Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 705 Holy Unicorn

This section of the city wall has become a hell on earth. There is no clean city wall under the feet of soldiers from both sides. They are all corpses. Half an hour later, the Guangming Cult has lost an estimated 10,000 people, and the entire army of Balgiri City has lost 10,000 people. 2,000 people were killed. This was not because the defenders of Balgiri City were powerful. On the contrary, the defenders of Balgiri City caused at most 1,000 casualties to the Army of Light. The other nearly 9,000 casualties were attributed to the Raging Flame Dwarf Corps.

It can be said that on average, each Raging Flame Dwarf killed at least 4 enemies.

However, after all, there were only 2,000 members of the Raging Flame Dwarf Corps, and there was a steady stream of troops from the Light God Religion. Half an hour later, the casualty rate of the Raging Flame Dwarf Corps began to increase linearly. Because the power consumption was too large, many Raging Flame Dwarves could not As usual, they avoided the assassination spears and were pierced through the chest one after another. However, they would immediately glare with anger, roar, and smash the big hammer in their hands at the enemy at the moment of death. They would also pull one before death. be made a scapegoat.

"Baghdad, let Nu Yan take his people to retreat and rest!!" Jiang Tian said.


Baghdad, a magician and martial artist, immediately rushed to Nu Yan's side and conveyed Jiang Tian's order. Nu Yan refused to listen. He killed at least 500 tribesmen in this battle. He wanted to kill all the enemies in front of him. In the end, Jiang Tian After giving the order in person, Nu Yan reluctantly retreated.

The soldiers of light who discovered that the Raging Flame Dwarf Corps had retreated did not immediately pursue them. In fact, there were only 3,000 soldiers on the city wall at most at this moment, and they were unable to pursue them. They could only retreat into a defensive circle and wait for support from under the city wall.

Soon, 10,000 troops gathered on the city wall again. The bright soldiers got the new force and immediately rushed out with a roar. Their target was the main city wall where Jiang Tianduan was sitting. As long as they captured the main city wall and cut off the winch of the city gate , then the army outside can take advantage of the situation to cover up the attack and send all these heretics to hell.

Angry panting like an ox. A pair of eyes widened and turned red, "Sir, none of the Raging Flame dwarves are afraid of death. Why should we retreat? This is simply an insult to our dwarves!!"

"I have seen the power of the dwarves. You have achieved very rich results and have caused great trauma to the Light Religion. However, retreating does not mean that you are incompetent. Fighting is not about recklessness, but about tactics! "Jiang Tian said.

"What do you mean, Sir, asking us to withdraw is a tactic?" Nu Yan asked blankly.

"Yes, you go down first and rest. There will be a big battle that needs you later!" Jiang Tian reassured.

"I'm relieved now, kids, let's go!" Nu Yan led his people down.

Jiang Tianze ordered: "Baghdad, let Asaman take action. We can't delay it any longer, otherwise our morale will be hit!"


Then, Asaman led his group of mages to take action. It was a super 5-star magic. As Asaman shouted fiercely, a Western dragon made entirely of flames roared and charged out, sweeping towards that area. An army of thousands of lights.

Wherever they passed, there were screams. Not only were the soldiers of light on the city wall under attack, but even the soldiers under the city wall were taken care of by the flame dragon. The bright blessings blessed on them were unable to withstand such terrifying flames, and they were all engulfed by the flames.

The flame dragon raged for a full ten minutes before dissipating unwillingly. The city wall was completely charred, and there was not a single bright soldier standing on the wall. Only a few hundred light-winged knights saw the opportunity and ran quickly and flew down the city wall, while the others were all killed by the flame dragon.

"A super 5-star spell, the Flame Dragon. It is said that Jiang Tian has a 500-member magician group under his command. Although I am very sad for the sacrifices of these 10,000 soldiers, but for the cause of the God of Light, their sacrifices are It's worth it, at least the opponent's magician group lost its combat effectiveness within three days!" Troy's voice was cold and ruthless, he paused and said, "Cape Town, it's up to you now!"

The participating guard knights were withdrawn, and a group of strange cavalry appeared in the Light Cult camp. They wore milky white armor, held white spears, and their mounts were all white. Not only did they In this way, the monster that looks like a war horse actually has a spiral horn on its head and white wings on its back.

"Holy Unicorn Legion!" Exclaims came from the city wall.

"What a unicorn, it's clearly just a Pegasus!" Baghdaf said.

"Is there any difference?" Jiang Tian asked.

"The rising unicorn is a legendary holy beast of the light system. It possesses the strength of the holy level when it reaches adulthood. It is extremely rare in number and is the nemesis of dark creatures and death creatures. The Pegasus is a kind of animal that looks like a unicorn. It's just a low-level monster, and it's not a light monster, it's a wind monster, able to cast a chain of wind blades!" Baghdaf said.

As the second-ranked legion of the Light God Religion, the Holy Unicorn Legion’s combat power frightens all the major empires. It is said that 5,000 years ago, there was a powerful empire that wanted to break away from the control of the Light God Religion, and launched a crusade against the true power of the Light God Religion. An army of 5 million men violently conquered the Holy City.

At that time, the Light God Cult dispatched an army of 800,000, the main force being the Guarding Knights of 500,000, but the most exciting fight was the Holy Unicorn Legion. With a force of 200,000, they were able to crush the enemy. The 2 million imperial army reversed the situation on the entire battlefield. From then on, the Holy Unicorn Legion became famous far and wide.

This time, 20,000 Holy Unicorn Legions were dispatched. Their attack method was very novel. First they galloped quickly on the ground, and then the unicorns flapped their wings and took off. They did not fall on the city wall and compete with them. The defenders were fighting hand to hand, but were flying in the air above the city wall. The light leather armor did not hinder their movements at all. Each of them carried a large bow on his back, with three large quivers on his back, and two hanging on his waist, each with 30 arrows.

Soon, they launched the first round of attacks, drawing their bows and shooting. A large swath of locust-like sharp arrows shot out, covering the entire city wall. In just one breath, the defenders on the wall suffered heavy casualties. , there were at least 2,000 soldiers casualties. The shields in the hands of the defenders could not withstand it at all. This was not an ordinary bow and arrow, but a magic bow. The sharp arrows shot contained magic explosions. If the shield was hit, it would explode immediately, along with the arrows behind it. soldiers were also affected.

This is the strength of the Holy Unicorn Legion. Their long-range attacks are the nemesis of the enemy. Often the two armies have already lost at least half of their troops before a close-quarters confrontation. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit

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