Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 990: Condensate of Resentment

Of course, this process is still extremely painful, and for the Colorful Saint Poison Butterfly, it is no small challenge.

As the poison attribute energy of the poisonous gall bladder entered the body, the original excitement of the colorful sacred poison butterfly immediately disappeared. The expression was very painful, and the body trembled violently. At the same time, the body exuded a dazzling purple light. A large amount of toxic attribute energy overflow.

If it is an ordinary person, it must be at least several hundred meters away, otherwise it is easy to be affected. This is also the biggest drawback of poison attribute energy, and it is easy to attack indiscriminately.

Meng Zhishan looked at the painful look of the colorful sacred poison butterfly, and also took a sigh of relief, afraid that it would make a move, and clenched his hands unconsciously.

"Don't worry, sometimes the willpower of the alien beast is very terrifying. For it, you are its greatest belief in life. In order to protect you better in the future, I think the colorful sacred poison butterfly will be able to persist. ."

Lin Ran gently patted Meng Zhishan on the shoulder, and said.

"Well, I also believe it can be sustained."

Meng Zhishan nodded slightly, her eyes still inseparable from the colorful sacred poison butterfly.

Seeing this, Lin Ran didn't say much. He sat down cross-legged, and began to operate Divine Mind Art and Gui Yuan Jue, preparing to restore his own astral power.

And Meng Zhishan did not bother Lin Ran, silently watching the Colorful Sacred Poison Butterfly.


Time flies, and more than three hours have passed in a blink of an eye. Counting the time of the previous fierce battle with the evil dragon and the poisonous dragon python, the sky has gradually darkened at this time.

But Meng Zhishan was still looking at his colorful Saint Poison Butterfly, and saw that the poisonous gall in the hands of the colorful Saint Poison Butterfly had gradually lost its luster and began to sink, and the colorful Saint Poison Butterfly's expression was not so painful, on the contrary. A comfortable look began to appear.

The aura on her body was also far stronger than before. Through the contract with the colorful sacred poison butterfly, Meng Zhishan clearly perceives that the strength of the colorful sacred poison butterfly has increased a lot.

Today, if it launches the colorful butterfly poison on the evil dragon and the poisonous dragon, I am afraid it will definitely cause a lot of damage, instead of just being painless and itchy as before.


As the colorful sacred poison butterfly sighed for a long time, the poisonous gall in his hand had completely lost its luster, fell to the ground and shattered, just like a broken stone, without any energy.

"Are you going to continue to absorb, or do you want to rest for one night and continue tomorrow?"

After seeing the success of the Colorful Sacred Poison Butterfly, Meng Zhishan stroked its head and asked.

"It can't stop. Now it has remembered this feeling. It has to strike while the iron is hot. The last poisonous gall is very powerful, and it also needs to condense the poisonous fog of the whole island. Now is its best time. If you take a rest for the night If it does, it may relax it."

"Once you relax, it won't be easy to find this feeling again, and it will make it even more painful."

After Lin Ran heard Meng Zhishan's words, he suddenly opened his eyes and said.

"But I'm worried..."

As soon as Meng Zhishan was about to say something, he saw that the colorful Saint Poison Butterfly also had a firm face. He looked at the last poisonous gall in his hand, and at the same time passed on to Meng Zhishan to continue to absorb the message.

"Well, then strike the iron while it's hot and absorb it."

Meng Zhishan originally had some scruples, but after seeing the look of the colorful sacred poison butterfly, he agreed, and what Lin Ran said was indeed reasonable. The colorful sacred poison butterfly is indeed the best time to absorb it.

Therefore, Meng Zhishan didn't think much, and directly handed the poisonous gall to the colorful saint poisonous butterfly.

"After absorbing the previous poisonous gall bladder energy, the poison pill in the colorful holy poison butterfly should be much stronger. Not only that, there is also the residual poison attribute energy in the body, and it can be used to better absorb this energy. The last poisonous gall."

"There must be nothing."

At this time, Lin Ran had already recovered the star spirit power through the Divine Mind Technique and the Return to Yuan Jue. The only difference was that the thunder attribute energy in his body had not been recovered. This needed to wait until the poisonous mist on the island had dispersed, and then summoned the seven-star golden thunder tiger to absorb it. The thunder attribute energy on it can be restored.

"I also understand this truth, but I'm worried about accidents." Meng Zhishan nodded slightly and said.

"Haha don't worry, do you still remember my previous thunder tiger, it has now evolved into a seven-star golden thunder tiger, a quasi-sacred beast-level alien beast, do you know how much pain it endured during evolution?"

"That's almost equivalent to skinning it cramps, killing it again and again before rebirth, so sometimes the willpower of the alien beast is very strong, now all you have to do is to give it faith, to cheer it, this way For one thing, it can be successful."

"Well, the Colorful Saint Poison Butterfly is my most important alien beast, and my most important partner, I believe it will definitely be possible!"

"By the way, your World Destroying Thunder Tiger turned into a quasi-sacred beast-level seven-star golden thunder tiger. This is too powerful, so the thunder-attribute alien beast skill you just used through the attachment of spirits is the seven-star golden thunder. Tiger's?"

"No wonder the wailing who can bombard the evil dragon python." Meng Zhishan said in surprise.

"That's the case. If it weren't for the special nature of this small island, I was worried that the Seven-Star Golden Thunder Tiger would not be able to fully utilize it. I would have summoned it a long time ago. In this way, the evil dragon python would be even less worrying. "Lin Ran said with a slight smile.

"Hey, it seems that the gap between you and me is getting bigger and bigger. I thought that after practicing the Phantom Poison Record and enhancing the strength of the Colorful Saint Poison Butterfly, I could catch up with you a little bit. It seems that the gap is still very big now. "Meng Zhishan said with a wry smile.

But at this moment, the colorful saint poisonous butterfly began to absorb this last poisonous gall, and at the moment of preparing to absorb it, the poisonous mist on the entire island also gathered towards this poisonous gall.

At the same time, a huge ghost and poisonous dragon python phantom appeared in the air.

"I knew that the poisonous fog on this small island hasn't dissipated for a hundred years. It shouldn't be just because of the poisonous gall, it really is because of resentment."

"It seems that it lost to the supreme of the Yun clan a hundred years ago, which must have made it particularly unconvinced, so it will not be peaceful for a hundred years after death.

Lin Ran frowned when he saw the ghostly evil poisonous dragon python phantom emerging in mid-air.

"Then what to do, is it necessary to defeat this phantom?" Meng Zhishan said hurriedly.

"No need, this is just the condensate of the evil and poisonous dragon python's resentment a hundred years ago. It doesn't have the offensive power, but it should prevent you from being absorbed by the colorful holy poisonous butterfly."

"If I change it, I really can't deal with the Fa, but now, I'm sorry, I really have a way to deal with the condensate of grievances in your area."

Lin Ran smiled slightly, and his eyes turned blood red without thinking.


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