Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 953: Origin of Thunder

In addition to the most critical main material for forging advanced alien beast armor, there is also a special material, that is, advanced alien beast battles must be upgraded with entry-level alien armor.

The entry-level alien beasts that Lin Ran currently forges for his alien beasts are most in line with the current aliens and are the most powerful. Therefore, the advanced alien beasts that Lin Ran wants to forge basically use these. Set the entry-level monster armor to upgrade.

"Then start with the thunderwing armor of the Seven-Star Golden Thunder Tiger."

Lin Ran immediately summoned the Seven-Star Golden Thunder Tiger from the alien beast space, and removed the Thunder-winged Battle Armor originally worn on it.

At the same time, I opened the design drawing of the alien beast armor in my mind, and began to search for the advanced alien beast armor upgraded with thunderwing armor.



After searching for a while, Lin Ran discovered that among all the high-level alien beasts, there were a total of two high-level alien beasts that could be upgraded with Thunderwing.

The first set is Thunder Wing War Armor 2.0, the name is almost the same as the original one. The effect is based on the original Thunder Wing War Armor, and it has been enhanced by 20%. If it is not found that there is a second set of advanced upgrades with Thunder Pool War Armor Alien Beast Armor, then Lin Ran absolutely chose this directly.

After all, this thunderwing battle armor itself is very powerful. The core material is still the crystal of the electric light magic phoenix beast, which is far stronger than the ordinary thunderwing battle armor forged by Lin Ran. It has the most powerful ability. Gives part of the power of the Phoenix, but also has the ability to fly.

But today's Seven-Star Golden Thunder Tiger has already become a quasi-sacred beast-level alien beast, with the dragon ball of the Star-Gathering Blue Thunder Dragon in his body, and even the guardian of the Dragon God, still having the aura of the Purple Dragon God.

Therefore, it can be said that there is no need for the power of the phoenix of the electric light demon phoenix beast, and only the ability to fly and the ability to enhance the damage of the lightning attribute are left.

Therefore, Lin Ran's main attention now is this second set of advanced alien beast armor upgraded with Thunderwing armor.

And this second set of advanced alien war armor, called the origin of thunder, once upgraded to this suit, then the original effects of thunderwing war armor disappeared, instead it enhanced its own 50% lightning attribute skill damage , While giving a brand new skill.

This skill is the name of this set of advanced alien beasts, and it is also called the origin of thunder. Once activated, the originally enhanced thunder attribute damage will be directly increased by 100%, which is directly doubled, but it will continue. The time is relatively short, only ten minutes.

But for the current Seven-Star Golden Thunder Tiger, this ten minutes is completely enough. It is more like this kind of quasi-sacred beast level alien beast, once the damage of the lightning attribute doubles, it will definitely be very scary.

In conjunction with Lin Ran's series of amplification skills, even within these ten minutes, he was able to obtain power no less than that of the beast level. Therefore, this set of Thunder Origin Battle Armor was said to be most suitable for the current Seven-Star Golden Thunder Tiger.

After confirming it, Lin Ran put the Thunder Pond battle armor into the battle armor forge, and at the same time took out some beverage bottles wearing black quicksand from the star ring.

These black quicksands are dark quicksands obtained by Lin Burning at the beginning. Due to their particularity, they can only be loaded with the most common beverage bottles. Their most powerful ability can be added to the forging of high-level alien beasts. The armor that comes out comes with the ability to absorb celestial spirit power.

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, who had no interest in Lin Ran's forging the alien beast armor, was originally still lying on the back of the Seven-Star Golden Thunder Tiger, but after seeing these dark quicksands appear, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Wow! Yes, you can get it all. The advanced alien beast armor forged in this way can absorb the opponent's celestial spirit power in a subtle way. If you fight for a long time, your alien beast will only get more and more advantageous. ."

"At the same time, the Thunder Origin Warframe you choose can also greatly enhance the explosive ability. That is to say, after the dark quicksand is added, it is no problem to fight a protracted battle. This is simply perfect."

"That's not right, when I got these dark quicksands, I kept them in storage, and now it just happens to come in handy."

"It's just what the specific dosage is." Lin Ran asked a little puzzled.

Lin Ran currently has only five bottles of dark quicksand. If you forge a set of armor, use one bottle, then these dark quicksand can only forge five sets of advanced alien beast armor, and if there are only five sets, for Lin It's not enough for burning.

Lin Ran’s current alien beasts, even if not counting the water spirit beasts, have a total of six, and Lin Ran has found the key materials for almost all the advanced alien beasts, so he needs to forge at least six sets of advanced alien beasts. Battle armor.

"This is not clear. After all, the Alien Beast Armor is so convenient, I really don't understand it."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon also nodded blankly. Although he knew that the Alien Beast Armor was very powerful, it was really not clear about this modern blue sea star product.

"But I think there should be a reminder, would you put the rest of the materials in for a look now?" Zihuang Zulong reminded.


Lin Ran nodded slightly, then put in the key material needed by the Lightning Origin Battle Armor, the Extreme Thunder Spirit Stone, and at the same time put in a series of other materials.

If you don't add the dark quicksand, you can forge it now, but the effect of absorbing the celestial spirit power is missing, so Lin Ran did not choose to start forging immediately.

Just after Lin Ran put all the materials in, suddenly the system's emotionless voice rang in his mind.

"Do you want to add additional forging materials?"

"I'm going! There are really hints."

"I want to join the dark quicksand." Lin Ran said excitedly.

"Received the host's request."

As soon as the voice of the system fell, a small grid suddenly appeared at the entrance of the battle armor forge where the materials were placed.

"Please fill the grid with dark quicksand," the system reminded.

Lin Ran heard this, without the slightest hesitation, immediately picked up a bottle of dark quicksand, opened it, and slowly poured it towards the small grid.

This small grid is obviously special. After the dark quicksand is poured in, it is not affected at all.

After a while, this small grid was filled with dark quicksand, and the bottle of dark quicksand in Lin Ran's hand only consumed about half.

"If only half of each set of advanced alien beast armor is needed, then these five bottles of dark quicksand are completely enough."

Lin Ran breathed a sigh of relief, then pressed the button to start forging.

"In the process of forging the host..."

Immediately afterwards, the window for placing the materials of the armor forge was closed, and the whole machine began to vibrate, while the dazzling golden light continued to flash.

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