Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 182 Annihilation Bomb

"Fight back, fight back!"

The "Flying Dragon" was in chaos, but there was still some order. Below the deck, coal was being shoveled into the large furnace. The flames burned fiercely, and above the flames, there was a fist-sized diamond-shaped crystal suspended. . ≤,

The burning of the flame causes this crystal to continuously release energy, which is transmitted to every corner of the "Flying Dragon" through the magic array. The speed, power, weapons, etc. are all operated by the magic array.

In every place, there are several people maintaining the magic circle. Although they are not legendary magicians, the Orlando Dragon family has countless books, especially on magic. Each of these crew members is proficient in magic knowledge.


Under Orlando's induction and command, the "Flying Dragon" also began to bombard, while Jiang Tian controlled the pirate ship to shuttle quickly across the sea. Compared with the "Flying Dragon" that relied on magic arrays, Jiang Tian controlled the pirate ship with his thoughts, and the speed was faster. Much faster.

He has been hit three times. If it happens two more times, the defensive shield may be broken. Jiang Tian gritted his teeth and said, "Damn, I'll give you a taste of my ultimate weapon!"

"Annihilation Cannon!"

On the turret, the main gun fired, and a dark cannonball shot out.

Jiang Tian stared closely, and then saw the defensive cover on the "Flying Dragon" dissipate like snow melting in the spring. Unlike ice bombs and fire spirit bombs, where the energy of ice and fire slowly erodes the defensive shield, the annihilation bomb directly causes the defensive shield to disappear and be split into the most primitive molecules.

The waves rolling up near the "Flying Dragon" were contaminated by the energy of the explosion, and immediately turned into nothingness, as if they had been evaporated by the high temperature.

The expressions of everyone on the "Flying Dragon" changed drastically. For the first time, someone with sufficient energy blasted through the "Flying Dragon"'s defense shield.

"Open all the energy. Turn on the air-breaking mode. Evacuate quickly!"

Orlando gave the order, and at the same time, a blue water curtain was propped up on the "Flying Dragon". Orlando gritted his teeth and held on to resist the erosion of the annihilation attribute power.

The water curtain breaks down layer by layer, and then props up layer by layer.

Everyone stared nervously upward.

In the end, no one knows how many layers of water curtains were eroded, and the annihilation attribute power finally completely dissipated at that moment. Orlando sank down on the deck, panting and pale.

"Sir!" Luonan and others quickly went over and helped Orlando up.

"What a terrifying power, what a powerful oriental!" Orlando murmured.

When Jiang Tian saw the annihilation bomb break through the defensive shield, he was overjoyed. It turned out that this was the annihilation bomb, which annihilated all matter into nothingness and directly decomposed into the most primitive molecules.

But seeing that the "Flying Dragon" was about to be breached by himself, Jiang Tian suddenly saw a strong blue light on the "Flying Dragon" flashing under the night sky. The super bright light made Jiang Tian close his eyes involuntarily. Then the next moment he opened his eyes, there was nothing in front of him. The "Flying Dragon" disappeared.

The sea surface is still violently undulating and the waves are rolling.

At the seaport, sirens were blaring, and police cars were parked at the pier. However, these policemen did not stupidly drive speedboats close to the pirate ships. Just kidding, fighter jets are useless. Let's wait for the navy/military to deal with it.

When a strong blue light flashed, the "Flying Dragon" disappeared, and there was not a single ship on the sea. The police were stunned. What should they do? The murderer had escaped?

As for the pirate ship, they don't have the same sensing ability as Orlando, and they can't see the invisible pirate ship at all.

"It's a pity, but we also see that Orlando didn't bring the Heart of the Ocean out!"

Orlando was repelled, but the pirate ship also consumed nearly 100 blocks of energy. A naval battle consumed one-tenth of the stored energy.

Jiang Tian activated the salvage function of the pirate ship, but he had no idea what the Heart of the Ocean looked like. How to describe it? Finally, enter directly: Salvage the Heart of the Ocean!

The result is that it cannot be salvaged!

The salvage of the pirate ship was ineffective. Jiang Tian could only rely on himself to use his water power with all his strength. Since Orlando can sense the existence of the heart of the ocean, he must also be able to.

More and more mental energy is consumed, and Jiang Tian's sensing area is also expanding until it reaches the limit.

A feeling of exhaustion rose from the bottom of his heart. Jiang Tian thought for a while that it was better to leave this sea area first, otherwise the Philippine Navy would be coming soon. You must know that although the pirate ship can be invisible, it is only invisible to the naked eye and cannot hide from the sound. He did not want to be bombarded by more than a dozen missiles due to the detection of Nahe's modern radar.

Although the pirate ship has a defensive cover, it has just endured three magic cannons from the "Flying Dragon", and its defensive function has been reduced by 60%, and will not be restored until 24 hours later.

At the same time, out of caution, the big lobster was also allowed to leave the sea.

Just three hours after Jiang Tian left this sea area, three warships arrived at the sea, and there were two submarines below. They contacted the local army/team, but the news they received was that the murderer had escaped.

While the navy was searching the nearby waters, it was also salvaging the two sunken Japanese warships to see if there were any survivors. Unfortunately, all they salvaged were corpses.

Of course, such a big thing cannot be blocked. The naval battle on Isabela Island in the Philippines immediately became the focus of global news.

Someone was videotaping that night, but from a few kilometers away and with huge waves, it was impossible to see clearly what kind of warship was involved in the naval battle with the Japanese warship. I could only vaguely see that it was one ship at first, and then another one appeared. Moreover, the two ships later bombarded each other.

"Oh my God, why are there defense covers on these two ships? Are they the most advanced technology?"

"The two ships are not using missiles, but they actually have flaming cannonballs. Isn't this too sci-fi? Could it be photoshopped?"

The video circulating on the Internet instantly received over 10 million views.

Experts on various affairs are also studying whether it is the latest weapon developed by a certain country. If so, it would be too scary, because it can be seen from the blurry video that the Japanese frigate has no power to fight back.

Of course, more people are concerned about which country took action?

A detailed analysis shows that there are many enemies of Japan, but there seem to be only one or two who really dare to take risks, and whether it is from the perspective of geographical location or strength, Huaxia seems to be the only target of suspicion.

Various channels are broadcasting the analysis of experts from various countries, especially the United States. The intelligence agencies of various countries quickly moved to investigate the matter because they felt the threat. In an instant, intelligence personnel from various countries appeared on Isabela Island.

As a result, not many people paid attention to the large-scale gun battle that took place in Falcon Manor on Isabela Island, and it was just regarded as an ordinary big fight between dark forces.

The big pirates in Southeast Asia suffered heavy casualties this time, because the three-nation coalition led by Indonesia reported the results of this operation the next day, killing 3 big pirates who had caused trouble in Southeast Asia for many years, and sinking 9 ships. Now, counting Falcon and Sea Serpent King, there are only 4 of the 9 pirates left.

Bola, Babo, Iko, and another big pirate that Jiang Tian is not familiar with. I am afraid that the waters of Southeast Asia will no longer be calm, and the major pirates will take advantage of the situation and cause chaos.

The official news of the Japanese state stated that the sinking of the frigate was the result of the country's invention of a new type of weapon, and the Japanese frigate was used as a practical test.

Huaxia State immediately declared to the outside world that they were sad that this incident happened, but they stated righteously that this matter had nothing to do with Huaxia State and that Huaxia State had no knowledge of it.

Japan, in the side courtyard of the Emperor's Palace, Beichen Yi Dao knelt on one knee in the courtyard, "Master, I did not complete the task, but instead asked Elder Aoki to die for the empire. I have embarrassed you, please punish me!"

Nobita Jingu looked at him and spoke slowly: "Aoki's death was an accident. We all underestimated the enemy a little, but fortunately this time it's not just us who are embarrassed!"

Beichen raised his head with a knife, "Master, are you talking about the shipwreck incident in the Philippines?"

Jingu Nobita nodded: "Those pirates are really powerful. That old guy Sato failed to mobilize the escort team. Haha, his old face was more humiliated than me!"

"Sato Dai Onmyoji?" Beichen was stunned.

"Okay, get up. You are lucky enough to be able to return home alive this time. Please remember this from now on and be in awe!" Nobita's figure disappeared into the yard.

Jiang Tian stayed in Wenli/City, Malay, and talked to Bora on the phone, but did not go to him because Bora was busy digesting Falcon's power and dealing with the situation where more than half of the large pirates in Southeast Asia were killed or injured.

And Peng Xuebing, who was supported by himself, has now completely stabilized his power. He has a foothold in Wenli City. He has people with money and guns. His power is divided into three. Song Cheng and Lu Liang each manage a team. People and horses, as well as his own direct line of people and horses, this is what Jiang Tian means.

When he met Jiang Tian this time, Peng Xuebing did not have the arrogance or double-mindedness he had after his power grew. Instead, he became more respectful. Jiang Tian guessed that he might have been suppressed by the methods he used last time, or that he was really a good person. Know how to be grateful in return, maybe both. I stayed in Wenli City for 4 days, during which Jester came to visit Jiang Tian for two days. Naturally, it was impossible for him to travel alone. Now this guy is very arrogant. He brought 20 gunmen here and played all heavy games. The weapons also made Peng Xuebing more curious about the origin of his boss.

The salvage of Isabela Island lasted for four days and four nights. Finally, after the warships and submarines left, Jiang Tian drove the pirate ship to this area.

Naturally, the job of searching for the heart of the ocean is left to Big Lobster. Its ability is even stronger than Zhijiang Tian. It searches for areas of the sea, focusing on the place where the frigate sunk.

Finally, the next day, there was news about the big lobster. It sensed the existence of the Heart of the Ocean. Jiang Tian immediately switched his consciousness to the big lobster, and then saw a trench dozens of kilometers wide appearing in front of him, going down. It looks bottomless. A rough estimate is that this trench is at least 2,000 meters deep.

It turns out that the Heart of the Ocean fell here. Could it be that I couldn't search for it at the beginning? It is too deep under 2,000 meters. (To be continued...)

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