Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 184 Heart of the Ocean, Mutation

A violent fire rose above the sea. The fire spirit bomb hit the dragon whale and turned into endless hot energy that acted on the dragon whale's back. However, it was immediately submerged by the sea water. The sea water around the explosion point instantly disappeared, and directly Evaporated by the high temperature. …,

The Dragon Whale burst out with a shrill cry. The sound was high-pitched and penetrated the clouds. Only its back was a bloody mess. However, because the Fire Spirit Bomb exploded in seawater, its power was estimated to be only one-third of the usual. No fatal injuries were caused to the dragon whale.

The dragon whale disappeared above the sea and dived underwater, while the big lobster finally arrived at the pirate ship. Jiang Tian got the heart of the ocean and put it directly in the storage room without caring about looking at it, staring at the sea with all his concentration.

He didn't believe that the dragon whale would be repelled by him so easily.


Huge water waves suddenly appeared in front of them. The Dragon Whale's tail fin slapped on the sea like an iron curtain. The violent sea water almost pushed the pirate ship dozens of meters away. The Dragon Whale seemed to feel the heart of the ocean on Jiang Tian and did not pursue him. The big lobster swam towards the pirate ship instead.

The big lobster was about to come up to block it, but Jiang Tian shouted it back, then controlled the pirate ship to retreat quickly, retreating

The dragon whale is very fast, slightly slower than the pirate ship.

"Ice Cannon!"

Jiang Tian gave the order, and the next moment the ice cannon was fired, hitting the dragon whale's back. The ice bomb exploded with icy force. With the dragon whale as the center, a 500-meter radius suddenly turned into ice, forming an ice ball.

The power of the ice bomb is to freeze everything. In this way, the Dragon Whale was frozen by the 500-meter large ice ball. Slowly sinking towards the bottom of the sea.

Jiang Tian was overjoyed. in the ocean. Sure enough, the ice cannon is more powerful and can freeze everything. Imagine if this shell hits a warship, there is no need to sink the warship or kill many people, because the entire warship is frozen. , all the people and objects above were frozen into ice cubes.

It simply kills everything.

Just when Jiang Tian thought the matter was over, suddenly. An explosion sounded, and Jiang Tian was startled. He quickly switched his consciousness to the big lobster, and then saw that the dragon whale had broken free from the ice and was swimming staggeringly towards the deep sea. It was obviously much weaker.

With the power of ice entering its body, it might not be alive for a few years, but this dragon whale can actually shatter ice blocks with a radius of 500 meters. It is indeed a strange species. Looking at the claws on its abdomen, it might be of dragon blood.

Jiang Tian did not chase Dragon Whale. Firstly, I can't bear to waste energy, and secondly, I can't bear it. Yes, I just can't bear it. After all, this dragon whale has not caused any harm to itself. The 50-meter-long alien whale may be the only one in the entire ocean to kill it. , I'm afraid it will become extinct.

However, Jiang Tian couldn't bear to kill the dragon whale, but that didn't mean that the big lobster was willing to let it go. When he saw that the dragon whale was seriously injured, he immediately waved his claws to kill the dragon whale. The water waves rolled above his claws, and there was a powerful energy. Condensing.

Jiang Tian quickly stopped the big lobster's behavior. This guy had no sense of protecting rare animals at all.

When he came to Southeast Asia this time, Jiang Tian had thoroughly seen the madness of the big pirates in Southeast Asia. Each of them was like a navy formation. There were not only warships, but also gunboats, and all kinds of weapons on board were amazing. Poor, anti-ship missiles, anti-submarine missiles, ship-to-ship missiles, etc. are really bold.

Jiang Tian suddenly felt how comfortable it was to live in China. He didn't have to worry about being blown to pieces with a rocket launcher when he went out.

After this time, I am afraid that Southeast Asian pirates will lie dormant for a while and their vitality will be severely damaged. There will be internal fighting and internal fighting, and those who are surrounded and suppressed will be surrounded and suppressed. However, it may also become more rampant because without the restraint of big pirates, those who do not have enough to eat will The individual fishermen will be even more crazy.

But these things have nothing to do with Jiang Tian. Jiang Tian drove the pirate ship back. This time Jiang Tian did not speed up crazily, but maintained normal speed and stealth, heading towards the south/sea/sea/area.

Under the sea, the giant lobster follows closely.

Jiang Tian had a thought in his mind and planned to take out the Heart of the Ocean to see what kind of magical existence it was. Not only were the big pirates fighting for it endlessly, but even the Japanese did not hesitate to send escort frigates to seize it, and the undersea creatures were fighting for it. .

But the next moment, Jiang Tian was stunned.

The Heart of the Ocean did not appear, but the storage room underwent earth-shaking changes.

The storage room used to be a huge space of 50*50*50 meters. There was no concept of time in it and it was an absolute vacuum. But now, when Jiang Tian looked at it with his mind, he saw a blue sky and white clouds, then a Dead Sea and an isolated island, surrounded by Chaos and darkness, as if surrounded by mist.

Then??Then, Jiang Tian suddenly found himself suddenly appearing in this world.

It was a magical feeling. Jiang Tian could feel the existence of his body in real life, but he appeared alive in this world. He could touch his face and squeeze his thigh without pain.

This is the incarnation of my own thoughts, and this place should be a storage room, but it was transformed into this because of the Heart of the Ocean.

There is no sun in the sky, but there is light, which is very warm.

After feeling it, this world and ocean are about 10 kilometers in radius, and this isolated island, Jiang Tian has circled around, is about 1 kilometer in radius. The key is, what is the role of this world, and where do the things I stored in the storage room go? Already?

After a closer inspection, Jiang Tian understood the ins and outs. All his things had been broken down into the most primitive molecules, which meant that they were all gone. Jiang Tian felt like crying without tears. Not only were there miscellaneous things inside, but there were also a lot of them. Fish, grenades, mobile phones, clothes, and tens of thousands of RMB and US dollars, and all ID cards and bank cards were destroyed.

If I had told you earlier, if I had told you this would happen, I would have taken out the things first, and then put them back in after you modified them. It just so happened that the fish could be released in this sea area.

After being depressed for a while, Jiang Tiancai observed the world carefully. The island was a wasteland, not even a root of grass could be seen, and the sea was so dead that there was no fish, not to mention fish, not even single-celled paramecium.

What would you do with such a piece of land? Come here to see the sea if you have nothing to do?


Jiang Tian yelled depressedly.


The originally dead sea water suddenly rolled violently, and then exploded into waves tens of meters high out of thin air.

"Fuck! What's going on?"

Then Jiang Tian realized that he seemed to have become a god here, "Get up!"

The waves are so powerful that they can reach hundreds of meters, not to mention tens of meters. If he had such a powerful ability in reality, he would be able to kill Orlando by himself without the need for a pirate ship.

No matter how fun things are, if there is no interaction, it will be boring if you play alone all the time. Jiang Tian is sitting on the isolated island. He is thinking, if he gets all the other 8 ocean hearts, will this place change, for example, will there be life?

Speaking of life, Jiang Tian immediately pulled out his consciousness and returned to his body. Then with one move of one hand, a fish flew up from the sea and landed on the deck. With a thought, Jiang Tian took the sea fish into the space. .

Then come to space again.

Finally, I saw the sea fish swimming in the sea water for a while, then struggling, and soon it turned over and died.

How is this going?

Then the next moment, Jiang Tian's mind and space became one, and he understood the truth. Only by gathering three pieces of the heart of the ocean can this sea area support foreign marine life.

It's really painful. It's so difficult to get a piece of Heart of the Ocean. 3 pieces, I don't know what year or month.

Suddenly, Jiang Tian heard some movement. He was afraid that he would make a sound by stepping on the ground, so he deliberately remained motionless. Then, the sound rang again.

Jiang Tian is the master of this space. He soon found the source of the sound. In the center of the island, there was a spring the size of an eye bubbling water. Then, visible to the naked eye, a small spring the size of a washbasin appeared. Puddles slowly formed and spring water slowly accumulated.

The land slowly sunk down, and spring water emerged from the springs little by little, almost very little, almost drop by drop.

Then, Jiang Tian heard the sound of the ground breaking. Near the spring, a small bud was trying hard to get out of the ground, and then it unfolded. It was a small grass, tender green.

It's simply amazing.

"Well, little one, give you some water!"

Jiang Tian carefully dipped a few drops of water into his hand and dropped it on the roots of the grass. The next moment, something even more magical happened. Jiang Tian's eyes widened.

The grass swayed for a moment, and then under Jiang Tian's gaze, it slowly pulled up, and a few more leaves bloomed.

"Is it the effect of the spring water?"

Jiang Tian kept dripping spring water to the roots of the grass, and then the grass grew crazily, and finally turned into a 20-centimeter-long twig, dotted with tender green leaves.

When it grows to this height, no matter how much Jiang Tian irrigates the spring, the small tree will no longer grow, and Jiang Tian will stop.

At this moment, the spring water gushing out was also used up by Jiang Tian.

"There are energy fluctuations in this spring water. It's simply amazing!" Jiang Tian can sense a trace of power contained in the spring water, which can make grass grow into small trees quickly. Is it the power of life?

After studying this world for a long time, Jiang Tian left. He would talk about it later and see what magical things this weird world could bring to him.

Also, we need to step up the search for the heart of the ocean. It would be great if there were instruments to detect the heart of the ocean. If another piece of the heart of the ocean is added, Jiang Tian believes that this world will definitely change again.

So, should we give this world a name?

This world belongs to you, and with the collection of Ocean Hearts, it will definitely become more and more magical in the future. Maybe the isolated island will become a continent, with everything growing on it and fish competing in the sea.

Then call it: Wonderland! (To be continued...)

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