At this time, Lin Ran and Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon had returned to the virtual heritage of Demon Purgatory.

Lin Ran looked at a portal in front of him, and said, "If you enter from here, you should enter a place similar to a wind field."

"I don't know, but I think it should be." Zihuang Zulong nodded slightly.

"Forget it, anyway, here can be infinitely resurrected, not afraid."

After Lin Ran took a deep breath, he walked directly into the portal, and the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon also followed.


After entering the portal, Lin Ran’s eyes were greeted with an extremely desolate environment, surrounded by the dead bones of some strange beasts, and the air was filled with a thick demon atmosphere, far more than Lin Ran’s had come. Any environment with a devilish atmosphere.

Even the sky is dim, very depressing.

After Lin Ran came in for a while, he already felt a little vomiting.

"Wow, it feels really unpleasant." Lin Ran said with an effort to restrain the feeling of vomiting.

However, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon on the side didn't feel anything, and was looking at Lin Ran with a melon-eating expression.

"Come on, this is just the first step."

The Purple Phoenix Zulong lay comfortably on a large rock, stretched his waist, yawned, and said, "You get used to it. I'll just sleep for a while first, bye."

"Okay! It's just a mere devil's breath, it can't trouble me."

Now that he chose to practice the purgatory blood curse, Lin Ran was naturally not afraid, and immediately sat down cross-legged, trying to adapt to the environment here.

But Lin Ran found that this process of adapting was really difficult, and the demon aura here was really too strong. After a while, Lin Ran started to feel dizzy, even unable to control it, and vomited on the spot.

Fortunately, the Seven Sage Thunder's body greatly enhanced Lin Ran's physique, so Lin Ran could still persist.

After several hours passed like this, Lin Ran finally couldn't bear it anymore, his eyes closed and he died...

Then, due to the characteristics of the virtual heritage site, Lin Ran was resurrected again.

After the resurrection, Lin Ran still did not give up, and continued to adapt to the environment here, even if Lin Ran was in extremely painful now, he still clenched his teeth.


Before he knew it, Lin Ran had been in the virtual heritage site for three days.

During these three days, Lin Ran also experienced many deaths. The devilish breath even penetrated into Lin Ran’s body, like countless ants gnawing on Lin Ran’s internal organs. Therefore, every time Lin Ran died Both are extremely painful, and their deaths are miserable.

In the course of the three days, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon also woke up. After seeing Lin Ran's appearance, he couldn't help but sigh, but later he simply couldn't see it and returned directly to Lin Ran's alien animal space.

But these three days did not allow Lin Ran to fully adapt to the environment full of devilish breath, so the moment Lin Ran was teleported out, Lin Ran turned on one after another, continuing the three-day torture.

I have to say that just adapting to the demon breath took Lin Ran a lot of time. I deeply felt how difficult this purgatory blood curse was. At the same time, it also opened up people who were a little envious of the Xiang family in the eastern region. Their innate conditions were too great. Well, there is no need to do this at all.

At this time, Lin Ran once again opened the virtual inheritance of Demon Purgatory. This is the third time. Calculated according to the time inside, this is already the seventh day. One day is equal to two hours. Fourteen hours later, it was completely late at night outside.

But even so, Lin Ran didn't even want to give up at all, clenching his teeth and insisting.

In this way, Lin Ran had been in this environment for three more days, and now a full ten days have passed, and the time for this opening is almost over.

But at this moment, Lin Ran originally thought he would feel uncomfortable again, but it didn't happen. Not only that, the surrounding environment was not so depressing for Lin Ran, and even breathing was very smooth, not at all. I just entered here with a painful expression.

"Great, I finally finished the first step."

After Lin Ran saw the current situation, he was relieved and let out a deep sigh.

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon also emerged from the alien beast space at this time.

"Your willpower is really strong. Although you can always be resurrected, it has no actual effect on the body, but it is too tormenting mentally, and you still spent ten days here without sleep."

"Admire and admire!" Zihuang Zulong said to Lin Ran.

"However, adapting to the environment of the devil's breath is only the first step. The second step will be even more painful. Why don't you take a break? Otherwise, I'm worried that you won't be able to hold it." Zihuang Zulong added.

"It's okay, since you are all here, let's try it first, anyway, the time is about to end, and it will be sent directly by then."

Lin Ran also knows that not taking a rest, experiencing death and resurrection for a long time here is a great torture to the spirit, if one is not careful, it will be dangerous, but Lin Ran also wants to try again, want to see the devilish breath absorbed into his body , What kind of feeling it will be.

Starting from practicing the Supreme Ancient Secret Art, Lin Ran first experienced a terrible lightning bombardment, followed by a wind blade destroying his body, and now a demon aura. It can be said that every torture is different, but they all have one. The common point is that they are all the same and extremely painful!

"Also, you can try it, I promise you will never forget it." Zihuang Zulong smiled.

"Try it, I'm not afraid."

Lin Ran took a deep breath and sat down cross-legged. Since Lin Ran has already adapted to the environment of the devil's breath, he also has a certain degree of affinity for the devil's breath, and these demon auras will slowly approach Lin Ran.

And Lin Ran began to guide the strong demon aura around him, slowly absorbing it into his body.

At the beginning, these demon auras entered Lin Ran's body, and Lin Randao didn't feel any discomfort. After all, some demon auras had already penetrated into his body before, and Lin Ran was also completely adapted to it.

But at the moment when these demon auras touched Lin Ran's acupuncture points of the star spirit power and converged with the star spirit power, Lin Ran's pupil distance suddenly shook, and a heart-piercing pain suddenly emerged.

This feeling was like a raging flame, burning at the acupoints of the Star Spirit in Lin Ran's body, but Lin Ran was already sweating profusely in an instant, and his face was extremely pale.

And these demon auras will eventually gather in the dantian, but Lin Ran can't control it at all now, as soon as he enters the body, he loses control directly, and rushes around in Lin Ran's body.

Lin Ran had to endure this heart-piercing pain, and on the other side, due to the devilish breath entering his body, a series of adverse reactions such as dizziness, vomiting, weakness, and difficulty breathing appeared again.


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