Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 491 Domineering Prosis

At the east city gate at this moment, Prosis appeared under the escort of a group of personal guards, and shouted with a majestic look, "What are you all gathering here for? Do you want to rebel? Have you ever thought about your parents, wives and children? This is implicating the nine clans!"

"It's the Lord of the City!"

After all, Prosis represents the orthodoxy of the city of Bavaria, and centuries-old concepts are difficult to change. There was a sudden commotion among the 5,000 soldiers. Captain Tygus did not say that the Lord of the City had been kidnapped, and he wanted to join forces with the friendly forces of the Rhine City to attack the Lord of the City. Mansion?

How is this going?

Many officers with a little bit of brain thought of something, and their expressions changed drastically.

Tegus didn't expect that Prosis would arrive so soon. His expression changed slightly. He didn't know what to do for a moment. After all, the rebellion hadn't started yet. As long as Prosis raised his arms and shouted, those soldiers would probably follow him. .

"Don't be deceived by him. He is not the city lord. He is the city lord that Jiang Tian found someone to pretend to be. Our real city lord is now being imprisoned and suffering in the dungeon of the city lord's mansion by that monster Jiang Tian!" When he was at a loss, Duduo stood up and shouted, causing the shaking soldiers to calm down.

"Damn it!" Prosis did not expect that the other party was so cunning. He only had ten minutes, and he had to deal with these rebels within ten minutes. In desperation, he turned to Baghdad who was guarding him and said, "You guard me. Get close to those rebels!"

"You just move forward!" Baghdaf said.

Prosis walked forward, and Dodo shouted from the city wall: "Kill this hypocrite!"

Immediately, the five cronies placed among the soldiers by Dodo rushed out, holding their weapons high, and attacked Prosis.

However, it was a pity that the five people fell down without even getting within 3 meters of Prosis. There was a big hole in their throats and blood was pouring out.

Baghdaf said disdainfully: "Lord chicken and tile dog!"

Prosis came to a centurion and said: "Orff, I recognize you. I took over as the city lord three years ago, and you also guarded the city lord's palace as a personal soldier. However, a year ago, due to a mission, I demoted you to Dongying because of your failure. I originally wanted to polish you up and prepare you for reuse. I didn't expect that you would follow a group of traitors and actually rebel against me!"

Prosis was really eloquent. He obviously couldn't stand Orff's upright character and often contradicted him before expelling him from the Guards. Now in his mouth, it was because he expelled Orff for training. The reason why Wolf was expelled was to better promote him.

However, the upright Orff believed it and knelt down on one knee. At this moment, he confirmed that the person in front of him was indeed the real Lord of the City. "Lord of the City, I was wrong. It turns out it is really you. You are fine. My sword will always fight for you!"

As soon as he knelt down, the soldiers he belonged to also knelt down one after another.

Prosise came to a centurion again and said, "Green, I remember that 4 years ago your mother was seriously ill and embezzled military supplies. She was eventually found out and was going to be sent to the gallows. Have you forgotten? It's me. "My father pardoned you. In order to intercede for you, I said something," Prosis looked serious, "All warriors who are loyal to the Prosis family should be forgiven!"

"Lord City Lord, it's really Lord City Lord!" Green looked excited. Not many people knew what he said at the time, so he knelt down loyally.



Eight centurions in a row were so excited by what Prosis said that they knelt down on one knee. Like dominoes, at least half of the soldiers knelt down with a roar, "Lord City Lord!"

"It's really the City Lord!" At this moment, the other soldiers were still confused. Shigri shouted and knelt down on one knee. He was the first commander to express his stance. As soon as he knelt down, most of the soldiers immediately followed, and for the other commanders, look at me and I look at you. . Knowing that the situation was over, they all knelt down.

Prosise showed a comfortable smile and looked at the city wall, "Very good, brothers, I did not give any warrant to Tigerswanger. It was him who pretended to be my warrant and colluded with the Rhine City to trap our Bavaria city. In the flames of war, I want to harm your parents, wives and children, and rob you of your money. Tell me, will you agree?"

"No!" 5,000 people shouted in unison, which immediately shook the sky.

"Now, listen to my order. Except for the archers, everyone else returns to the camp. All ministers restrain their hands. Without my order, even if the sky falls, they will not leave the military camp! And, from now on, remove Tiger The office of Captain Swan, by"

Prosis deliberately played a long note, and the captains looked at Prosis eagerly, hoping to hear their name next, but they were destined to be disappointed. Prosis said, "Yu Xige Rui temporarily takes over the position of Captain of Ten Thousands!"


Shigri was overjoyed. He did not expect that this time the goods received would be so huge. Captains, my God, there are only four captains with real power in Bavaria, commanding 5,000 people and controlling a quarter of the city of Bavaria. military force.

After all the soldiers except the 500 archers left, Prosis looked at the city wall with a ferocious face, "Archers, get ready, kill these traitors!"

There are still about 100 rebels on the city wall, half of them are loyal guards of Taiges, and half of them are Dodo's men. They did not take advantage of the chaos to attack. What they have to do now is to delay the time and wait as long as possible until the city. The foreign army arrived to ensure that the city gate was opened.

On the city wall, Duduo's face was ashen. He did not expect that such a flaw would appear at the critical moment. Why did Prosis rush to the East City in such a hurry? Could it be that he had already known the news?

Tigers' face turned pale and he murmured: "It's over, it's over, we're all done!"

A cold light flashed in Duduo's eyes, and he ordered his 50 cronies, "All of you, pull out your weapons and guard the city gate. In just two minutes, our reinforcements will arrive. By then, you will be the heroes who captured the city of Bavaria!" "


The 50 cronies looked at death as if they were dead, and below, 500 archers had already drawn their bowstrings. Following Prosis's order, countless arrows shot towards the city wall like locusts. Suddenly, the soldiers without shields screamed in agony. Fell from the city wall.

As soon as a wave of bows and arrows fell, only a dozen golden warriors, Dodo, and Tygus were still standing intact. Prosis laughed ferociously, with a murderous intent flashing in his eyes. "Baghdad, the rest is up to you. I will lead people to close the city gate!"

Baghdad, who was wearing black armor, said in a muffled voice: "I know!"

Seeing him walking up the city wall alone without any soldiers, Duduo shouted sharply: "Kill him. Kill him, and he will be alone. Do you hear it? The earth trembles, haha, our reinforcements have arrived." Brothers, we only need to hold on for one more minute, and our army will invade the city of Bavaria!"

Suddenly, more than a dozen soldiers howled and raised their weapons and charged towards Baghdav. Baghdav could not even muster the slightest fighting spirit. At his level, only a strong man like Rambo could allow him to fight heartily. Rambo, who possesses Mjolnir, tends to beat him to pieces.

"Death deprivation!"

Baghdad uttered a cold syllable from his mouth, and an invisible force of darkness suddenly shot out like a fan. Immediately, the soldiers who rushed towards him fell to the ground one after another. There was no sound.

You know, Baghdav is a creature of the underworld, a master of both magic and martial arts, and his attainments in dark magic are also high.

"Damn it!" Duduo's eyes were bloodshot. The soldiers below, led by Prosis, had already begun to try to close the city gate and pull the winch. Outside the city, 5,000 cavalry had appeared on the horizon, sweeping like a torrent. Come.

Just half a minute, hold on for another half minute. You're done, glory and wealth are at your fingertips!

Duduo roared angrily and jumped towards the city wall with a big sword in hand. His goal was to pull the winch of the city gate. He wanted to destroy the winch so that the east city gate could not be closed, and his reinforcements could march straight in.


Then, he finally failed to land on the winch, and a black shadow passed by, nailing his body to the wall of the city wall.


Finally the city gate closed. 500 archers, led by Prosis, climbed onto the city wall and were on guard outside the city. On the horizon, a dark shadow could be seen sweeping in. The earth trembled accompanied by the neighing of war horses and the sound of swords. The sound of weapons clashing, every sound struck the hearts of these bows and arrows: Can people like myself really resist such a powerful cavalry? Why doesn't the city lord bring other people up to guard?

"Targes, do you know your guilt?" Prosis asked in a rather majestic tone. Knowing that there was nothing he could do to save his life, Tages discarded his weapon and knelt on the ground, "He is guilty of the death penalty!"

"Take him down and put him in a dungeon!" Prosise said.


Two of his bodyguards came forward to disarm Tygus and dragged him down the city wall. What awaited him was his final judgment.

When Tygus was dragged down, Prosis felt very happy. This awe-inspiring feeling was really exciting, but soon his mood was the same as that of most archers, looking at the 5000 that was getting closer and closer. The cavalryman's face turned pale, "Baghdad, why haven't the reinforcements your Excellency mentioned shown up yet?"

Baghdad said: "I'm not an adult, how do I know!"

He also looked solemnly at the outside of the city. Even he did not dare to fight against the 5,000 iron cavalry alone. You must know that there must be a large number of golden warriors among these 5,000 iron cavalry, which are comparable to the strength of 3-4 star warriors, and maybe even more. There is a magician. He is not afraid of fighting alone. What he is afraid of is that the ants will bite the elephant to death.

Soon, 5,000 cavalry stopped 500 meters away from the city gate. The archers involuntarily tightened their bows and arrows, waiting for orders.

Outside the city, in front of the dark cavalry, a tall and strong general wearing yellow armor with a solemn expression said: "It seems that Duduo's mission has failed and our plan has been exposed!"

Next to him, an old man in a white mage robe said: "General Legnos, I suggest that we cancel this operation. With our 5,000 cavalry who are not good at attacking cities, we want to attack the high and solid city of Bavaria. , a bit powerless!”

The general named Legnos also nodded, "What a pity," and immediately ordered, "Retreat!"

However, soon, they discovered something unusual in the rear, and a scout came galloping towards them, "Sir, there are a large number of cavalry in our rear!"

A flash of surprise flashed across Legnos's face, "Oh? Is it an ambush from Bavaria City? Want to snipe us in the wild?" A look of ferocity flashed in his eyes as he spoke, "In that case, let's teach these miscreants a lesson." Those bastards who know that the sky is high and the earth is high, let them know that the black cavalry is not so easy to mess with!" (To be continued.)


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