Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 966: The big secret

"It seems that this is indeed possible."

"Didn't you always say that the tramp looks familiar? I remember now that his appearance is very similar to that of Yun Han, the current patriarch of the Yun clan!" Zihuang Ancestral Dragon said quickly.

"That's right!" Lin Ran's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "This is really hammering!"

"But how did Yun Clan Supreme become like this? Isn't it already dead?" Lin Ran asked suspiciously.

"It is very likely that something happened at the beginning. This change allowed the Yun Clan Supreme to escape the power of heaven, but he also paid a painful price for it, and this price was reduced to a waste!"

"As for why he didn't know anything, he looked crazy, it's probably because of amnesia." Zihuang Zulong thought for a while and said.

Lin Ran nodded in agreement.

After all, the power of the Dao of Heaven is not necessarily effective. The three ancient beasts in the time and space map of the mountains and rivers are living examples. They are all detected by the power of the Dao of Heaven, and they are accidentally rescued, but their bodies are irreversible, some Life has passed, some cultivation bases have plummeted, and others have even degraded.

Therefore, it is completely possible that the Yun Clan Supreme can escape the power of the heavens, at the cost of being a waste, plus having no memory.

"What are you talking about, hurry up and answer my question."

Xuanyue Jingang Ape saw Lin Ran and Zihuang Zulong communicating in a low voice, and immediately questioned.

"Don't worry, I haven't answered you for the time being. That's because I seem to have discovered a big secret."

"Aren't you always wondering what identity the old tramp would be? Then I tell you, he is your master, that is, the supreme Yun clan, do you two believe it?" Lin Ran looked at the two gods and beasts. Beast said.

"Hehe, are you kidding me?"

"When the Yun Clan Supreme was about to die, we both witnessed it with our own eyes. If it were not for the need to hide the treasure, we would definitely accompany him on the last journey."

Lingxiao Binghuofeng in midair did not believe Lin Ran's words, sneered and said.

"As you said, it was when the Yun Clan Supreme was about to die, that is, I didn't see him really dead with my own eyes, so everything is possible."

"Big monkey, you look pretty smart, I think I should know that this is possible."

"Otherwise, how to explain Patriarch Ling and Jingguang Blade, is it true that he picked it up casually?"

"By the way, there is one more thing, that is that the homeless man looks very much like the current Yun clan patriarch Yun Han, and I only remember it now." Lin Ran looked at them and said.

After listening to Lin Ran's words, Xuanyue Golden Steel Ape and Lingxiao Ice Fire Phoenix were both silent.

"Old Ape, how reliable do you think his words are?"

Lingxiao Ice Fire Phoenix landed on the ground and said to Xuanyue Golden Steel Ape.

"If it's just a clan chief order, that's fine, but the clean light blade is something that the master carries with him, and he also said that the appearance of the tramp is very similar to the current Yun clan chief Yun Han."

"If I remember correctly, the master has a son. Calculating based on time, then this Yun Han is likely to be the grandson of the master." Xuan Yue Jin Gang said in a solemn tone.

"So the master is really still alive?" Ling Xiao Bing Huofeng immediately became excited.

"Don't worry, after all, we haven't seen real people, and we can't make decisions so quickly, and now we can't rule out whether they are for the treasures in the mountain."

Xuanyue Golden Steel Ape suddenly looked at Lin Ran and said, "So what exactly are you here for? Is it possible that the achievement is specifically to inform us that the supreme Yun Clan is still alive?"

"After all, we are his strange beasts. We have signed a strange beast contract. If he is really not dead, then how can we not perceive him? We can't believe what you said."

"And I want to remind you one thing, that is, there is a secret treasure of the supreme Yun Clan in the mountain. You two will definitely not be able to enter today.

"I know that you are likely to be the son of the Dragon God, but this does not mean that we will succumb. Even if we die, today we both gave up our lives to stop you!"

Xuanyue Golden Steel Ape and Lingxiao Ice Fire Phoenix are extremely loyal to the Yun Clan Supreme. This is the most important and final order given to them by the Yun Clan Supreme, so they absolutely cannot violate them.

"I have to say that you two are really loyal. I was really impulsive when I forcibly broke through the demon barrier, but it doesn't mean that we really have a bad idea about some secret treasure."

"I came with this human just to confirm one thing, and that is whether you are still alive, and if you are still alive, then you two are currently the most powerful combat power among the blue sea stars."

"Nowadays, the blue sea star demon is rampant. I am afraid that it will cause a big battle if it is not used. As the supreme monster of the Yun family, you two will inevitably have killed many demon and magic beasts in the past. When the demon attacked, the accident happened."

"Don't you two want revenge?"

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon was not afraid, and said directly to them both.

"It's just that?"

Xuanyue King Kong Ape and Lingxiao Ice Fire Phoenix still didn't believe it.

"Otherwise? If you didn't mention any treasures, how would we know."

"Besides, we are really to confirm that you are still alive. Now that it has been confirmed, then it will be fine. Since you don't believe it, we will leave." Lin Ran said helplessly.

They are indeed still alive anyway, and the tramp is very likely to be the supreme of the Yun clan. As long as the supreme of the Yun clan is really alive, then it will come forward and explain to the two divine beast-level alien beasts. It will be simple. Persuade them to come out of the rift in time and space and deal with the Black Demon Temple together.

"and many more."

Xuanyue Golden Steel Ape immediately called Lin Ran.

"The devil has a great hatred with us, and I must repay this hatred. Since you are sure that it is not for the treasure in the mountain, then we are not enemies. We can promise you to take action against the devil."

"But before that, we need to prove one thing."

"You will bring that tramp here."

When Xuanyue Golden Steel Ape saw Lin Ran turned his head and walked directly, he really believed that they did not come for the mountain's secret treasure. In that case, the most important message must be confirmed, and that is whether the tramp is the supreme Yun clan and why Will become like this.

If there is no way to be sure, the two of them can't leave here, because the demon sealing barrier has been broken and cannot be repaired. Once they are gone, if the demon finds this place, it will be finished.

Therefore, unless they saw the Yun Clan Supreme appearing in person, the two of them would still not leave here, even if they hated the demon again, there would be no way to leave to take revenge.

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