect which people have problems in their bodies. As long as you can repair them, you will be able to stay on Zijin Devouring Armor in the future." Lin Ran quickly said.

Hearing Lin Ran’s words, the Xingling Vine Demon relaxed and kept looking at everyone present with his small eyes. After seeing Wang Qian, he stopped immediately, his small eyes Starting to emit a green light, she looked up and down Wang Qian.

Immediately afterwards, the Star Spirit Vine Demon slowly left the Zijin Devouring Armor and wriggled towards Wang Qian.

"this is?"

When Wang Qian saw the Star Spirit Vine Demon crawling on her body, she became nervous.

After Lin Ran saw it, he immediately took his mother's hand and said, "Mom, don't worry, believe it!"


After hearing Lin Ran's words, Wang Qian also relaxed and nodded slightly.

I saw this star spirit vine demon crawling to Wang Qian’s chest step by step, and then a dazzling green light suddenly appeared all over the body. This green light enveloped Wang Qian’s body in an instant, making Wang Qian He passed out immediately.

After seeing Wang Qian in a coma, Lin Ran's family present could not help but start to get a little worried, but seeing Lin Ran still watching with confidence, they didn't say much.

Although Lin Ran saw that his mother was in a coma, he was a little worried, but this thing was the Star Spirit Vine Demon. Without explaining to it in advance, he could immediately notice the abnormality of his mother's body, which shows that it is true. There is a way, now I just need to wait quietly.

"You must succeed." Lin Ran muttered silently in his heart.

"Don't worry, your mother will be fine. The reason for the temporary coma is because the Protoss Vine Demon entered your mother's body and began to use its original power to repair the damaged Protoss acupoints. This process will take a while." The voice of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon echoed in Lin Ran's mind.

"That's good." Lin Ran was also relieved immediately.

In this way, after more than ten minutes passed, Lin Ran's eyes suddenly lit up, because he sensed the fluctuations of the star power in his mother's body!

Not only Lin Ran, but also the rest of the people present, their expressions were very shocked.

"It's the fluctuation of the star spirit power! This star spirit vine demon can really do it!" Lin Ran's grandfather Wang Yi said excitedly at this time.

If it weren’t for an accident in the early years, with Wang Yi’s talent and strength, I’m afraid that he would have become a nine-star beast trainer now, but his previous work has been abandoned and turned into a waste. Therefore, seeing the star spirit vine demon, he can really do Wang Yi was very excited when he repaired the acupoints of the Xingling Power.

After that, the green light covering Wang Qian's body gradually disappeared, and the Star Spirit Vine Demon also came out of Wang Qian's body again, but now it seems that its size has become smaller.

Wang Qian also regained consciousness at this time. Her original bloodless face was now completely restored to be no different from a normal person, and her almost gray hair became black again, instantly returning to her youth. Look like.

"I... I actually felt the fluctuations of the celestial spirit power!"

After Wang Qian regained consciousness, she found that there were faint fluctuations in the celestial spirit in her body, and she recovered her health, very excited.

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