After entering the cracks in time and space, Lin Ran's eyes were greeted by a very peaceful grassland, basically without any strange animals.

"The two sacred beast-level strange beasts really pick a place. It's quiet here, and no one will be disturbed at all."

Lin Ran looked at the surrounding environment and said.

"It's because it's quiet here, and they didn't even say anything about the strange beasts, so the two of them chose here. If there are a lot of strange beasts, it will inevitably cause a lot of people to come in. By then, if one is accidentally discovered, then It's not about something big."

"Think about it, if you enter a time-space crack and suddenly a divine beast-level strange beast pops out, what will it look like?" Zihuang Ancestral Dragon smiled.

"That must be frightened on the spot, and I will choose to escape immediately, and it will also attract the attention of the government. By then, it will be surrounded by a large number of officers and treasure hunting teams."

"These two strange beasts live here quietly without anyone disturbing them, which is really good," Lin Ran responded.

"Okay, okay, no more chatting, let's go find them two quickly, you can lead the way."

Lin Ran couldn't wait to take a look at the two divine beast-level strange beasts first.

"Well, let's go now."

"But the two alien beasts are not living together, they are completely separated. One of them should be in a small mountain in front of the grassland."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon said to Lin Ran through the sensed breath.

Afterwards, under the leadership of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, Lin Ran quickly ran forward.

Although some strange beasts also came out along the way, these strange beasts were too weak. They either fled immediately when they came out and saw Lin Ran and Zihuang Ancestral Dragon in fright, or they simply couldn't come out. There was no accident along the way. occur.


"Be careful, there is danger ahead, pay attention."

Not far from the mountain, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon suddenly stopped and said solemnly.

"Danger? It seems that there is still some distance from the mountain."

Lin Ran was taken aback when he heard this, but suddenly his pupils shrank, as if he had discovered something.

"No, it seems that there is a real situation. The celestial spirit power in front of you fluctuates, and there is a big gap from here. Is it possible that there is a seal? Or a barrier?

Lin Ran looked at the mountain ahead, thought for a moment, and said.

"You are right. There is a very powerful barrier ahead. If you guessed it correctly, it may be related to the supreme Yun clan back then." Zihuang Zulong explained.

"It has something to do with the supremacy of the Yun Clan? Isn't it dead? How can it still provide a barrier for the place where the alien beast lives?" Lin Ran asked curiously.

"This is unclear, but this invisible barrier has extremely strong light attribute energy. Any strange beast in this space-time crack dare not approach here."

"In that case, do you have a way to relieve it?" Lin Ran frowned slightly and said.

"Yes, but the seal set by the Supreme is not that simple. When I came to investigate before, I found this special barrier, and I determined that the two of them should be in this space-time crack."

"And I also suspect that this barrier was set up with the help of some treasures. I originally thought of tearing the cracks in time and space and going straight in, but found that I was completely isolated. Therefore, there is only one way to enter, and that is to find The weakest point, and then forcefully break through."

"But doing so may cause the anger of the sacred beast-level strange beast inside. If it rushes out directly and I am still busy breaking through the barrier, I may not be able to guarantee to stop it at the first time. You still have to fight at any time or Prepare to escape." Zihuang Zulong said solemnly.

"Could it be that you can't just call it out? It won't save trouble." Lin Ran asked suspiciously.

"No, this barrier is really special. I tried to call it in the past and it seemed to be isolated. I can only go inside to find him, so you have to be careful."

"Well, I will be cautious. Once I find something wrong, I will definitely run as soon as possible." Lin Ran nodded slightly.

Because Lin Ran just finished using the Dragon Soul Thunder Body, the thunder attribute energy in his body has been scarce, and a part of the star spirit power has also been lost, unable to fight it with all his strength. Once the alien beast rushes out, then Lin Ran will be the first Summon alien beasts for a time.

Although there is no guarantee that the current Seven-Star Golden Thunder Tiger has the ability to defeat it, there is still the ability to escape.

As for the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, Lin Ran didn't worry at all. It was impossible for this guy to have an accident, just take care of himself.

"Come on then."

Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon's eyes exuded purple golden light, and he began to search for the weakest point of the barrier.


"Yes! Here."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon immediately determined the position, and rushed over quickly, and Lin Ran followed closely behind.

After Lin Ran came here, for the sake of his own safety, he summoned the Seven-Star Golden Thunder Tiger in advance.

"You have to be ready to fight at any time, and maybe there will be a very powerful guy rushing out later." Lin Ran said to the Seven-Star Golden Thunder Tiger.

"Don't worry, Master, I will stand in front of you and won't let anything hurt you."

The Seven Star Golden Thunder Tiger stood in front of Lin Ran full of fighting spirit, and said solemnly.

"Ready, then I will come!"

As soon as the words of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon fell, the sacred beast-level aura on his body immediately exploded, and his eyes shot out a purple-golden light, bombarding the barrier.

boom! ——

As the purple-golden light bombarded the barrier, Lin Ran felt that the entire ground shook violently, but the barrier still didn't break immediately, showing that it was really strong.

It is no wonder that when the Supreme is mentioned, even the Zihuang Ancestral Dragon, who has always been full of confidence, will be jealous. The strength of this Supreme is really strong.

"Who is awakening this king!"

Just as the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon forcibly broke through the barrier, suddenly from the mountain peak, a sound that shocked Lin Ran's heart was heard.


The Seven-Star Golden Thunder Tiger's face became heavy immediately next to Lin Ran, an extremely terrifying thunder power radiated from his body, ready to take action to protect Lin Ran at any time.

"This sacred beast-level alien beast is too sensitive, and the barrier is stronger than I thought. It won’t be broken for a while, and the barrier is too weird. Why can’t the sound from outside come in? But the voice came out?"

"But it's okay, just wake it up, maybe it will rush out directly, so we don't need to enter."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon stopped bombarding the barrier and said in a somewhat puzzled tone.

"Um... Actually, I have another thought. Could it be that your voice actually spread in, but it doesn't care about you at all?"

Lin Ran patted the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, and said with a smile.

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