Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 954: Keep forging

"Ding, the forging is successful."

With the reminder of the system, Lin Ran's mind sounded, and a brand-new alien beast armor with very powerful energy fluctuations appeared in front of Lin Ran.

This Thunder Origin Battle Armor is almost the same in appearance as the Thunder Wing Battle Armor, that is, the logo on the chest has changed. At this time, the battle armor chest has a hexagonal golden gem pattern.

"Success, this is the original battle armor of Thunder."

After Lin Ran picked it up, he could clearly perceive that the terrifying energy fluctuations of this advanced alien beast armor were far stronger than the previous Thunderwing armor.

And the Seven-Star Golden Thunder Tiger, who was still waiting for the successful forging of the Alien Beast Armor, immediately stood up when it saw the appearance of the Thunder Origin Armor, looking at the armor with fiery eyes.

After seeing the eagerly anticipated look in the seven-star Golden Thunder Tiger, Lin Ran didn't have to hesitate, and immediately integrated the armor of the origin of the thunder into the body of the seven-star Golden Thunder Tiger.

With the integration of the battle armor, Lin Ran could clearly perceive the explosion of the seven-star golden thunder tiger's aura, far more than when he was wearing the thunderwing battle armor.

As for the specific improvement, Lin Ran didn't have to rush to test it. After the rest of his alien animal armor was forged, he began to test one by one in the fragments of the plane.

Therefore, after Lin Ran completed the Battle Armor of the Origin of Thunder, Lin Ran temporarily summoned the Seven-Star Golden Thunder Tiger back, and then summoned the Purgatory Dream Eater.

Lin Ran did not choose to forge the Liuying Magic Moon Dog first, but because of its special attributes, Lin Ran is still not sure whether to forge a new wind system, or to upgrade with the evil change armor, and continue to use the demon system. , So first forge these monsters that can confirm their attributes.

Purgatory Dream Eater’s alien beast armor is a fighting system of great power armor. Like the previous one, there are also two types of advanced alien beast armor that can be upgraded with the giant power armor.

One is also called Juli Battle Armor 2.0, the effect is also increased by 20% on the original basis, and the effect of the remaining booster skill is also increased by an additional 20%

And another set called the Origin of Force, the effect is exactly the same as the previous Thunder Origin Battle Armor, the only difference is that the Origin of Force enhances the power and physical attack of the alien beast.

"It seems that compared to the entry-level Alien Armor, the Advanced Alien Beast Armor has a lot less options, and the effect is also very simple. Either the original Armor has been increased by 20% in all aspects, or it is a brand new one with the effect. It's all the same."

When Lin Ran saw the Battle Armor of the Origin of Power, he immediately understood it.

Juli Battle Armor 2.0, the original battle armor of contrast, the increase is too single. It only greatly enhances the skill of Killing Fist Shadow Wave. Although this skill is currently the strongest skill of Purgatory Dream Eater, it is not always certain. Both can hit.

But the strength of the source of strength is very comprehensive. In ten minutes, not only the killing fist shadow wave is enhanced, but the other skills are also greatly enhanced, so Lin Ran also directly chose the source of forging power armor.

After Lin Ran decided to be better, he immediately began to forge the original battle armor of power. The steps were the same as before, all of which were to first put in the giant battle armor, key materials and other materials.

Then the small grid that emerged was filled with dark quicksand.

In this way, the second set of battle armor of the origin of strength also began to be forged in the battle armor forge.


At this time in the southern area of ​​the cloud and a mountain peak outside the city.

The black robe man took Murong Ling and walked out of the black crack.

Murong Ling looked around for a while, and said faintly: "This is the Black Demon Temple?"

"This is just one of the branch halls of the Black Demon Hall, but it is indeed the strongest branch hall in the southern area." The black robe man explained.

Murong Ling didn't finish speaking, just nodded slightly.

At this moment, suddenly a pale man walked out in front of him, but his eyes were indeed flushed, and the aura emanating from his body was extremely powerful.

"It's so strong that it far surpasses Grandpa." Murong Ling's expression immediately became serious.

When the black-robed man saw the pale-faced man coming out, he immediately knelt down and said respectfully: "Hall Master, I have brought the man back."

"Understood, you can withdraw." The pale man waved his hand slightly.

The black-robed man did not speak much, and immediately disappeared into the darkness.

"You are the master of this dark demon branch hall?"

Although she had a strong aura, Murong Ling was no longer afraid and said directly.

The pale-faced man did not respond to Murong Ling. He sat silently on the throne in the temple, looked at Murong Ling indifferently and said, "What do you think?"

With such a terrifying aura, coupled with the daring to sit directly on the throne, the man in front of him must be the head of the Black Demon Temple here.

"I can promise to join you in the Black Demon Temple, but you must promise to provide me with strength and tell me where my brother is." Murong Ling said directly.

Murong Ling's younger brother Murong Qiu, after recovering from his injury, saw that his family had been destroyed, and he hated Lin Ran very much. Under the guidance of the demon, he entered the Black Demon Palace with Yue Ao'an.

At this point, Murong Ling had no news of his younger brother, so after entering the Black Demon Temple, Murong Ling had to find his younger brother in addition to gaining enough power to defeat Lin Ran.

"Hehe, once you join the Black Demon Temple, you want to become stronger with your talents. It takes minutes. As for your younger brother, he is much smarter than you. Now he has gained the strength of nine stars. Go to Flame Mountain." The head of the Black Demon Hall sneered and said lightly.

"Flame Mountain? Why go to Flaming Mountain?" Murong Ling asked.

"Since he has obtained the strength he wants, it is also necessary to help me in the Black Demon Temple. Now he has just performed a task."

"But as far as you are, you have no right to know."

After the Lord of the Black Demon Hall finished speaking lightly, a pill emitting black gas immediately appeared in his hand.

"Don't you want power? After swallowing this pill, you will get the power you want first."

Looking at the pill in the hands of the master of the Black Demon Hall, Murong Ling gritted his teeth and walked up directly to take the pill that exuded black energy, and then swallowed it in one bite.

As the black gas pill entered the body, an extremely terrifying force burst out of Murong Ling's body, and at the same time, accompanied by heart-piercing pain, Murong Ling screamed miserably.

After watching Murong Ling swallow the pill, the head of the Black Demon Palace also showed a smile on his face.

Since the last battle between Yunhecheng, the nine major demons in his hands have almost died, so he needs to replenish new strength, but because of the order from the main hall, he cannot let the demons go out and search at will. Therefore, these members of the Murong family are the best choices.


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