Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 704 The Abnormal Dwarf Corps

At ten o'clock at noon, after both sides had eaten and drank enough, the Light God's Cult launched a ferocious attack. The leader was the 50,000-strong army guarding the Knights. The leader of the army was killed and they swore in the name of the God of Light that they would be killed. Shame, one by one approached the city wall with bows and arrows shot down from the city wall.

After paying the price of thousands of casualties, we finally approached the city wall. Various siege equipment, such as ladders, trebuchets, siege towers, ramming vehicles and large shields, appeared one after another.

This time, the Light Cult used the Light Mage to attack Balgiri City. They showed a brand new way to siege the city. First, the Light Mage blessed all the guarding knights who were attacking the city with the blessing of light spell, making the defense of the guarding knights stronger. The power is extremely abnormal. The bows and arrows on the city wall can only achieve minimal success when shot up. Even if the magic of the mage bombards them, the effect will be much reduced. Only the heavy crossbows and catapults on the city wall can still have some effect, but their The number was too small to cause significant damage to the siege army below the city.

After being blessed with amplification by the Light Mage, the 50,000-strong army began to charge, and a sudden change occurred in the middle. A pair of light wings suddenly sprouted from the backs of about 1,000 guarding knights, and they took off from their horses. , flying towards the city wall.

Faced with such a strange siege method, the defenders on Balgiri City were obviously caught off guard. The siege ladders and ramming vehicles could also be attacked with fire. However, what to do with the flying light-winged knights? They exuded With a rich white light, let alone bows and arrows and magic, even heavy crossbows are difficult to achieve. Only some 3-star and 4-star magicians can shoot down some light-winged knights.

During the short period of time when the defenders on the city wall were panicking and anxious, tens of thousands of troops had crossed the two-meter-deep moat and arrived at the foot of the city wall. They began to climb up using ramming vehicles and siege ladders.

There were light-winged knights in the sky, and there was an army attacking the city below. Suddenly the defenders didn't know how to defend themselves.

The light-winged knights quickly flew down to the city wall and met the defenders hand-to-hand. These light-winged knights were extremely powerful in combat. According to visual inspection, 60% of them had a 3-star combat effectiveness. The rest are basically 4-star warriors, led by 2 5-star warriors, and the defenders cannot resist them at all.

Soon, the Light Wing Knights occupied a section of the city wall. They did not launch an immediate charge, but formed a defensive formation to meet the soldiers who were constantly climbing up the city. In less than ten minutes, 5,000 troops were gathered on the city wall, and there was a steady stream of people joining from below.

According to this situation. Soon, this city wall will change hands!

Jiang Tian watched all this with an indifferent expression, while Baghdad was dispatching troops in an orderly manner. The first wave of reinforcements was the 2,000 Raging Flame Dwarf Corps. These short but very strong Raging Flame Dwarves were under the leadership of the patriarch Fury Yan. Under the leadership, he exuded an extremely powerful momentum, glared with angry eyes, waved the vindictive hammer in his hand, and charged forward shouting the slogan "Thor is Invincible".

What a blessing of light under the great hammer of the wrathful dwarf. Ignore all the Light Wing Knights, as long as they are hit by a big hammer, the bones will definitely be broken, and the Raging Flame Dwarves seem to like to hit people's heads, and they will see heads shattered like watermelons.

Don't think that the Raging Flame Dwarves are too short to reach the heads of the soldiers of light. Their big hammers are one meter and a half tall just standing on the ground, which is the same as their height.

The most ferocious one is Wrath Flame. It is really a man who can stand against ten thousand men. He fights against two 5-star light warriors alone. And he also had the upper hand, using his fierce fighting spirit to its peak state, and he defeated the two 5-star warriors steadily.

At present, the number of soldiers of the light is rapidly decreasing. A large amount of offal was scattered on the ground. The scene was so shocking that it will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

"What kind of army is this?"

Some strong men in the Light Cult camp had extremely good eyesight and could clearly see the fighting on the city wall. They were shocked to see their own elites being killed and retreating steadily. The originally good situation was reversed when these 2,000 soldiers joined the battle.

Troy said: "This is the Raging Flame Dwarf. This Lord Jiang seems to be determined to do something against us, and he has accepted so many heretics!"

Jiang Tian was also shocked by the terrifying strength shown by the Raging Flame Dwarf Corps. Although the Raging Flame Dwarf Corps also participated in the previous battles, because they were all infantry regiments, usually the Berserker Cavalry had already achieved victory by the time they arrived. After the initial victory, the Raging Flame Dwarf Corps only missed out. Therefore, it can be said that this is the first time for everyone to see the true strength of the Raging Flame Dwarf Corps.

No wonder the dwarf empire was born on the mainland and was feared by the human empire. In the end, they had to join forces with the Light Cult to destroy the dwarf empire. It is conceivable that if there are 100,000 lovers, they will be enough to sweep away 1 million human legions.

These dwarves usually do nothing except blacksmithing. When blacksmithing, they naturally have to use the flame fighting spirit. Therefore, the dwarves spend almost 20 hours of the 24 hours practicing. Not only do they exercise their strength to an extremely abnormal level, , Dou Qi cultivation is also very strong, it is simply unreasonable not to be strong.

With such an invincible group of perverts joining them, the defenders on the city wall also fought smoothly. The soldiers of the light were very strong. If they couldn't fight one on one, they would have to fight two against one or three against one. The situation immediately became one-sided. Half an hour later In the end, there were only 300 of the most elite Light Wing Knights left. Ordinary soldiers of light were even more vulnerable to the blow of the Raging Flame Dwarf, and one of the two 5-star Light Wing Knights was also killed by the Raging Flame.

As the Raging Flame Dwarf Corps pressed closer and closer, the line of the Light Soldiers began to slowly be forced back and shrink, and finally retreated to the edge of the city wall. Relying on the continuous support of follow-up troops to support themselves, the two sides were in this section. A fierce tug-of-war broke out on the city wall, and Nu Yan tried several times to drive the soldiers of light off the city, but failed.

After killing a group, a group of light soldiers immediately came up from the city, shouting "Defend the glory of the God of Light" and rushed to kill them. Even the light-winged knights continued to add more.

Jiang Tian saw it and had to sigh: "The Guangming Cult has such a rich foundation!!"

Jiang Tian calculated that there were 3,000 light-winged knights who came to support. This strength was enough to sweep through an ordinary human army of 50,000. However, he was unlucky to encounter the even more perverted Raging Flame Dwarf Corps. Can be suppressed to death.

"Sir, do you want to support Raging Flame? Maybe Asaman can take action!" Baghdaf asked. Although the Raging Flame dwarves achieved great results, their own casualties were not small.

Jiang Tian shook his head: "This is only the first attack of the Guangming Cult. If we use up all our strength, what will happen next? You must know that the Guangming Cult has far more power than this!" (To be continued.) Mobile users please visit

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