Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 989: Collect blood

Due to the Phantom Poison Record, Meng Zhishan's condensed astral power armor has also turned purple, so the toxins on the poison gall can't hurt Meng Zhishan at all, and he can easily pick it up.

"The original plan was to get the poisonous gall at the bottom of the lake, but I didn't expect to get two, so it seems that my colorful sacred poison butterfly is really going to become very strong." Meng Zhishan said excitedly.

"Yes, but when absorbing this poisonous gall energy, your colorful sacred poison butterfly will be very painful, because these two strange beasts are quasi-sacred beasts, and your colorful sacred poison butterfly is currently only a ninth rank, but Be sure to let it stand, or it will fall short." Lin Ran exhorted.

"Don't worry, I understand this. To be on the safe side, I plan to let it absorb the poisonous gall in my hand first." Meng Zhishan nodded slightly and said.

"Yes, the poisonous gall at the bottom of the lake is also the reason why the whole island is shrouded in poisonous fog all the year round. When absorbing this poisonous gall, it may cause the poisonous fog of the whole island to converge towards the poisonous gall. You have seen this before."

"So when absorbing this poisonous gall, your colorful saint poisonous butterfly will be the most painful, so you have to lay the foundation first. You first choose to absorb this one in your hand. It is a knowing choice."

Lin Ran also agreed with Meng Zhishan's approach.

"Well, I'll do this later, now do you need to take away the blood of this evil dragon python?" Meng Zhishan looked at the dead evil dragon python and said.

"Yes, I just need a powerful snake clan that is also blood, and this evil dragon python is right for me."

"By the way, you can also take this monster crystal of the evil and poisonous dragon python."

While talking, Lin Ran picked up the pale golden alien beast crystal that emerged after the death of the evil dragon and the poisonous dragon python.

"This is a quasi-sacred beast-level alien beast crystallization, and it is also poisonous. When your colorful saint poisonous butterfly reaches the ninth-order peak, let it swallow it, and cooperate with the previously absorbed poisonous gall power. I can guarantee it. Easily you can be promoted to a quasi-sacred beast."

After Lin Ran finished speaking, he handed the alien beast crystal with a pale golden light to Meng Zhishan.

"Then I won't be more polite to you, this quasi-sacred beast-level alien beast crystal is indeed very important, thank you."

Naturally, Meng Zhishan knew the importance of this monster, poisonous dragon and monster crystal. In order for the colorful sacred poison butterfly to be promoted to the quasi-sacred beast level in the future, Meng Zhishan had to take it away cheeky.

"Well, then I will start collecting blood."

After taking away the crystals of the alien beasts, the most precious thing in this evil evil poisonous dragon python was the only remaining quasi-divine beast-level blood.

It's just that a part of the previous Demon Bane and Poisonous Dragon Python's injury has passed away, and then it burned some more, so at this time, the pale golden quasi-sacred beast-level blood on the Demon Bane and Poisonous Dragon Python was running out.

But Lin Ran didn't need much, only one drop was enough, so he immediately started to extract the remaining quasi-sacred beast-level pale golden blood and condense it into a drop of essence blood.

At the same time, he took out a special crystal bottle from the star ring, and collected this drop of blood that exudes powerful energy from the evil dragon python essence.

"nailed it!"

As soon as Lin Ran's voice fell, he put the crystal bottle into the star ring and kept it well.

"Let's go, find a relatively empty place, and let your colorful sacred poison butterfly begin to absorb the energy of poison gall."

After collecting the essence and blood, this evil evil poisonous dragon python will have no value. There may be some precious things on the body, such as its bones, but the value will not be too high.

Now Lin Ran doesn’t lack that little money. It takes a lot of time to collect these bones. The gain is not worth the loss. It would be better to find a place to regain strength in order to enter the depths of the Qingling Sea later, and by the way, you can also see Meng Zhishan’s The colorful sacred poison butterfly absorbs poison gall energy.

"When I came here earlier, there was a place in front that was very empty and not far from Qinglei Sea. Let's go there."

Meng Zhishan pointed in a direction when she came and said.

Originally, the place closest to the lake water was the best place to absorb the energy of poisonous gall bladder, but after a previous battle, it was already in a mess, and the blood of the evil dragon and the poisonous dragon was sprayed everywhere, and it was very difficult. Smell the smell.

Fortunately, it was because of Meng Zhishan's blocking the mask, otherwise the smell would be even more unpleasant, so I can't stay here anymore. Finding an open place is the most suitable.

"Well, let's go."

Lin Ran nodded slightly, and walked in the direction pointed by Meng Zhishan.


After a while, Lin Ran and Meng Zhishan left near the lake where they had previously fought, and came to a relatively empty plain. Under the surrounding sand, there were also a large number of bones of strange animals buried, but the air was still circulating and poisonous. The fog is not as dense as the purple lake.

And here is really not far from the Qingling Sea, you can see it at a glance, after absorbing the poisonous gall, you can immediately call the passenger ship over, which is very convenient.

"Then let's start."

After Meng Zhishan chose a good place, he immediately asked the Colorful Sacred Poison Butterfly to put the poisonous gall at the bottom of the lake in his hand first, and then took the one in Meng Zhishan's hand.

Meng Zhishan touched the head of the colorful sacred poison butterfly, and said: "Come slowly, don't worry, no matter what happens, I will be with you."

The Colorful Saint Poison Butterfly had already felt the infinite power of this poisonous gall, and its expression was extremely excited. After a slight nod, it began to absorb the energy in the poisonous gall.

This poisonous gallbladder is actually poison attribute energy, which is the key to the demon evil poison dragon python's ability to perform such powerful poison attribute skills. It is also something that poison attribute alien beasts usually have, but in different forms, some are poisonous gallbladders, and some others are. It is poison pill, and there are even some more peculiar things.

For example, Meng Zhishan's colorful sacred poison butterfly actually has a poison pellet in its body. What it needs to do now is to absorb the poison attribute energy of poison gall and gather it into the poison pellet in its body.

It’s just that this is after all the poison attribute energy of the Quasi-God Beast-level, if it is forcibly absorbed, it will undoubtedly be very painful for the ninth-order colorful holy poison butterfly, and even if it is not careful, it may break the poison pellet. Therefore, in this process, the Colorful Saint Poison Butterfly must be extra careful.

It is also for this reason that I did not choose to directly absorb the one at the bottom of the lake, in order to prevent the poison attribute energy from being too large, and directly burst the poison pill. When the poisonous gall in the hand is absorbed, then the colorful holy poison butterfly will increase very much. When it gets bigger, there will be basically no surprises when it is absorbing the one at the bottom of the lake.

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