"In this way, not only the Light Element and the Demon Element between the alien beasts restrain each other, but even this Supreme Ancient Secret Art is the same."

"By the way, since cultivating this purgatory blood curse is so dangerous, in ancient times, apart from the human supreme who created this, in fact, not many people actually succeeded in cultivating?"

"It's true, but it's not absolute."

Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon explained: "If people in other areas want to learn, it will be really difficult, but for human beings who originally lived in demon purgatory, it is relatively easy to cultivate."

"Because they themselves live in a place with a strong demon aura, they have a unique immunity in their bodies since they were young, and the human supreme who created this purgatory blood curse was born with super immunity.

All the demonic auras had almost no effect on him, and combined with the supreme body, this was finally created after many trials. "

"Blood Demon Seal and Light Path Sealing Array are both super-level seal formations. They also made great contributions during the ancient war. The seals used to seal the four super-powerful beasts are also based on these two seal formations. Go on, and then cooperate with my father's time and space seal to do it."

The Purple Phoenix Zulong read the memory in his mind and explained it to Lin Ran.

"That's it."

Lin Ran nodded slightly when he heard the words, he also had a preliminary understanding of the supreme ancient secret technique of Purgatory Blood Curse.

At the same time, I also understood that the Xiang family in the eastern region was able to learn the Purgatory Blood Curse, probably because of the inherent demon aura in the body. For normal people, this process of adaptation will be difficult and difficult, and even pay the price of life. .

But for them Xiang Family, it is completely simple, it is a pity that they have not mastered the complete purgatory blood curse, they may not even be able to cultivate to Xiaocheng, let alone draw a blood demon seal.

"So you are now deciding to practice this purgatory blood curse?"

Seeing that Lin Ran was so interested, Zihuang Zulong asked curiously.

"I haven't considered it yet, mainly because of the entanglement between the Holy Spirit Light Jue and the Purgatory Blood Curse." Lin Ran shook his head slightly and said.

Regarding the Ice-type Colorful Frost Decision, Lin Ran doesn’t think about it for the time being. Although he knows that this supreme ancient mystery is very strong and is also related to the strongest phoenix monster, the Colorful Ice Silver Phoenix, Lin Ran already has thunder-type and wind. Yes, there is no shortage of more powerful attacks for the time being.

It is necessary to consider some auxiliary ancient mysteries, so the scope of consideration is the light system and the demon system.

One is to draw a magic circle, which is used to amplify oneself, others, or alien beasts, etc., while the other is to debuff and weaken the effect, which makes Lin Ran a bit uncomfortable for a while.

"Do you need me to advise you?" Zihuang Zulong said, lying on Lin Ran's shoulder.

"Let's listen." Lin Ran raised his eyebrows slightly and said.

"After you have completed the inheritance of Fenglinhaishan in the Central Region, your next target should be the Eastern Region. Then I recommend you to master the Purgatory Blood Curse first. This will greatly help you get the Heavenly Demon Sword."

"By then, if you master the purgatory blood curse, you will have a particularly obvious perception of the devil's breath. By then, you will be able to clearly perceive where the Heavenly Demon Sword is when you enter the Eastern Xiang family."

"If they don't want to hand over the Heavenly Demon Sword to you from the family, you can also exchange it with a complete purgatory blood curse, just like you did in the Ten Thousand Clan and Yun Clan."

"And this purgatory blood curse is also very powerful. I promise you will fall in love with the blood curse once you use it. What do you think of my suggestion?"

The little paw of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon patted Lin Ran on the shoulder and said.

"By what you said, it seems that choosing the blood curse of purgatory is indeed the safest, and I have seen the power of the Holy Spirit Light Judgment, and the power of the seal formation, but the whole blood curse has not been seen at all. I am indeed very curious."

Lin Ran nodded in agreement at this time. Indeed, as the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon said, mastering the Purgatory Blood Curse first is the best choice. After all, the Ice Element’s Colorful Frost Jue Yang Han is in control, and so is the Yun Clan. The ancient family of 100,000 years has the Holy Spirit of all races.

But the purgatory blood curse on the blue sea star has not yet been fully mastered, and this is indeed a good choice.

"In this case, I won't be entangled anymore, and I will choose the Purgatory Blood Curse."

Lin Ran is also a decisive person. He didn't have any ink marks for a long time, so he made up his mind.

Anyway, Lin Ran's ultimate goal is to become the Supreme, and at the same time master the five Supreme Ancient Mysteries, so it doesn't matter if you master it first.

"However, before I formally practice, I still go to the virtual inheritance land of the Holy Spirit Continent, and the virtual inheritance land of the Frozen Rift Valley. I will get the Qi Cai Hanshuang Jue and the Holy Spirit Light Jue first, otherwise we will come back specifically in the future, which is very troublesome. ."

Lin Ran said to the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon on his shoulders.

"No problem, let's go now."

Since Lin Ran’s current store has already had a lot of points, and it was time to change them, they basically changed them. Therefore, as soon as he opened the virtual heritage of Demon Purgatory, he went straight out without any distress.

In this way, after Lin Ran left the virtual inheritance area of ​​Demon Purgatory, he immediately entered the virtual inheritance area of ​​the Holy Spirit Continent. Lin Ran did not delay a long time here. First, he listened to the explanation of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, the Holy Spirit Continent area. After the Lord of Light and Shadow Six Winged Beast, he directly obtained the cultivation method of Holy Spirit Light Judgment.

But Lin Ran just took a look, and after he remembered it firmly, he left, and had no choice to practice immediately.

Afterwards, Lin Ran entered the Frozen Rift Virtual Inheritance, where Lin Ran stayed for a longer time. After all, this was the place where the mother of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon was buried. Although it was only virtual, it also allowed Zihuang Zulong was extremely sad.

However, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon was also sad for a long time. After adjusting his mentality, he immediately activated the Supreme Ancient Secret Art stored here, the Colorful Hanshuang Jue.


"It turns out that this is the cultivation method that Qi Cai Hanshuang felt, and it turned out that one is more difficult than the other. Suddenly I felt that Yang Han could do it. It was really amazing."

Lin Ran looked at the Qi Cai Han Shuang Jue cultivation method that emerged in his mind, his expression immediately became serious, and he admired Yang Han even more.

"Okay, now that we have everything, let's go and return to the virtual inheritance of Demon Purgatory."

After receiving all the supreme ancient mysteries, Lin Ran said with relief to the Zihuang Ancestral Dragon on the side.


The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon reluctantly took a look at the virtual colorful Ice Silver Phoenix skeleton, and then followed Lin Ran away.


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