Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 12 Smuggling Machine Tools

At the end of the party, Kong Sen approached Guan Shunan and said, "Shunan, I drove here. Do you need me to take you off?"

If Guan Shunan still had some feelings for Kong Sen as classmates at first, but now that Kong Sen has repeatedly disgusted her "boyfriend", she became a little angry and said calmly: "No, we have a car!"

"Haha, okay!" Kong Sen smiled a little reluctantly. Suddenly his eyes lit up and a middle-aged man walked towards him.

"Uncle Zhang!"

The middle-aged man stopped, looked at Kong Sen and said with a smile: "Xiao Kong, how are you? Is the party over?"

Kong Sen immediately felt his back straighten, and glanced at Guan Shunan intentionally, "Shunan, let me introduce you, the general manager of Uncle Zhang's Royal Jue, Uncle Zhang, this is my classmate, Guan Shunan, Wang Min!" It just fell down to the sky.

With his mature appearance, he would not be aware of Kong Sen’s intention to show off. However, he cooperates with the latter’s father and is happy to support him: “In the future, just come to the hotel and tell me Kong Sen’s name directly, and I will give you a 50% discount!” He had figured out how these students who had graduated for one year would have the money to come here to spend money. Even a 50% discount would be a lot of money.

Kong Sen only felt that he was finally proud and proud. He glanced at Jiang Tian provocatively. He felt that he was more dignified and suppressed Jiang Tian with his aura.

When the classmates waiting for the elevator saw him, they were all surprised. It seemed that Kong Sen was really doing well. He even knew the manager of a five-star hotel. They all made up their mind to contact him more in the future.

Those who had this idea also included Wang Min next to Guan Shunan.

"Old Zhang, who is so proud that he asked you to hand over the 50% off card!" A voice came from the door.

Zhang De looked over, hurriedly greeted him, and said with a smile: "Mr. Han, you are late!" This is the art of speaking. Although the young man in front of him is the successor of the group, he does not respect him like most supervisors. Suddenly the relationship between the two became closer.

Who is this young man? Many people speculated that Wang Min's eyes were shining.

"Hey, don't mention it, let's go, don't keep the employees waiting!" Han Lin said.

Kong Sen quickly got out of the way. Although he didn't know the identity of this young man, he knew from Uncle Zhang's attitude that he was definitely from the Royal Hotel Corporation.

"Hey, Brother Jiang, why are you here?" Han Lin said in surprise when he found Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tiandao: "I'm here to eat!"

"Let's go have a drink. You can't refuse at all this time!" Han Lin said enthusiastically, okay, the meeting is over.

Kong Sen, on the other hand, was jealous to death and walked away knowingly. If he stayed here any longer, he would only lose face. He knew the manager of the Royal Hotel, and he knew people from the group.

This was the first time that Zhang De saw Han Lin being so enthusiastic about people, and he was a little surprised. Who is this young man? He said, "Mr. Han, everyone is waiting for you."

"No need to wait for me, you can drive as you please!" Han Lin waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

Zhang De smiled bitterly, he didn't take the company's affairs seriously!

Jiang Tian couldn't refuse, so he turned to look at Guan Shunan: "Do you want to go together?"

Guan Shunan glanced at Jiang Tian with complicated eyes: "I have to go to work tomorrow, you go ahead, Xiao Min and I will take a taxi!" She suddenly realized that Jiang Tian was not as simple as she thought. She thought he was just a wage earner, but he was just a wage earner. I can recognize this kind of person.

In the end, Wang Min, who was reluctant to leave, was taken away by Guan Shunan.

Han Lin smiled and said: "Brother, you are very popular with women!"

Jiang Tian smiled and did not answer.

The two drove, with Han Lin's Audi A8 leading the way, followed by Jiang Tian, ​​and finally stopped at a hotel.

In the end, the two opened a private room. Han Lin opened five bottles of beer in a row and kept looking for reasons to clink glasses with Jiang Tian. After drinking this glass, he still had one more, and after finishing this one, he still had three more.

Jiang Tian was dumbfounded. This was obviously a crime-seeking tempo. Even though Han Lin and Hu Tian chatted endlessly, Jiang Tian could tell that this guy was not in a good mood, so he invited himself to drink with him.

"Brother Han, it's a bit unethical of you to make me drink too much!" Seeing that Han Lin wanted to clink glasses with him, Jiang Tian held down his own glass. His ability to drink was not good, so he shouldn't drink like this in half an hour.

Han Lin drank a drink by himself and said: "To be honest, brother, there has been big trouble recently!"

"Caught having an affair?" Jiang Tian asked. He had figured out Han Lin's temperament. He was so careless. If you were polite to him, he would think you didn't treat him as a friend.

"Go away!" Han Lin said without any displeasure, "I was recently in charge of a project for my dad's company. I was focused on making achievements, so I ordered two five-axis machines in the name of his company through a classmate of mine in Japan. The linked CNC machine tools were planned to be smuggled back through special channels. Unexpectedly, the smuggling/smuggling ship was detained before it reached the Japanese ship. The two machine tools are still in the Japanese warehouse and cannot be shipped back!"

“Are two machine tools expensive?”

Han Lin rolled his eyes at Jiang Tian: "Brother, the five-axis CNC machine tool is a machine tool with high technological content, high precision, and is specially used to process complex curved surfaces. This machine tool system is very important for a country's aviation, aerospace, military, and scientific research. , precision machinery, high-precision medical equipment and other industries have a decisive influence. At present, the five-axis linkage CNC machine tool system is the only means to solve the processing of impellers, blades, marine propellers, heavy generator rotors, steam turbine rotors, large diesel engine crankshafts, etc. . The machine tool I bought is an old model that was eliminated in Japan 40 years ago and is rarely produced anymore, but two machines cost nearly 20 million."

After listening to Han Lin's explanation, Jiang Tian knew what was going on.

For a long time, Western industrialized countries, led by the United States, have regarded five-axis CNC machine tool systems as important strategic materials and implemented an export license system. Especially during the Cold War, a blockade and embargo was imposed on China, the former Soviet Union, and other socialist camps.

Military-loving friends may know the famous "Toshiba Incident": At the end of the last century, Japan's Toshiba Company sold several five-axis CNC milling machines to the former Soviet Union, which were used by the former Soviet Union to manufacture submarine propulsion propellers. It has been upgraded to several levels, so that the sonar of the US spy ship cannot detect the sound of the submarine. Therefore, the United States wants to punish Toshiba for violating the strategic material embargo policy.

These two machine tools with 40-year-old technology were obtained by Han Lin after a lot of effort. Although these two machine tools with 40-year-old technology may not necessarily be much superior to domestic machine tool technology, they are better because of their stable performance. Unlike domestic products, there are no major problems. Minor problems occur every three days, and maintenance time is more than working time.

"Is it possible to get the latest machine tools?" Jiang Tian asked.

Han Lin shook his head: "It's impossible. You have no idea how strict Japan controls this aspect. For example, Japan regards this kind of machine tool as more important than their prime minister."

“What about through third-party countries?”

Han Lin said: "I don't know about that. Alas, I have two machine tools. I still hope to use them to increase the company's production capacity!"

Jiang Tian thought for a while and said: "Brother Han, if you can trust me, I can give it a try, maybe I can succeed!"

Han Lin's eyes widened: "You? Are you capable of smuggling this kind of thing back from Japan?" Han Lin even began to wonder if he had drunk too much and heard wrongly or if Jiang Tian had drunk too much and started talking nonsense.

Jiang Tian blinked: "If you don't believe me, I'll knock you down!"

Han Lin was half-convinced and said: "Do you really have the connections? You know that even the largest smuggler in Jiangnan Province can't do anything about it! How sure are you?"

Jiang Tiandao: "I'm 90% sure!"

"Damn, that's not right. Good brother, I won't treat you badly like this. I'll give you a commission of one million for each machine. As long as you help me transport those two machine tools back, you will be my brother, Han Lin, from now on." !" Han Lin said happily.

The commission for two machine tools is two million. This is Jiang Tian's largest order so far. The difficulty level is just to go to Japan and throw it into the storage room of the pirate ship. 1,000 cubic meters is enough.

"So you are not sure that I am a brother now?"

"Huh? Haha, buddy, I said the wrong thing, I'll punish myself with a drink!" Han Lin raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp. He drank so boldly that the gloom just now was swept away, and he was in a good mood.

"But I need you to help me apply for a passport to Japan. When I get the passport, I will leave!" Jiang Tiandao.

"No problem, leave it to me!" Han Lin said, patting his chest.

Next, Han Lin called a few girls to come in. They sang and drank loudly. They were in a good mood and hugged each other.

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