Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 194 I won’t sell it

Su Yimo didn't need to work today. He finally had a weekend to rest. In addition, he was too tired last night. Su Yimo was unwilling to move a finger. In the end, Jiang Tian saw that it was almost noon. Pull her out of bed.

After walking out of the hotel, Su Yimo hugged Jiang Tian's arm and said, "Where are you going?"

"First fill your stomach and then talk!"

The two of them found a porridge shop. This was Su Yimo's request. Since he didn't eat anything in the morning, porridge was the best at noon for beauty.

The two of them chatted while drinking porridge.

Su Yimo still had worry on her face: "Jiang Tian, ​​is there really nothing wrong with what happened last night?" She was also new to officialdom, so she naturally knew how powerful a district/bureau/chief was in the capital, and even the district chief You can imagine the energy that everyone wants to fawn over.

"How about I tell my uncle what happened? Let's see what he says!"

Jiang Tian smiled teasingly: "Why did you tell your uncle? That we were framed when we were in oo?"

Su Yimo's face turned red all of a sudden, "Why are you speaking so vulgarly now? Can you be more serious? I'm going to talk to you about business!"

Jiang Tian put away his smile and looked at Su Yimo seriously, "I'm telling you seriously, just leave this matter to me. I said I would protect you, don't you believe in my ability?"

"I believe!"

Jiang Tiandao: "You are so good!" He stretched out his hand and touched Su Yimo's head, "A city man, this is my first time in the city as a countryman. Where to go to play in the afternoon, you decide!"

Su Yimo tilted his head and thought for a while, "How about we go to the concert? A few days ago, each of us in the department received a few concert photos. I wanted to throw them away, but you came to accompany me. Let’s go see it together. It’s from Gu Yu, I like her very much!”

"Who is Gu Yu?"

Su Yimo said: "A very popular star in the past two years is famous for his song "Rainy Night". Have you heard of this song?"

"I've heard it, but I never noticed who sang it!" When this song came out, it was still on a loop in Jiang Tian's notebook for a while. Listening to this song really feels like your soul has been washed by the rain, as silent as the night.

"She is very beautiful. You are lucky. The tickets I got are pre-examination tickets!" Su Yimo said slyly.

At this time, Jiang Tian could not be deceived by Su Yimo's appearance, and immediately expressed his loyalty: "In my eyes, except you, all other women are just floating clouds. I only like you in this life!"

The ticket was in Su Yimo's dormitory, so Jiang Tian accompanied her back to the dormitory. It was also the first time he entered her dormitory, but he didn't expect that there were people inside, a man and a woman hugging each other affectionately.

Su Yimo opened the door while joking with Jiang Tian. When he noticed what was going on inside, he closed the door immediately, "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in there. I'll come back to get something!"

"Okay. Come in!"

The two of them pushed open the door and walked in. After Su Yimo introduced Jiang Tian, ​​he knew that the woman's name was Xu Ying. He is Su Yimo's colleague, but he was admitted to the department two years earlier than Su Yimo. The man's name is Miao Xingyun. He is from Beijing and works in a state-owned enterprise. It is said that he is still a small supervisor.

As soon as Xu Ying heard that Su Yimo and the two were going to the concert, she immediately said to go together. Su Yimo smiled helplessly at Jiang Tian. They wanted to meet quietly, but it seemed that it was not possible.

Girls need to wear makeup. It takes a long time to change clothes. Jiang Tian and Miao Xingyun were waiting in the lobby.

Miao Xingyun threw a cigarette to Jiang Tian and lit it himself. He took a sip and said, "What's the best place for a friend?"

Jiang Tian smiled, "I haven't graduated yet!"

"College student? A university in the capital?" Miao Xingyun asked.

"No, from Shenhai City, from Jiangnan Province!" Jiang Tian was afraid that he had never heard of Shenhai City, so he specifically added Jiangnan Province.

"Oh! That friend is so amazing, a college student can pick up such an amazing girl!"

Jiang Tian didn't notice the flash of disdain in Miao Xingyun's eyes. He probably didn't like college students.

"Haha!" Jiang Tian just smiled, but felt a little unhappy in his heart. He didn't like others commenting on Su Yimo like this, so he stopped talking.

Half an hour later, the two girls finally dressed up and walked out of their respective rooms.

Although the two are colleagues and roommates, their styles are completely different. Xu Ying's makeup is very delicate. She is completely different without makeup and with makeup. The spring temperature in Beijing is still quite low. Xu Ying wears black leggings and Short skirt, fancy sweater on the upper body, and a jacket on the outside.

Compared with Xu Ying, Su Yimo only put on light makeup and wore plain clothes, tight jeans and a slim down jacket. However, it could not hide her good figure, especially her thighs, which may be related to her dancing lessons. , The leg shape is very good-looking, and the ratio of calf to thigh is just right.

"Okay, let's go!" Xu Ying was in a high mood, waving her hands and chatting about Guyu's songs with Su Yimo.

Walking downstairs, Miao Xingyun took out his car keys and said, "Xiao Jiang, are you driving?"

"Not open!"

"Then let's go together!" Xu Ying said.

Miao Xingyun twitched his lips, but Jiang Tian just smiled and sat in the back seat with Su Yimo.

When we parked in front of the Workers' Stadium, a few people got off the car. The concert was about to start in about ten minutes. The entrance to the stadium no longer had the crazy and crowded scene just now, and a sparse flow of people slowly entered the venue.

Guyu's concert was indeed amazing. When she appeared, the crazy screams of the fans almost broke Jiang Tian's eardrums. The biggest sources were Xu Ying and Su Yimo. Jiang Tian shook his head. He had been dating Su Yimo for almost a year. She usually seems to be a very calm person, but she actually has a hobby of chasing stars.

Although Jiang Tian and others took the VIP seats, they were also in the back rows. Some people were seated but it was a bit difficult to see the stage clearly, so they could only watch the performance on the electronic screen.

This Guyu's voice is indeed very nice, ethereal and as quiet as a valley. As soon as she spoke, the whole place immediately fell silent. Jiang Tian saw that some fans were already in tears. He cried while listening. Jiang Tian was speechless and speechless. Idol The appeal is too strong.

Towards the end of the concert, a lottery was held, and the fans who were drawn could go on stage to sing "Rainy Night" with Guyu. This caused a stir in the audience. Everyone held the tickets in their hands tightly, for fear of being raped by others. As if robbed.

Unfortunately, the number drawn turned out to be Jiang Tian's seat. Jiang Tian smiled bitterly, but Su Yimo was extremely excited and told Jiang Tian to hug Guyu for him and then come back to hug him.

Jiang Tian smiled bitterly, the power of idols can sometimes suppress a woman's jealousy to a certain extent, or Su Yimo felt that it was impossible for Jiang Tian and Gu Yu to be so generous.

Amid the envy of everyone, Jiang Tian walked onto the stage and first accepted the host's provocative Q\u0026A, asking questions such as when he started to like Guyu, which Guyu songs he liked the most, where he was from, etc.

Finally, Gu Yu finished changing her clothes and walked out from the backstage. She was wearing a beautiful dress and a pure face. She was like a fairy who had just emerged from the dust. She immediately ushered in a new round of screams.

However, no one noticed that when Gu Yu saw Jiang Tian, ​​a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. How could it be him? But she quickly calmed down and asked Jiang Tian with a smile if she knew how to sing "Rainy Night" and if she would like to sing "Rainy Night" with her!

Jiang Tian dared to say no, Su Yimo repeatedly urged her to say yes even if she didn't. In the audience, she had already picked up her phone and started taking pictures.

When Jiang Tian got the microphone, he suddenly said: "Please wait a moment!"

Guyu was slightly shocked, then smiled and said, "Please tell me!"

Jiang Tian's eyes roamed around the audience, and then fell on Su Yimo, affectionately saying, "This song, I first want to dedicate to the love of my life. Fate has arranged that we meet by chance, from meeting to acquaintance, Get to know each other, fall in love with each other, and grow old together from now on, helping each other, Su Yimo, I love you!"

Su Yimo's name was taken from her father's "Xiangru Yimo".

All of a sudden, there were applause and encouraging screams. People are always happy to see beautiful things come true. Su Yimo in the audience covered her mouth and cried with joy. She did not expect Jiang Tian to be here. I showed my love to myself on such an occasion, and my heart was completely moved.

"Meet, get acquainted, know each other, fall in love, here I also sincerely wish you all!" Gu Yu took over.

"Thank you!" Jiang Tian turned to look at Gu Yu, and then was stunned, because she noticed that there may be many similar pendants on Gu Yu's neck, but the energy fluctuations are definitely unmistakable. This Gu Yu, turned out to be her. The woman with sunglasses I met on the plane offered 10 million yuan to buy her pendant, but the latter refused to sell it.

"Then, can we start?" Gu Yu blinked, and if he didn't prompt him, he would probably have to stare at his chest for more than a minute.

Jiang Tian came to his senses and said, "Okay, take me!"

To be honest, Jiang Tian was still quite nervous. It was his first time to sing in front of so many people. If he didn't sing well or out of tune, wouldn't he be making people laugh?

But when the stage lights dimmed and Gu Yu opened his mouth, the ethereal voice was like the sounds of nature coming from the valley. Jiang Tian immediately calmed down and immersed himself in the music.

"Rainy Night" is a song that Jiang Tian is familiar with. After all, it was once a single on a loop. In addition, at this time, the original singer helped to carry it. When Jiang Tian tends to go out of tune, Guyu will always pull him out. return.

Overall, the duet between the two was quite satisfactory, and they also interacted with each other. They stared at each other, took the initiative to hold Gu Yu's hand, etc., which instantly detonated the whole audience. It is estimated that the male compatriots in the audience wished that the person on the stage was them.

If jealousy were a sword, Jiang Tian would be riddled with holes.

When a song ended, Jiang Tian asked for a hug according to Su Yimo's request, and Gu Yu generously agreed. Jiang Tian hugged Guyu gently, and a faint fragrance penetrated his nose, as quiet as a spring.

Jiang Tian leaned against Guyu and whispered: "10 million, think about it, should you sell it?"

A hint of anger flashed in Gu Yu's eyes at first, but she quickly realized that the sale Jiang Tian mentioned was the ornaments on the plane that he had mentioned.

The smile on Gu Yu's face remained unchanged, her red lips parted slightly, "I'm sorry, I won't sell it!" (To be continued)

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