Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 961: Black crack

"Want to go?"


After Lin Ran saw that the black crack was forcibly closed by the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, he already sentenced the demon to death in his heart.

Roar! ——

The golden dragon soul was like a broken bamboo and rushed directly towards the nine-star demon.

At this time, the Nine-Star Demon could not even think about why the black crack disappeared and what the purple-golden dragon was in front of him. The body immediately burst out of a pitch black star spiritual power armor, and at the same time, he also appeared A long sword exuding black air.

With the infusion of a large amount of magical atmosphere, this black long sword suddenly grew several meters.

"Black Demon Slash!—"

Now that there is no retreat, the Nine Star Demon has to fight now, exhausting his whole body's power to display the most powerful Black Demon Slash.

But it is a pity that the power of the golden dragon soul is really too strong, the Black Demon Slash can't cut it off at all, but it was bitten off by the golden dragon soul.

Immediately after the nine-star demon's desperate expression, the golden dragon soul penetrated his body, even if the armor of the star power had been materialized, it could not resist the golden dragon soul at all.

Under the miserable cry, the power of thunder in the nine-star demon's body also burst out, and his body suddenly turned into blood mist.

After killing this nine-star demon, the golden dragon soul disappeared, turned into a dragon soul thunder sword and flew back to Lin Ran's hands.

But at this time, the golden star spiritual power armor on Lin Ran's body had turned back to light blue, and the power of thunder on his body had basically disappeared.

"Although this dragon soul thunder sword is extremely powerful, it consumes too much lightning attribute energy, and the dragon soul cannot last for a long time."

Lin Ran felt the changes in his body, looked at the Longhui Thunder Sword in his hand and said.

"That's because you only cultivated the Seven Sage Thunder Body to a small level, only to just meet the conditions for using the Longhui Thunder Sword."

"If you are now the Seven Sages thunderous body, then this golden dragon soul can basically exist for a long time, and the power will be even more powerful."

Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon flew back to Lin Ran's side and said.

"Okay." Lin Ran nodded slightly.

Although for the current Lin Ran, this dragon soul thunder sword consumes very much, once the golden dragon soul is activated, the thunder attribute energy in the body will be instantly hollowed out, and even the golden star spiritual power armor cannot be maintained.

But the power of this golden dragon soul is really too strong. Not only did Murong Qiu instantly kill Murong Qiu, but even the nine-star demon who could realize the celestial spiritual power armor was also instantly killed.

Of course, this nine-star demon is not really an armored celestial spiritual power, he just used the aura of an illusion to forcibly materialize, and there is still a big gap between the essential celestial spiritual power.

"By the way, in fact, I have always had a doubt. What are the black cracks that the demons have torn apart? Is it possible that all of them have the power of time and space?"

Lin Ran dissipated the Star Spirit Armor, and after retracting the Dragon Soul Thunder Sword, he asked the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon.

"That is indeed the power of time and space, but their demons have not grasped it. They should have used something to force it on." Zihuang Ancestral Dragon explained.

"Something? What is that?" Lin Ran asked immediately.

"Actually, the details are not very clear, but the four super powerful monsters that have been sealed have the power of time and space, and can open black space-time cracks anytime and anywhere, but their black cracks are not like my father. Sending randomly like Wang, but can only set a transfer destination in advance."

"For example, if you leave a unique mark in the Black Demon Hall in advance, after opening the black crack, you can go directly back to the Black Demon Hall. In other words, if you want to transmit, you must set the imprint in advance. This is also the biggest A flaw."

"I think these demons don't have the space-time ability to master this black crack, but they should be able to set this mark through a certain technique, and then use something like a key to force open the black crack to achieve transmission. "

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon explained to Lin Ran very seriously.

"It seems to be the case when you said that." Lin Ran nodded suddenly.

When Lin Ran first met the demons, those demons took out another thing and broke it into pieces before opening the black crack. Now it seems that it should be the key that the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon said. Up.

But what surprised Lin Ran the most was that the four super powerful monsters had space-time power. Although they were not as powerful as the time-space power of the Zijin Dragon God, they were also very powerful. No wonder it was so tricky. Zijin Dragon God is extremely troubled.

"In short, there must be even more terrifying methods behind the devil, and we still need to be careful." Zihuang Zulong reminded.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure. I am still more than enough to deal with these demons, but if their palace master comes in person, I will run if I should run, haha!" Lin Ran smiled.

Nowadays, the ordinary nine-star demon basically poses no threat to Lin Ran, but Lin Ran can't guarantee that it will be better than their hall master, even if it's just a sub hall master, Lin Ran can't guarantee it.

After all, from the time he met the demon, until now, Lin Ran has never fought against the master of these sub-temples, the only time he met the master of the black demon palace in Xuanzhong City.

But at that time, it was also the Black Demon Hall Master who launched an attack on Lin Ran from a long distance. Lin Ran didn’t know his true appearance and strength, and his strength was indeed very terrifying. He could attack from a distance, even now. Lin Ran couldn't do it.

"But they, the sub-hosts of the Black Demon Temple, seem to be unable to come out at will. Even if the last time Yunhecheng fought, so many demon men died, they did not force the host to take action. It should not be possible to leave the Black Demon Temple rashly."

Lin Ran thought for a while and said.

"I don't know, there may be a big conspiracy, haha."

Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon also didn't understand why these sub-hall masters didn't make a move, but one thing was certain, that is, the strength of these sub-hall masters was really strong.

If the current Lin Ran encounters it, there may be a great danger. They can't come out now, maybe it is the best time for Lin Ran, and they can take advantage of this opportunity to strengthen their strength.

"Forget it, I don't want that much anymore. It's a good thing not to come out, so as not to trouble me everywhere. Let's enter this time and space now."

"I am very much looking forward to seeing the two sacred beasts of the Yun Clan supreme."

"Well, I am the same, I don't know what kind of strange beast it will be."

"In that case, let's go in quickly."

In this way, after killing these two demons, Lin Ran and the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon entered into this space-time crack together.


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