Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 965: Identity exposure?

"Old Ape, what the **** is this?"

"Forget it, no matter what their identities are, the consequences of breaking the demon barrier of Kaifeng are disastrous. Once the demon strikes, we will die, and the treasure in the mountain can't be lost!"

Lingxiao Binghuofeng pointed at Xuanyue Golden Steel Ape and said anxiously.

"This is indeed a very difficult question, but I now have another doubt."

Xuanyue Golden Steel Ape suddenly looked at Lin Ran and asked: "Human, you just said that you are a foreigner elder of the Yun clan, but only a foreigner elder, how can the dignified patriarch of the Yun clan tell you about the Supreme What are you hiding?"

"It's very simple. That's because in addition to being the elder of the Yun clan, I also found the patriarch order that the Yun clan has lost for nearly a hundred years. As the supreme alien beasts of the Yun clan, you must know this patriarch order. importance."

"I did such a big favor to the Yun Clan. It is only natural for the patriarch to tell me something." Lin Ran said with a slight smile.


"You got the Yun Clan Patriarch's order! How is this possible!"

Xuanyue Jingang Ape and Lingxiao Ice Fire Phoenix both shouted in unison with shocked faces.

"Huh? I got it, is it weird?" Lin Ran started to wonder when they saw their shocked expressions.

Normally speaking, the supreme of the Yun clan has died, the patriarch of the Yun clan was lost in the southern area, and Lin Ran got it by accident. This is reasonable, but why are they so shocked? Is there any secret?

Lin Ran was very curious at this time, but it was a pity that the two strange beasts did not immediately respond to Lin Ran, but communicated in a low voice.

"It's impossible. Before the master's demise, he clearly placed the patriarch of the Yun clan in a place that the world couldn't get. How did Lin Ran get it?"

"Yes, there is also a demon barrier in that place. Unless someone in the master's bloodline can break the seal, the patriarch order will never be taken out."

"Even if this human being has the ability to reach the sky, he currently only has a nine-star cultivation base. It is impossible to break the seal of the supreme."

"Do you think this Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon did it?"

"No, even if it is a child of the Dragon God, it's impossible to know everything. Even you and I don't know the storage location of the patriarch, and it's sealed well. How could it be aware of it."

Xuanyue Jingang Ape and Lingxiao Binghuofeng were also very puzzled at this time.

"No, I must ask how he got it."

Xuanyue Jingang Ape's eyes suddenly became serious, looked at Lin Ran, and asked: "Quickly say! Where did you get the patriarch's order."

"What's wrong with getting it from a tramp?"

"Could it be that the tramp really has a strong background identity?"

Lin Ran's eyes lit up suddenly and hurriedly asked.

"Get it from a tramp? You're not kidding, are you."

"Let me tell you the truth, before the Yun Clan Supreme's demise, why did you ensure that the Yun Clan Patriarch Order would not be taken away by the demon? Therefore, I chose to seal the Patriarch Order in a very secretive place."

"And the means of the seal is to use this magic barrier, a tramp who has the ability to break it?"

Xuan Yue Jin Gang asked.

Lin Ran and the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon beside them were silent at this time.

Because this patriarch Ling Lin really got it from the homeless man, but the homeless man said he picked it up by the roadside, so it was obvious that he was lying.

"Lin Ran, it seems that the identity of the old man in your shop is not simple, otherwise this patriarch can't explain it at all. You have to know that this demon barrier is really strong, even I need it to break open, that one How does the tramp do it?"

"And it said it was picked up by the roadside. This is obviously a deliberate deception. The old man has a big problem."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon was actually very curious about the tramp. Now that he heard the words of two divine beast-level strange beasts, he became even more suspicious of his identity.

"Wait, I have one more question."

"Will this demon sealing barrier slowly dissipate over time?" Lin Ran asked.

"Impossible. This magic barrier is not a simple sealing technique. It is a seal set by a treasure called the magic blood stone. This magic blood stone can store any powerful sealing array. Will dissipate as the years go by."

"At the beginning, the Yun Clan Supreme was in the Demon Sealing Blood Stone, and a powerful Light Path Sealing Demon Array was set up. That is to say, unless you can explode with more power than the Yun Clan Supreme, forcibly shattering the Sealing Demon Blood Stone , Otherwise it won’t break open at all."

"The only way to remove it is for the descendants of the supreme Yun clan, and this descendant's cultivation base is still very strong, at least at the peak of the nine stars, can use the blood to remove the demon barrier, otherwise you can only force it like the son of the dragon god. break through."

"But what can a tramp do?" The more Xuanyue Jingang said, the more incredible it became.

"Could it be that the vagrant is the descendant of the supreme Yun clan? But it's not right. How could a vagrant have the cultivation base of the Nine Star Peak?"

"With such a cultivation level, would he still be a tramp? Shouldn't he be invited back by the Yun clan directly?"

The Lingxiao Ice Fire Phoenix in the air was also puzzled.

"No! There is another possibility!"

"But before confirming this possibility, you two must first tell me what this is."

Lin Ran immediately took the broken small dagger he had obtained from the tramp from the star ring, and immediately threw it at the Xuanyue Golden Steel Ape.

"this is?"

Xuanyue Jingang Ape stared at the dagger the size of a toothpick in his hand, for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Xuanyue Golden Steel Ape suddenly felt that there was a strong light attribute energy in the dagger, and also noticed that the grip of the dagger had a faint mark of angel wings.

"This is not the master's clean light blade back then!"

Xuanyue Golden Steel Ape couldn't help but exclaimed.

The Lingxiao Binghuofeng in midair had been observing this dagger just now, and now it was the same as the Xuanyue Golden Steel Ape.

"Don't tell me that this is what you got from that tramp?" Xuanyue Jingang Ape asked immediately.

"Clear Blade..."

Lin Ran understood everything after seeing the shocked expressions of two divine beast-level strange beasts.

As for what this light-cleaning blade is, Lin Ran doesn't care anymore. Now there is only one thought in his mind, that is the tramp, maybe the supreme Yun Clan back then!

"The ability to have the patriarch's order, and what kind of light-cleaning blade, plus the ability to perceive the secrets of my shop, all these signs indicate that the tramp is likely to be the supreme Yun clan back then.

"You should be the same as I guessed."

Lin Ran did not respond to the two divine beast-level strange beasts for the time being, and turned to look at the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon on the side.

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