Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 193 Wang Zhen’s Dominance

Zhu Zhenxing was besieged for half an hour. During this half hour, he was feverishly talking on the phone. He called his immediate boss, and friends in the army also asked questions. Finally, he asked for advice from Gulai Jian. Unexpectedly, the other party just said calmly: "You can just handle this matter in accordance with the law. Don't give special treatment to Gu Lai Jian just because he is my nephew!"

Then there was a "click" and the phone was hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Zhenxing dared to say a curse word: "I'm so stupid of you!"

"What to do now?" Du Yonghai asked.

"What else can we do? Wait until the rightful owner arrives!" Zhu Zhenxing said angrily.

After a while, a military jeep arrived. Wang Zhen got out of it and came to the police car where Zhu Zhenxing was, "Are you the person in charge?"

That tone was like a senior leader inspecting the work below.

Finally meeting the rightful owner, Zhu Zhenxing was filled with anger and finally burst out, "I am the district police/bureau/chief, which department are you in? What power do you have to restrict our actions? Tell me your name, and I will tell you Your boss files a complaint against you!"

Wang Zhen said: "Wang Zhen, affiliated to the Second Bureau of the General/Secretary Affairs Bureau, welcomes complaints, but before you complain, there are two people you have to stay!" Without waiting for Zhu Zhenxing's consent, Wang Zhen waved his hand directly, "Bring people in!"

"Hey, what are you doing? I want to file a complaint against you, you are so lawless!"

The two soldiers opened the police car directly, and not only took Jiang Tian out of the car, but also took out the ancient sword that had been simply bandaged, screaming in pain.

"What do you want to do? Do you know what you are doing? Who gave you the power to interfere with justice?" Zhu Zhenxing glared at Wang Zhen. If he hadn't considered the consequences, he would have drawn his gun.

Wang Zhen said calmly: "Jiang Tian is my Longxi person. If the Gu family comes to find you, just tell me that I took the Gulai sword away. He attacks my Longxi person and is guilty of treason!"

Then he ignored Zhu Zhenxing and walked towards Jiang Tian. It's a pity that Wang Zhen was a step too late. Su Yimo, who hadn't left yet, threw herself into Jiang Tian's arms. Crying bitterly.

Zhu Zhenxing was shocked, who is this person? Even the Gulai Sword has to be taken away. Who is the Gulai Sword? He is a descendant of the Gu family. If he is taken away under his own eyes, he will probably be the end of his life as a director.

He kept the Ancient Sword no matter what, and there was nothing he could do if Jiang Tian couldn't take it away. He couldn't blame himself for such a thing. Let the people above have a headache.

Zhu Zhenxing was about to catch up, but Du Yonghai stopped Zhu Zhenxing and whispered: "Zhu Ju, if it is really Longxi's person, we should report this matter as soon as possible. These people, we Can’t afford to offend!”

"What dragon's breath? Do you know their origins?" Zhu Zhenxing frowned.

Du Yonghai actually came from a famous family. Although the Du family was not a top family ten years ago, there were ministerial-level officials in the family, but they later retired. His father's generation didn't take over, and in his generation, he was the only deputy director at the deputy/department/level. But the circle is still there. Naturally, he has wider knowledge than civilian officials like Zhu Zhenxing.

Du Yonghai whispered: "I also heard someone mention it by chance. Dragon Breath is a special existence in the unit. Although it is under the General Staff, it is not directly commanded by the General Staff leader, but is independent. It can be said that they are the Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty. If it were not the big boss in charge of this area, even the other top bosses in the country would not have the power to order them!"

Zhu Zhenxing took a breath of air and stopped walking. "Then what should we do now? Just watch the disciples of the Gu family being taken away? When the time comes to investigate and punish them, you and I will not have a good impression!"

Du Yonghai said: "Then. Let's go over together and ask for love?"

Zhu Zhenxing said: "That's all we can do, give it a try!" He smiled bitterly in his heart. The development of things is really funny. Attacking the police and arresting people was originally justified, but now it is not good, but instead asking them to let people go. What the hell is this.

Jiang Tian let go of Su Yimo and wiped away her tears, "Okay, I said it's okay!" Then he raised his head and said to Wang Zhen, "Brother Wang, thank you very much this time. You won't owe me anything in the future!" He knew that the reason why Wang Zhen helped him was related to his temperament and he did not want to owe others a favor.

Wang Zhen said calmly: "I repaid your life-saving grace last time, this time it is a favor you owe me!"

"Uh!" Jiang Tian didn't know what to say. He didn't expect that the old-fashioned Wang Zhen would also joke.

"Open!" Wang Zhen pointed at the handcuffs on Jiang Tian's hand. The policeman honestly took out the key and opened it, then stepped aside and did not dare to speak.

"Chief Wang, can we have a chat?" Zhu Zhenxing and Du Yonghai walked over hand in hand.

Wang Zhen said: "You want me to keep him!" The ancient sword was carried by two soldiers on his fingers. The ancient sword was pale due to blood loss, and he had passed out from pain during the move.

Du Yonghai interjected: "Can you please be lenient and let us take the ancient sword away?"

"No, I said, murdering our Dragon Breath member is the same as treason. I didn't shoot him immediately because of the Gu family's face. Okay, you go, inform those who need to be informed, I will not let him go Yes, someone from the Gu family will come to me when the time comes!" Wang Zhen said decisively.

And his words "shoot him" frightened the ancient sword who had just woken up and fainted again.


Zhu Zhenxing and Du Yonghai returned home, and then several police cars roared away.

Jiang Tiandao: "Brother Wang, I don't seem to be a member of your Dragon Breath, right? Is that okay?"

Wang Zhen waved his hand: "Take this lady over for a drink of water!"

He was referring to Su Yimo, who said: "I'm not thirsty!"

But Wang Zhen stared at her with a dark face, and then she silently followed a soldier to the side to drink water.

Wang Zhen took out a certificate and stuffed it into Jiang Tian's arms, with a solemn expression on his face, "From today on, you are a member of Longxi. From now on, Longxi has a mission. You cannot refuse, and you can directly accept my command!"

"Ah?" Looking at the small notebook in his hand, Jiang Tian suddenly came back to the province and wondered if he had dug a hole. He just handed the shovel to Wang Zhen and was buried by him.

"Brother Wang, aren't you being too hasty? I have to be incompetent, so why don't you think about it again?"

Jiang Tian smiled bitterly. He really didn't want to join any department. This would have too many constraints. How could he be a pirate?

Wang Zhen looked at Jiang Tian, ​​"I said you have the ability, you have the ability. If you refuse, I will hand you over to the police immediately, and I will not care about your affairs!"

"Okay!" Wang Zhen strangled Jiang Tian's lifeline. If Wang Zhen didn't help with this matter tonight, he would have to take the next step. Just go in. Anyway, he will be able to take care of himself when the time comes.

"By the way, Brother Wang, what department is Longxi?"

Wang Zhen said: "It is a special department. In short, you will gradually understand it from now on!"

"Today's events"

Wang Zhen waved his hand and said domineeringly: "It's okay, it's just a war of words. I will solve it!"

In the car, Lu Hang asked blankly: "Daoyi, should we go down for a while?"

"Let's forget it. People won't look at us at all. Why are we going there?"

"makes sense!"

Wang Zhen came and left quickly. With a roar, several military vehicles left.

Su Yimo came over and said, "Jiang Tian, ​​who is this person?"

"A friend, a very powerful friend, but in the future your husband and I will also have great power, haha!" Jiang Tian hugged Su Yimo hard, and there was no danger.

"I hate it, there are still people watching!" Su Yimo blushed and broke away from Jiang Tian's arms.

"You rushed into my arms very crazily just now!"

Jiang Tian soon found out who Su Yimo was talking about. Lu Hang and Lin Daoyi came over and said, "Jiang Tian, ​​you are really impressed. You even know Wang Shatou. From now on, you only need to retaliate." Because of his reputation, you can walk sideways in the capital!"

"Thank you for today!" Jiang Tian said seriously.

"Thank you for nothing. Daoyi is my brother and also your brother. Come on, let's go have a few drinks to calm down the shock!" Lu Hang said.

Lin Daoyi also smiled in return. If he was helping Jiang Tian for Lu Hang's sake before, now he plans to make this friend and naturally agrees with Lu Hang's proposal.

Jiang Tian glanced at Su Yimo and wondered: "I'm afraid I won't be able to do it tonight. I have to stay in the capital for a few days. How about I do some hosting if I can find time?"

"Sure, I understand. It's still to be continued. You continue!" Lu Hang had a lewd expression on his face.

After sending Lu Hang and Lin Daoyi away, Jiang Tian proposed to go back and continue "sleeping", but Su Yimo had a problem with Nanyang Hotel, so the two found a new hotel to settle in.

As soon as they entered the room, *, I don't know if they had been stimulated by the thrill they had just experienced, but both of them showed great passion.



three times

The two of them hugged each other until Su Yimo begged for mercy.

He got out of bed and poured a glass of water for Su Yimo. Su Yimo drank half of the glass. Jiang Tian drank the rest of the water and lay back on the bed. He gently stroked Su Yimo's bare back with his right hand. , "Why were you so crazy just now?"

Su Yimo's blush that had not dissipated due to emotion became intense again, and she rolled her eyes at Jiang Tian, ​​"I hate it, and it's not because of you!"

Jiang Tian turned over and pressed Su Yimo under him, "It seems that you are blaming me for not trying my best enough. Then I will keep working hard and I will serve you well even if I am exhausted!"

"Ah, no, no, no, don't move!" Su Yimo quickly begged for mercy, but Jiang Tian had already started to touch Su Yimo's sensitive areas. Su Yimo said "Ouch" and ran off the bed, but was chased down by Jiang Tian and caught. He pulled her calves directly back to the bed, spread her legs, and put them on her shoulders.

That night, the two of them released all their passion that had been separated for a month. It wasn't until 10:30 the next morning that the two of them woke up leisurely, opened their eyes at the same time, and stared at each other, filled with deep love.

Some people say that the greatest happiness in life is to wake up and open your eyes to see the person you love. At this moment, the love between the two is even stronger. (To be continued)

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