Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 183 Deep Sea Dragon Whale

The big lobster started to dive, standing on top of the trench. As soon as he went down, the sea water became obviously colder, and the light became much dimmer, and the further down, the darker. Even with the eyesight of the big lobster, he could only see what was in front of him. one slice. ±,

Five minutes later, the big lobster had reached a depth of 1,000 meters below the trench. At this time, Jiang Tian was able to see that the surrounding seawater pressure was pervasive, tightly wrapping the big dragon system and squeezing it hard.

Jiang Tian has clearly felt the heavy pressure caused by the lobster's limbs swimming.

If we consider that there is a water depth of 300 meters above the trench, the giant lobster has already dived to a depth of 1,300 meters. There is no other movement in the entire ocean world. It is as silent as a place of death, without the slightest breath of life.

Every time he dived 100 meters, Jiang Tian could feel the pressure coming from the big lobster getting heavier.

At this time, the limit of the lobster itself has almost been reached. Just when the lobster's carapace was moaning due to the pressure, the lobster's body began to wrap around strips of water, spinning around it.

All of a sudden, the pressure on the big lobster was reduced by less than half.

This is the ability to control water. The big lobster continues to dive. When it reaches 1,500 meters, the big lobster simply swims to the rock wall of the trench, grabs the rock with its sharp feet, and then crawls down the slope like a spider.

Suddenly, a dark shadow quickly passed in front of Big Lobster's eyes. It was so fast that Jiang Tian couldn't see what it was.

"Is it a creature that lives at the bottom of the deep sea?"

Jiang Tian told the big lobster to ignore it and continue crawling, using the big lobster's sensing ability. Jiang Tian seemed to feel the presence of Ocean Heart.

continue. continue

finally. The big lobster climbed to the bottom of the trench. In fact, the depth was almost 2,000 meters. The water at the bottom was not very clear. There were small floating objects everywhere in the sea. I don’t know if they were living things or dirt.

Suddenly, another black shadow appeared in front of him. This time Jiang Tian could see clearly that it turned out to be a huge spider. It has eight steel claw-like feet, covered with long red hair like steel needles, and has a body shape and a diameter of 3 meters.

This giant spider was suspended above the big lobster, its green eyes looking at the big lobster motionlessly.

Suddenly, the giant spider moved, and the two steel claws like pliers struck at the head of the big lobster like lightning. When Jiang Tian saw it, he said, Damn, I was thinking about whether I should capture you and study it. It's better for you to take the initiative to attack.

The giant lobster is also a belligerent owner. He was not afraid of the giant spider's sneak attack. Instead, he rushed forward and smashed his giant claws at the giant spider.


The giant spider was directly smashed to its feet by the big lobster. Half of its body was dented by the terrifying power of the big lobster. Dark green juice flowed from its body, and it was not completely dead. Its eight claws were still moving.

There is no doubt about the power of the mutated giant lobster, and its carapace is extremely hard, and its pincers can cut through fine steel. It can be said that the giant lobster is really not afraid of melee combat.

Following the feeling, he continued to move forward. Soon, the feeling became stronger and stronger. Then he turned a big bend against the rock wall, and Jiang Tian saw the heart of the ocean. In the trench with a depth of 2,000 meters, there was a little light. , like a moonlight gem in the darkness.

There is a protruding stone on the rock wall, and the Heart of the Ocean falls on it.

However, what attracted Jiang Tian's attention more was not the heart of the ocean, but the large and small underwater creatures.

A 3-meter-long blue creature that looks like a crab, a dozen-meter-long giant octopus, and a jellyfish-like creature with a diameter of 20 meters.

There are seven or eight kinds of strange creatures, and they are all fighting together at the moment. The blue crab clamps the jellyfish and tears the latter's body, while the jellyfish emits a blue arc to stun the crab.

Every creature that approaches the heart of the ocean will be besieged by other creatures and end up being torn apart.

A group of deep-sea creatures were vying for ownership of the heart of the ocean. Jiang Tian was stunned. If this scene was filmed, those so-called marine biology experts would be shocked. It’s amazing. Where did so many weird creatures come from? from.

Suddenly, a black fish covered with black scales and two eyes bigger than a millstone chased the big lobster. This strange fish was a full 15 meters long, about the same as the big lobster, and the ten fish exposed in its mouth A few slender and sharp teeth leave no doubt that it can tear anything apart.

Like a provoked king, the big lobster flew into a rage and charged towards the black monster fish.

In the blink of an eye, the distance of 100 meters was reached, and the sharp teeth of the black monster fish were about to bite the head of the big lobster. The right claw of the big lobster struck decisively, cutting through the sea water, and "click, click, click" from the belly of the black fish like lightning. The ground tore through the latter's hard scales, and a strong smell of blood emerged.

Then he saw the big lobster's right claw sink deeply into the belly of the black monster fish, and forcefully penetrated from the latter's back.

The black monster fish that had been pierced through its body broke out in a violent struggle and broke free from the right claw of the big lobster. Then its huge body fell to the bottom of the sea, motionless, and its internal organs were thrown out by itself. The terrifying mouth opened. Zhang Yihe was dying.

"I'm asking you to pretend to be cool, but you still want to attack me. I'm the king of the ocean!" Jiang Tian said the big lobster's heart.

Then, the big lobster swam towards the heart of the ocean step by step. All the fighting sea creatures stopped. They rushed towards the big lobster one after another. Their instinct told them that the big lobster was their biggest enemy.

"Come on, let me show you what it means to be a true king!"

The big lobster suddenly raised its claws and rushed over, "boom", "click, click". Every time it waved its claws, it would knock down a sea creature. Either its internal organs were broken by the terrifying force of the big lobster, or it was smashed by the giant lobster. The lobster was cut into two pieces.

The scene was extremely bloody and chaotic. In the end, only one octopus was left alive. Its eight huge tentacles were tightly wrapped around the body of the lobster, and its huge suckers seemed to penetrate the carapace of the lobster.

"Crack, click, click!"

Two tentacles were pinched off by the big lobster, and then the steel whip-like tentacles on the big lobster's forehead suddenly shot out, penetrating the octopus's brain all at once, penetrating back and forth.

"Do you think you're the only one with tentacles?"

Finally, the big lobster got the heart of the ocean, and then swam quickly towards the sea surface. The current on its body was fast, and the water waves wrapped around it, and its speed reached the extreme.

The reason why the big lobster wanted to escape so quickly was because it felt the danger was approaching. The animal's instinct was very accurate. Just when the big lobster swam to normal, a golden cracking cloud suddenly came from the depths of the trench. Such a high-pitched voice.

The sound was very sharp, like a spear piercing your brain. The lobster's movements couldn't help but stagnate, then recovered and swam towards the sea surface at a faster speed.

Then I saw a huge black shadow rushing up from the bottom of the trench. Its speed was faster than the big lobster blessed with water power, and it quickly approached the big lobster.

Jiang Tian lowered his head and looked, "Oh my god, it's 50 meters long by visual inspection. It's really terrifying. So far, I have never seen such a big underwater beast."

Then the next moment, like the earth hitting Mars, an incomparably huge force acted on the big lobster. The big lobster was like a wave cutting through the night sky, its body flew out upside down, rolling and rolling again and again.

After rolling several hundred meters, the big lobster simply did not stop and continued to use its water control ability to escape quickly.

What makes Jiang Tian amazing is that after being hit by such a terrifying force, the lobster's carapace didn't break. Not only did it not break, it looked like nothing was wrong. It was such a powerful defense.

And Jiang Tian also saw clearly the behemoth just now. It was clearly a giant whale, but this whale was astonishingly big. What is the concept of 50 meters? If it hits with all its strength, even a warship hundreds of meters high may capsize. Bar.

But in addition to being four times the size of an ordinary whale, this whale also has claws on its belly. Yes, they are really claws, just like the kind of claws that have just burst out of the belly. Compared to its huge size For its size, the 3-meter-long claws are too small and a little deformed.

"Quick, quick, quick!" Jiang Tian urged the big lobster to escape quickly, because if it is too far away from the sea, even if the pirate ship's cannon can hit it, its power will be greatly reduced.

The big lobster swam upwards desperately. Below, the dragon whale swung its tail fin, set off a huge wave, and quickly chased the big lobster.


An undercurrent formed as the giant lobster swung its claws, like a huge wave sweeping towards the dragon whale.

The dragon whale was not afraid and rushed towards him, knocking the powerful water dragon into dissipation.

Seeing this momentum, Jiang Tian was shocked. The water seemed soft, but once it condensed into a momentum, the power was huge. The water dragon just now definitely contained tens of thousands of tons of impact, but it did not have any impact on the dragon whale. .

horrible! How could such a terrifying creature be provoked? Did it come to the heart of the ocean?

This is the only possibility!

The big lobster is obviously not its opponent. Even if the big lobster uses its full power to control water and waves its claws to rush towards it, it will probably be defeated in a few back and forth. The size is really not on the same level, and the dragon whale can kill it in one bite. The big lobster was swallowed.

The big lobster is on the run!

Finally, the big lobster emerged from the water, and more than a few hundred meters away from it, a huge wave stirred up, and you could still see the huge tail fin flashing past.

A few hundred meters is not a distance for the dragon whale. Just as it was swimming towards the big lobster, the pirate ship showed off its power.

Fire bombs burning with blazing flames blasted out. The flame bombs fell into the sea. The flames were extinguished, but the heat inside was like rolling magma. You can imagine the temperature contained in it, and even seawater could not extinguish it at once. (To be continued...)

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