Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 3 Great Harvest

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In order not to have any targets for his powers, Jiang Tian directly captured the grouper into the storage room, and then fished out the lobster from the cracks in the rocks.

The giant lobster is red all over, has a thick carapace, and its claws are even more powerful. Unfortunately, it can only deal with small fish due to its size. The largest giant lobster found in the world is only 66 centimeters and weighs 16 catty. If it were 6.6 meters, Jiang Tian would be a little relieved, at least it wouldn't be killed by other fish if it was put back into the sea.

For some reason, Jiang Tian felt a sense of intimacy when looking at the big lobster. He stroked and teased the big lobster, and the little guy actually responded in kind, waving his claws.

Well, now that it has become a fact, Jiang Tian adjusts his mentality and accepts it, just treat it as a pet.

Jiang Tian suddenly remembered whether the pirate ship could catch things other than fish. To test it, he asked the pirate ship to lock a stone and then issue a fishing order.

The result made Jiang Tian very satisfied and the stone was successfully recovered.

This also gives Jiang Tian another way to make money in the future. Maybe he can try to salvage sunken ships on the seabed or undertake deep-sea salvage business. Some salvage commissions are not low.

Next it’s time to think about today’s voyage.

In the past, the detection range was a radius of 50 meters and a depth of 20 meters. Now it is a radius of 100 meters and a depth of 50 meters. Let’s not talk about the radius, but the depth. There is definitely a large wave of fish that I have not scanned at the depth between 20 meters and 50 meters. .

We set out again, and Jiang Tianjiang’s fishing conditions were also changed. All large and small yellow croakers were caught. With a 125-square-meter storage room, there was no need to worry about not being able to fit it in.

In the evening, when Jiang Tian came back again, he had gained a lot.

The scanning progress reached 135/500. The enlarged scanning range allowed Jiang Tian's mission to be completed faster.

There are already two piles of fish in the storage room. The larger pile is small East China Sea yellow croaker, and the smaller pile is East China Sea large yellow croaker. Unfortunately, there are not many big ones. The largest one is a wild large yellow croaker about 40cm in size.

The storage room is a static space, and all the fish enter a state of suspended animation. However, if they are released, they will immediately jump around. Jiang Tian tried to release a large yellow croaker and almost jumped back into the sea.

But then Jiang Tian was in a dilemma. He could still carry one or two yellow croakers and sell them. How could he trade so many fish? You can't just take it all out of thin air in front of the buyer? There must be at least one transfer place that can accommodate so many fish.

It is unrealistic to rent a cold storage. Most people transport it in by car. If there is no movement in the cold storage, there will be a lot of fish, and the refrigeration company cannot explain it.

My head hurts, my head hurts, this fish is easy to catch, but not easy to resell!

After returning to the shore, he put away the pirate ship and went straight to the nearby seafood market to find the fishmonger Zhou Dahai.

"Brother Jiang!" Zhou Dahai's eyes lit up when he saw Jiang Tian holding a net bag in his hand.

"Look how much this fish is worth?" Jiang Tian said.

Zhou Dahai took out the fish. It was still alive and kicking. He weighed it and it weighed 3.6 pounds.

According to the unit price of 4,500 yuan per pound, the final bill was 16,200 yuan. Jiang Tian offered to erase the fraction of 1,600 yuan. Zhou Dahai counted the money happily. It seemed that his investment yesterday was not in vain. This young man really has a way.

This time Jiang Tian did not insist on going to the bank to withdraw money. Since he planned to cooperate for a long time, such a little trust was still needed. He directly took the cash and threw it into the mini ship-shaped storage room on his chest without anyone noticing.

Finally, Jiang Tian said: "I have a batch of yellow croaker, are you able to help me eat it?"

Zhou Dahai became excited when he heard this and asked: "How many are there? What kind of fish is it? Live fish or frozen?"

Jiang Tiandao: "Probably several thousand kilograms, all small and large yellow croakers, live fish!"

"Come on, take me to see it!" Zhou Dahai said happily.

Jiang Tian stood still: "Just help me contact a fish truck. You wait for me here!"

Seeing Jiang Tian's insistence, Zhou Dahai didn't mind. He took out his mobile phone and helped Jiang Tian contact a fish truck. It was a 7-meter-long JAC Weiling. The driver was a middle-aged man in his forties. Zhou Dahai called him Wang Wei.

The cost of a trip was 4,000 yuan. Jiang Tian didn't care about the price. He got in the car and asked the driver to drive to the dock. Then he asked the driver to open the carriage and pointed at the busy workers on the dock. "They can pack the fish. I'll treat you to dinner!" "

Because Jiang Tian was following him, the driver Wang Wei did not doubt that he was there. He really thought that those workers were the loaders of Jiang Tian Company. And when he heard that Jiang Tian was inviting guests to dinner, he thought that he could save a meal, so he nodded and agreed.

During this period, Jiang Tian made an excuse to go to the bathroom, then went to the truck, poured the yellow croakers from the storage room into the water tank in batches, turned on the oxygen pump, got out of the car, and closed the truck.

Back at the hotel, when Wang Wei was almost done eating, Jiang Tian waved him away.

After checking the vehicle, Wang Wei drove towards the seafood market. Zhou Dahai had been looking forward to it for a long time.

After getting on the bus for inspection, Zhou Dahai's eyes lit up. The yellow croakers in this batch were quite big. You must know that it is becoming increasingly difficult to catch yellow croakers. After Zhou Dahai's visual inspection, he found that this batch was at least 2 tons.

Zhou Dahai had already hired manpower and rented a cold storage, and started working on the spot.

Zhou Dahai ran to negotiate the price with Jiang Tian.

Large yellow croaker and small yellow croaker are divided according to size. There is one group for less than 5 taels, one group for 5 taels to 1 catty, and another group for more than 1 catty. This involves price issues.

The price is in a ladder, 13.7 yuan/catty for 2-5 taels, 14.3 yuan/catty for 5-7 taels, 18 yuan/catty for 8-9 taels, and more than 1 catty is a little more expensive. Most of this batch is 5 taels. —1 catties is more.

If they are wild, the unit prices are 1,200 yuan, 1,600 yuan and 2,500 yuan respectively for 1 catties, 1.5 catties and 2 catties, and the prices go up even more.

There are quite a few wild yellow croakers in this batch, which is why Zhou Dahai's eyes are bright. You must know that it is difficult to catch wild yellow croakers now.

The price of wild yellow croaker has risen sharply in the past two years. Zhou Dahai has been doing aquatic products for more than 10 years and has never encountered such high prices in the past two years.

Wild yellow croaker itself has fresh and tender meat, rich nutrition, and has high medicinal value. Its otoliths can clear away heat and remove blood stasis, relieve stranguria and diuresis, the fat can moisten the lungs, strengthen the spleen, replenish qi and stop bleeding, and the gallbladder can clear away heat and detoxify. In short, the whole body is a treasure, and wild yellow croaker is more nutritious and tastes better than farmed yellow croaker. Therefore, no matter how high the price of wild yellow croaker is, it is still a hot commodity and there is no need to worry about not being able to sell it.

Zhou Dahai planned to wholesale the other yellow croaker directly to the fish dealers, but he planned to keep the wild yellow croaker as a rare commodity. He thought the buyers would come after hearing the news tomorrow.

From the appearance, the body of wild yellow croaker is oblong, with flat sides and a lighter yellow color. Therefore, if the fish has a round head, round belly, thick fat and dark yellow, it is definitely not a wild yellow croaker, but a yellow croaker that has been artificially scattered with fry.

Another point is that wild yellow croakers are generally larger in size.

It can be said that Zhou Dahai will check every fish, for fear of letting go of a wild yellow croaker.

The final settlement price was a total of 80,486.54 yuan. The calculation was clear one by one. After erasing the fraction, Jiang Tian received 80,000 yuan.

Because the bank is closed, it cannot support large-amount transfers. Finally, Jiang Tian said: "Have you done online banking?"

"Online banking? Yes, yes!"

Finally, I found a computer and used Quick Pay to transfer money.

After everything was settled, it was almost early in the morning. Zhou Dahai was in high spirits and insisted on inviting Jiang Tian to dinner, saying that Jiang Tian would take care of his business.

Jiang Tian, ​​who had gained 96,000 yuan today, was also very happy. The pirate ship could indeed bring him a steady stream of wealth, so he agreed to Zhou Dahai's invitation.

The place to eat was a nearby restaurant. Because there was a dock nearby, people often worked all night, so the restaurants here closed relatively late. When the two of them entered, there were two tables sitting inside. Looking at their clothes, they knew they were working at the dock. people.

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