Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 13 Recruiting Employees

The next day, when Jiang Tian woke up, he still felt his head hurt. Han Lin was such a drinker that he couldn't hold back four or five bottles. After drinking beer and drinking foreign wine, he finally fainted.

I stood up and looked around and found myself in a hotel suite.

Just after taking a shower, I received a call from Han Lin.

"Hey, brother, the passport can be obtained in about 7 days. Then it will be up to you!" Han Lin said.

"Well, don't worry!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Tian walked out of the hotel, picked up the car, went back and changed some clothes, and then went straight to the computer city.

Purchased 4 computers and a fax machine, scanner, printer and other office equipment.

In the afternoon, after setting up the company, I received a call saying that the customized aquarium had arrived.

Jiang Tian drove over and led the way. The aquarium company delivered the goods to his door.

Jiang Tian directly depreciated the old aquarium and gave it back to the aquarium company at a price of 30%, which made the person in charge, Le, lose his teeth. He knew that Jiang Tian's aquarium was new in less than half a month.

After the installation master left, Jiang Tian took out the big lobster hidden in the bedroom. Good guy, including the two claws, it was more than half a meter tall. Looking at the fiery red big lobster, I thought the meat must be very delicious.

When placed in a new aquarium, the space of 2 meters * 1 meter * 2 meters is not very large, but it is not too crowded and can at least last for a while.

When he really can't let go, Jiang Tian plans to put the big lobster into the sea. Jiang Tian is still looking forward to how big the big lobster can grow.

Back in the bedroom, Jiang Tian noticed the horrible scene in the corner of the room. The dumbbells he used to exercise looked like they had been chewed by a vise. There were large and small nicks, some were just a few scratches, and some were an inch or two deep. .

Jiang Tian came to his senses, could it be that the big lobster did it? This fucking thing is like a fighter jet in the giant lobster. Could it be that the giant lobster mutated after being possessed by himself, and his pincers are so terrifying that they can even create gaps in steel?

In order to test his idea, Jiang Tian deliberately found an iron bar as thick as his little finger from the drawer, hurriedly came to the hall, fished out the big lobster, and placed the iron bar in front of it.

The big lobster seemed to know what Jiang Tian meant, waving its large claws to clamp the iron bar.


The iron bar was broken into two pieces and fell to the ground. The cross section was smooth and flat, showing the sharpness of the pincers.

The big lobster still felt dissatisfied and crawled to the foot of the dining table, waving its claws and clawing at the wood. Jiang Tian was so frightened that he quickly stopped its crazy behavior.

Picking it up carefully, Jiang Tian felt a little scared in his heart. He was afraid that if this guy was in a bad mood, he would be missing arms and legs if he did it for a while.

"Looking at it this way, if you put it back into the sea, it still has a certain ability to protect itself!"

The next day, Jiang Tian drove to the Qinghe District Talent Market. The company was established, so it naturally needed employees. He couldn't let himself, the boss, do the business.

I paid a few hundred yuan to rent a remote location, posted the printed materials, and waited for job seekers to come to my door.

I just don’t know if it’s because Jiangtian is in a remote location or because the company profile is too simple, so few people ask.

Near noon, an applicant finally came, a young man in his twenties, "Excuse me, are you recruiting a salesperson here?"

"Come on, come on, let's have a drink first and let's talk slowly!" The first applicant came to the door. Jiang Tian was very happy and took out a bottle of mineral water and handed it over. The young man was very flattered. He had interviewed with so many companies. The company is the most humane.

"I am the boss of this company. My name is Jiang Tian. Have you brought your resume?" Jiang Tian asked.

The young man asked Jiang Tian in surprise, such a young boss?

"Bring it!"

Jiang Tian took the resume and looked through it. Li Bin is a fresh college graduate, majoring in marketing. He has a decent academic qualification but no work experience. However, Jiang Tian automatically ignored this. He was just kidding. If he doesn't recruit another one, he is afraid that he will not be able to recruit anyone today. .

After simply asking a few questions, the young man's logical thinking is very good. Although he has no practical experience, his theoretical knowledge is still good. After all, he is studying marketing.

"The basic salary is three thousand, and there is also a performance commission. Can you accept it?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Okay!" Even for a fresh undergraduate, 3,000 yuan a month is considered good.

"Okay, take a look at the contract and sign the employment agreement if there is no problem!" Jiang Tian pulled out a stack of documents. The contract was very simple. After all, the company was newly established and there were not so many rules.

"Sign now?" Li Bin said in surprise. This was the first time he encountered this kind of company, but he was more happy. He finally found a job. Although it was only a small company, he could accumulate some experience first and then change jobs. Jump a little.

If Jiang Tian knew what he was thinking, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood and think about changing jobs before he even came in.

After signing the contract, Jiang Tian stood up and stretched out his hand: "Congratulations, you have chosen a company with a great future. Believe me, you will definitely be able to achieve something in less than three years!"

Anyway, there is no need to pay for such words, Jiang Tian said cheerfully.

"Boss, I will work hard!" Li Bin nodded heavily.

In the next half day, several more people came for interviews, but Jiang Tian fell in love with a girl named Lu Tingting. She was a very talkative girl who had worked in real estate sales before.

After recruiting two salesmen, Jiang Tian closed the stall.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the office. You can officially go to work tomorrow. I'm not usually in the company. It's all up to you. Of course, if you don't have business within three months, then I will just I can ask you to find another job!"

"I know, boss!"

Driving the two of them to Yinfa Building, Jiang Tian pointed to the twenty-story silver-gray office building in front of him and said, "You will work here from now on!"


Li Bin and Lu Tingting took a breath of air. They didn't expect that the small company the boss mentioned was so impressive.

"Boss, is our company still recruiting people? A friend of mine is planning to change jobs recently. Don't worry about his work ability!" Lu Tingting asked.

"Haha, we don't need it yet, the company already has enough manpower!" Jiang Tian said.

"Oh!" Lu Tingting was a little disappointed. She knew that she said this too early. How could anyone introduce someone as soon as they started working? However, the boss's reason for refusing was too false. The employee turnover in such a large company must be high, how could it be possible? There are no open positions.

Lu Tingting is determined to work hard and look good.

"Let's go, let's take you to see the future office!"

When they arrived at the 110-square-meter brand-new office, Li Bin and Lu Tingting had very rich expressions. They were excited at first, then confused, and finally disappointed...

"Boss, where are the others?" Lu Tingting asked.

"Who else is there? They are all here!" Jiang Tian said.

Li Bin said: "What the boss means is that Lu Tingting and I are the only ones in the whole company?"

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