Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 97 David

David did not show a fearful expression like ordinary people. On the contrary, he asked curiously: "Jiang... who are you? Your ship... is amazing, and your cannons are very accurate!"

Jiang Tian smiled, "David...what do you do?"

"Me? I am engaged is selling products from one country to another country!" David explained specifically because he was afraid that Jiang Tian would not understand.

Jiang Tiandao: "I understand the word trade!"

Just kidding, I am also a major in international economics and trade.

Having never had the opportunity to communicate with foreigners in spoken language before, Jiang Tian suddenly discovered that he also had a talent for language. Although sometimes he had to say it three or four times before David could barely understand it, he could at least communicate in a simple way. If he encountered unfamiliar words, , is explained using other words.

Perhaps because he was imprisoned by the pirates and never got any rest, David fell asleep at noon. Jiang Tian gave him a quilt. After all, it was winter.

After David fell asleep, Jiang Tian asked the pirate ship to speed up, from the original 25 knots to 70 knots, and activated the stealth function. An hour later, Jiang Tian arrived in Malay.

Guacaming Island is located on the border between the two countries, not far away.

Malaysia, Boon Lee Port.

After finding a remote shore to dock, Jiang Tian unlocked the stealth mode and woke David up.

"Where are we?" David asked.

"Malaysia, you can ask the local police for help after getting off the ship!" Jiang Tiandao.

"Jiang, don't you plan to go together?" David asked.

"I have something else to do, so I can only send you here!" Jiang Tian said.

David gave Jiang Tian a hug: "Jiang, my friend, thank you for your good deeds. I will remember your kindness. Can you please pay attention to your contact information?"


It is not Jiang Tian's character to save people without asking for anything in return. Maybe he will go to the United States to travel in the future, and it would be nice to have an American friend.

So he told him his satellite phone number, and Jiang Tian simply followed through and took out a stack of U.S. dollars from his pocket, about 200 U.S. dollars. He extorted 5,000 U.S. dollars from Zhang Tuhao on the grounds that he had to leave in an emergency and had no time to exchange U.S. dollars. .

David climbed down from the lock ladder, waded through the shallow water, walked to the shore, and waved to Jiang Tian: "Jiang, I look forward to our next meeting. Believe me, this day will not be far away!"

Americans always seem to be so enthusiastic, and Jiang Tian also waves.

Jiang Tian called Zhang Tuhao. Zhang Tuhao had already received the news of his release. He thanked Jiang Tian with a smile on the phone and said that when Jiang Tian returns to China, he must treat Jiang Tian to a good time to express his gratitude.

Jiang Tian did not return to China immediately, but landed in Malay. Fortunately, the hotel only required a passport to check in. If Jiang Tian had to get a visa, Jiang Tian really couldn't get it.

The passport was obtained through special channels with the help of Han Lin, and it is valid for 5 years.

Back in the suite on the 8th floor, lying on the bed, Jiang Tian's mind was spinning: How to get that pirate leader to be recruited by him!

Bombard Guacamin Island and slaughter all the pirates on the island, leaving only one pirate leader?

This won't work. There is too much movement. I'm afraid that not only the Indonesian Navy will be dispatched, but the US Navy will also be dispatched, which will suddenly attract the attention of the world. This is not in line with Jiang Tian's low-key style.

Moreover, Jiang Tian still doesn't know whether the pirate ship in stealth state can be detected by sonar or radar.

Or sneak into Guacamin Island secretly. With the ability of grenades and water, you may be able to give it a try.

But, the risk is too high!

After much deliberation, Jiang Tian couldn't come up with a better way. Alas, it's not easy to do things alone. It would be nice to have a few helpers.

However, because if you really hire helpers, the secrets of the pirate ship will inevitably be exposed. Even if you trust his subordinates, they are not what Jiang Tian wants.

"Perhaps, I can wait until they take action next time before taking action!"

A flash of thought in his mind made Jiang Tian excited. This method is feasible. It is easier for him to operate in the vast sea of ​​people, and the movement is small. If they dare not surrender, they will be sent back to the west with one shot.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tian couldn't stay any longer. He walked out of the hotel and found a small advertising company that could make lanterns and banners.

Fortunately, there are Chinese people in this store and they can also speak Chinese. When Jiang Tian told the other party his request, the entire printing store employees looked at him strangely.

Jiang Tian smiled to himself and was not surprised, because the request he made was really weird. He actually wanted to put up a 10-meter-long banner with Indonesian words on it: Surrender to me, or they will all be bombed to death!

"Sir, forgive me for being rude, but where do you want to use this banner?" the Chinese asked cautiously.

Jiang Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm just joking with my friends!"

"Prank?" the Chinese asked.

"Yes, yes, it's just a prank. I want to prank them!" Jiang Tian said.

Early the next morning, Jiang Tian drove his pirate ship to stay, docked in the waters near Guacaming Island, and stared at the ships at the pier on the island.

There was no movement at all on the island all day long, but Jiang Tian was not discouraged. He was ready for a protracted war. He would not believe a day when those pirates did not go out.

The day passed like this, and there was still no movement throughout the morning of the next day. After lunch, I did expect a phone call.

Not many people knew his number. He answered his satellite phone with some suspicion, and Jiang Tian said: "Hello, hello!"

" friend, David, do you remember?" came the voice of American David over there, still speaking word by word, and the words were as simple as possible.

"Oh, hello David, have you returned to China safely?" Jiang Tian couldn't think of any reason for David to call him. Could it be that he wanted to pay him back the $200?

"Jiang, are you still in Malay? I want to see you and express my gratitude to you in person!" David said on the other end of the phone.

Originally Jiang Tian wanted to refuse, but David said next: "Please give me this opportunity!"

"Okay, tell me your address!" Jiang Tian said. He glanced at the island, but there was still no movement. He went to see what David was looking for first.

David seemed very happy to hear Jiang Tian's promise, "How about Wenli Port in Malaysia? Do you know Kadri Plaza? There is a very famous coffee shop there called Mo Wenli Cafe!"

Jiang Tian didn't hear the specific name of the coffee shop clearly, but Jiang Tian heard the word "café" and what kind of square it was.

"Well, I can take a taxi there!" Jiang Tian said.

"Okay, let's meet at Mo Wenli Cafe at 2:30 in the afternoon!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Tian drove the pirate ship back.

He didn't know that half an hour after he left Guacaming Island, the pirates on the island drove out on the speedboat in a "swipe and pull" manner. They were all fully armed, presumably to rob the tickets.

Back at Wenli Port, Jiang Tian took a taxi, but something went wrong when he expressed his destination. Jiang Tian didn't understand clearly what the cafe was about, so he imitated the English pronunciation and told the driver, but the driver didn't understand. Finally, Jiang Tian told the driver to go to Kadri Square.

Jiang Tianye's English pronunciation of Kadri Square was not standard. The driver listened to it several times before he finally understood: "Kadri Plaza? The most famous square in Wenli City?"

Jiang Tian didn't understand the latter sentence, but he recognized the previous sentence "Kadri Plaza" and nodded quickly. However, this driver's pure American pronunciation was completely different from David's. His English had a strong local accent. Compared with Jiang Tian The pronunciation is also half a catty.


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