Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 490 Rebellion in the Night

The advent of the magic potion with added life tree sap has made the berserkers more loyal to Jiang Tian. This is simply the greatest blessing for the berserker tribe. The magic potion can save the berserkers from the worry of lying down for a month. And it can still maintain one-third of its combat effectiveness.

The satellite city is in full swing, and the Berserker tribe has been moving into the satellite city one after another, located 5 kilometers away from Bavaria City.

Moreover, Jiang Tian asked Rambo to sort out the city guards of Bavaria City. After all, he also had experience in commanding the army in the Demon Shark Clan. All the old, weak, sick and disabled were dismissed, leaving only the young and strong. Suddenly, 50,000 city guards There are only 20,000 soldiers left, but Jiang Tian doesn't think anything of it. The soldiers are more sophisticated than more.

Jiang Tian plans to start a westward expedition to Moro City in two months. The reason why he chose Moro City is because of the three major cities, Rhine City is the most powerful, and Moro City ranks second. Naturally, he wants to pick the weak persimmon.

However, within a month, a change occurred in the city of Bavaria.

Because he suspected that there were spies from the Rhine City in the city lord's palace, Prosis had already secretly investigated the traitor matter. The amount he received was huge, which was also shocking. There were actually 23 spies in the city lord's palace, 18 of whom were planted by the Rhine City, and 5 of whom were from Mozambique. Luo Cheng arranged for him to also obtain a shocking conspiracy during the process of interrogating the spies.

On the night of the full moon, the Rhine City conspired to collude with the officers in Bavaria to stage a mutiny. At that time, the Rhine City would send 5,000 cavalry to ambush outside the city. At that time, the officers in the city would open the city gates, cooperate inside and outside, and take advantage of the chaos to capture the city lord. Mansion.

As long as Count Prosis is killed in the chaos, there will be several scapegoats who will rebel. The Rhine City settled in the Bavarian city in the name of helping to counter the rebellion. At that time, the city of Bavaria naturally fell into the hands of the Rhine City.

Prosise heard his trusted officer reveal his plan. He suddenly broke into a cold sweat and glared at the officer, "Damn it, I released you from the cell and promoted you to your current position step by step. This is how you repay me!"

The officer wanted to argue, "My lord, I"

Prosis immediately raised his voice and said, "Here comes someone. Drag him out and kill him immediately!"

"Yes!" Immediately, two soldiers came over with knives, and the officer begged for mercy, "Sir, please let me live. I have no choice but to use the lives of my wife and children as a threat!"

Jiang Tian said: "Wait a minute!"

After stopping the soldier, Jiang Tian looked at the officer with stern eyes, "The threat to your family's life is certainly the reason why you rebelled. But your family is still in Bavaria City and is not at the point of life or death. It is undeniable that the reason why you rebelled is , among which the ambition to pursue power and wealth is the biggest original sin of your rebellion!"

"I, I'm sorry, sir. I betrayed your trust. Please kill me. I hope you won't do anything to my family. They are innocent!" The officer showed a guilty look, and then he looked pleading. , with a look of pain on his face.

Prosis snorted coldly: "For those who betray me, do you think I will leave a root for disaster? I will naturally eradicate them!"

"Sir," the officer's face immediately turned pale, and he turned to beg Jiang Tian, ​​"Lord, I deserve to die, but my wife and children really didn't know about it. Please, let them go!"

Jiang Tian smiled and said: "Now you have only two ways. The first is to commit suicide and have your family sit together!"

"What about the second one?" The officer looked eager as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

Jiang Tiandao: "Count Prosis has a heart as broad as the ocean. As long as you sincerely repent, make up for your mistakes and cooperate with us, then all your mistakes will be wiped out, and you will still be your captain!"

"I am willing to choose the second option!" The officer said immediately as if he had seen the light of day when he heard that he could not only save his life, but also his current position.

"Very good, open his shackles for him!" Jiang Tian said.

Immediately, two soldiers removed the officer's shackles and handcuffs, and Jiang Tian asked, "What's your name?"

The officer said respectfully: "My name is Shigre, and he is the captain guarding the east gate!" He could now see that this lord was really the person in charge of the city of Bavaria. He originally saw the notice and thought I thought it was a joke made by the city lord.

Jiang Tiandao: "Don't publicize what happened today. You will still act according to the plan in four days. Do you understand?"

"This" Shigri was confused at first, and then suddenly realized, "Respect, this subordinate will definitely live up to your orders and complete the mission!"

"Let's go!" Jiang Tian said.


After Sigri left, Prosis said: "Sir, why did you let him go? He can be said to be a young officer I have cultivated with great pains. Unexpectedly, he dared to betray me. He should be cut into pieces!"

Jiang Tian smiled and said: "If you think about what you have done in the past three years, you have made the originally powerful city of Bavaria panic. It is understandable that some people want to leave a way out for themselves!"

"I" Prosis is really irrefutable and has no choice. Since I survived the last disaster, looking back on my previous experiences, it is indeed extremely ridiculous. The city of Bavaria seems to be calm, but in fact, it is turbulent secretly. Both the Rhine City and the Moro City are plotting. Seizing ownership of the city of Bavaria without even knowing it.

Prosis said: "Sir, what if there are really 5,000 elites from the Rhine City and the rebels in the city working together in four days?"

My family knows their own affairs. With his slack city guards, he is no match for the elite of the Rhine City. I am afraid that the whole army will be defeated by then. This is a century-old inheritance from our ancestors. If it is lost, I am afraid that I will not be sorry for my ancestors even if I die. .

Jiang Tian's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he said: "Don't worry, let alone 5,000 elite soldiers, even 50,000, there will be no return!" Then he said, "In the past few days, Bavaria City will implement the strategy of loosening outside and tightening inside. I will I secretly transferred 2,000 berserkers from the satellite city into the city and raised them for more than half a month. It’s time for them to prove themselves!”

"By the way, why did I forget about the Berserkers, and the 300 Mad Dragon Cavalry? Haha. With them, I won't be afraid even of 10,000 enemy troops!" Prosis laughed.

Jiang Tiandao: "I've got one thing for you!"

"Sir, please speak!"

Jiang Tiandao: "Put your intelligence agency into operation, then pay close attention to what's going on in the city in the next four days, and be sure to catch all the spies who have sneaked into the city!"

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission!" Prosis patted his chest and said, his eyes shining brightly. He suddenly realized that this kind of life is much more fun than being a city lord. It turned out to be so interesting.

Not to mention how Jiang Tian arranged these 4 days. Soon, the 4th passed, and night fell. The city of Bavaria was shrouded in black, and most people fell into dreams. Occasionally, groups of city guards walked around the streets.

No one knew that in the dark night, there were still people wearing night clothes walking around. They planned to create chaos in the city at the critical moment and sneak attack on the city lord's palace. There are a hundred or so of them, and they are all experts. There are also 10 magicians who are full of confidence.

Moreover, the East Camp of the four city guard camps stationed in the city actually began to gather.

"Lord Duduo, 5,000 soldiers have been assembled!" The highest officer of Dongying is a captain of ten thousand men. However, although he is a captain of ten thousand men, due to Jiang Tian's massive layoffs a while ago, there are only 5,000 people in the entire Dongying camp.

In front of the Captain was a middle-aged man. He was the person in charge of this operation and the right-hand man of the Lord of the Rhine City. Duduo, who was a powerful warrior in his own right, nodded when he saw him, " Set off!"

As a result, 5,000 people set out towards the east gate aggressively. Those senior generals who knew the inside story told their mid-level officers and soldiers that they were sent out of the city to exterminate the thieves under the orders of the city lord. They were not worried that these soldiers would know the truth and once they attacked If you go down to the east gate and open the city gate, then these soldiers are in the same boat and have to rebel with you.

Dongying is the focus of bribery in the Rhine City. There are four thousand captains, each commanding a thousand people, and a team directly under the ten thousand captains of one thousand people. Among the four thousand captains is Shigri.

Originally, like other high-ranking generals, he had received huge sums of money from Rhine City, but now, he was Jiang Tian's pawn, planning to counterattack at the critical moment and make meritorious deeds.

The garrison at the east gate is not from the east camp. Although the east camp is closest to the east gate, the city of Bavaria implements a transfer system. The east gate patrols the west gate, and the west gate patrols the east gate, so they waited for the captain to arrive with 5,000 people. At that time, the defenders shouted to stop him. Dozens of people drew their bows and arrows, "Who is it? Stop!"

The captain stood up on horseback and said with a smile: "It's me, Taiges. Under the order of the city lord, I am going out of the city to kill the thieves. Please let me go, brothers!"

The centurion, the highest ranking member of the garrison above, saw that it was Taiges. Without doubting his presence, he quickly brought a few people down and said with an apologetic smile: "It turns out to be Captain Taiges. Since it was the city lord's order, Naturally, my subordinates don’t dare to stop me and let me go!”

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a rush of blood in his neck. When he looked down, he didn't know when a blood arrow shot out from his neck, and his men were also killed by his brother's troops. The city wall On the wall, archers fell off the wall one after another.

After reading this, the centurion's mind blurred for a while, and then went dark.

After dealing with the centurion, Tygus immediately waved his hand, and his personal guards immediately rushed to the city wall and surrounded and killed the remaining defenders. Suddenly, the 5,000 Dongying soldiers were dumbfounded. What was going on? ? Why do your own people kill your own people?

Taiges climbed up the city wall and shouted, "Brothers, now the city lord has been kidnapped by a man named Jiang Tian, ​​and Xiying has betrayed the city lord. I will invite friendly forces from the Rhine City to help according to the city lord's secret order. Counter the rebellion, wait for the Rhine City friendly troops to enter the city, and then follow me to rush to the city lord's palace to save the city lord!"

Suddenly, there was a commotion and discussion below, but Taiges asked several captains to restrain his men, and then followed Duduo to the top of the city, "Lord Duduo, everything is ready!"

Duduo nodded and said to his bodyguard: "Send the signal!"

Suddenly, a fireball shot into the night sky, exploded, and illuminated the entire east city gate.

Three kilometers away, in the dense forest, there were 5,000 cavalry waiting at the ready. As soon as they saw the fireball exploding, the general in charge immediately waved his hand and shouted, "Follow me to attack!"

5,000 cavalry rushed towards the city of Bavaria like a black torrent. The ground shook violently, and many people who had fallen asleep woke up one after another. What happened? Could it be an earthquake? (To be continued.)


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