Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 98 Hiring Marines

When he arrived at Kadri Square, it was already past two-thirty. Jiang Tian was about to call David back and ask when he heard someone calling him. He looked towards the source of the sound and saw David standing not far away. Wave to yourself.

Wearing a suit and leather shoes, not to mention, Europeans and Americans wear suits to look more handsome, so that their bodies can support the suits, but they also invented suits, so of course they suit their body types.

Jiang Tian walked over, and David came up to him and gave Jiang Tian a bear hug with the enthusiasm that Jiang Tian was not used to: "Jiang, my friend, I was worried that you had returned to China!"

"Why haven't you returned to China?" Jiang Tian asked curiously.

David looked a little abnormal and said: "Jiang, let's go have a cup of coffee first!"


The two of them walked into the coffee shop. There were people of all races inside. They all spoke very quietly and seemed polite.

Two cups of coffee were served, and David took a sip before saying, "Jiang, I want to apologize to you!"

"Why?" Jiang Tian asked.

"I lied to you!" David said, "I am not an ordinary American citizen, and I don't have to go back to my country, because I am a member of the Marines stationed at the base in Malaya!"

"You're not American?"

There are too many unfamiliar words in this sentence. Unfortunately, Jiang Tian's vocabulary at CET-4 is a bit poor. He only heard two important words: "not" and "American".

David simply took out his mobile phone, opened the "Global Voice Translation" software installed on the mobile phone, switched to the English translation Chinese mode, then spoke to the mobile phone again, and finally showed the mobile phone to Jiang Tian.

Only then did Jiang Tian understand the friendly female voice in Chinese that came from the phone.

Afterwards, Jiang Tian looked at David in surprise, weren't you kidding? Members of the U.S. Marine Corps were captured by mere pirates. Wouldn't it be ridiculous to tell this?

Could it be that you have carried out encirclement and suppression of pirates? And then you were unfortunately captured?

Jiang Tian wanted to say this, but it was a pity that he forgot the words "encirclement and suppression" and "capture", as if he remembered memorizing them before.

"David, what's the name of the translation software you just translated?" Jiang Tian asked. He took out his mobile phone. He had applied for GSM service on his mobile phone. Malaysia is not South America and Africa, and the network can still cover it. It can roam and make calls, and there is also network Serve.

"Global voice translation!" David spoke English into the phone and then translated it for Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian connected to the coffee shop's network, downloaded the software, then switched to Chinese-English translation mode and asked the question he just wanted to ask.

Ever since, the next two people used two mobile phones to translate and communicate.

David said proudly: "Jiang, what you said... somewhat belittles the combat effectiveness of our Marine Corps. As for those pirates, I can sweep them all with just a small team!"

"Then why are you still being captured?"

David said with a stern expression: "In fact, I was accidentally caught by those pirates when I was traveling alone. After those damn pirates discovered my identity, they actually wanted to kill me and silence me. Jiang, if it wasn't You, I have gone to heaven to meet God, you are my savior, I, David David, will remember it in my heart!”

"In fact, you have already thanked me!" Jiang Tian smiled.

"The life-saving grace cannot be offset by a mere thank you!" David said.

Suddenly, a bold idea came to Jiang Tian's mind. He said: "David, have you never thought of taking revenge on those pirates? They abused you so much that you almost died at sea!"

David said: "I have thought about it, but I don't want to put my team members into danger just to vent my personal anger, although there is almost no risk in destroying those pirates!"

David still didn't forget to brag about the strength of their marines.

Yankees really have a clear distinction between public and private affairs, but as long as you have this idea, I'm afraid you are just a weakling.

Jiang Tiandao: "David, maybe we can understand this matter in a different way! First of all, this matter is not your personal matter, it is also my matter. You have also seen that the pirates kidnapped my people, and I It’s not like just letting them go!”

"You want revenge on them?" David asked.

"Yes, so I need your help now. Are you willing to help me? Of course, I won't mind if you refuse. We are still friends!" Jiang Tian said sincerely.

Is this an unexpected surprise? I originally thought that I would meet this David. After all, it would be nice to meet an American friend. But I didn’t expect that this David has a good background. He is actually an American military base stationed in Malay. /people.

It was as if someone gave me a pillow when I was dozing off. I was worried about how to subdue the pirates. With David's help, this would not be difficult.

David thought for a moment. He had just said "repaying Jiang Tian" very happily, but now he regretted it. David was too embarrassed to do such a slap in the face.

Secondly, those pirates had indeed tortured David terribly. David's hatred for those pirates was probably ten times as much as Jiang Tian's.

After thinking about it for a while, David said: "Well, since you said so, Jiang, what reason do I have to refuse!"

Jiang Tian said: "David, I won't make it difficult for you. How about 5,000 US dollars per person, including commission? You can get 5,000 US dollars for a task of this level. I think your team members will be very happy!"

"Oh, Jiang, you are such a generous person. I think my team members will be happy to help you with this!" David did not refuse like the Chinese, but said directly.

I thought I was helping out on a voluntary basis, but I didn't expect to get a commission. It's strange that I'm not happy.

"I will give you $10,000 David afterwards!" Jiang Tian continued.

"Thank you for your generosity. We really need this money!"

David happily accepted the commission. Only a fool would refuse. You must know that he is a lieutenant, just a junior officer. His monthly salary is only 3,480 US dollars. Counting various subsidies, the amount does not exceed 4,000 US dollars.

US$10,000 is a lot of money for him, and with his own savings, he may be able to buy a nice house in central Florida in a few more years.

"So, when can we take action?" Jiang Tian asked.

David said: "Now you are the employer, you decide the time!"

Jiang Tiandao: "I mean, can you walk out of the base at will? And also with weapons?"

David said: "Jiang, maybe you don't know my specific position. I am a lieutenant. Although I am only a platoon leader, I also have a little autonomy, right! My commander will not mind if I lead Let’s go down and destroy the pirates!”

Jiang Tian was a little surprised. He didn't expect that David was still an officer. You must know that in the United States, officers are very valuable. After all, their country implements a professional military system. Some people can only work as lieutenants until they retire.

Jiang Tiandao: "David, you won't bring your entire platoon here, will you? I don't have that much money to pay!"

David smiled and said: "Jiang, you are really good at joking. You don't need a single class to clean up those Indonesian monkeys, but I will take a full class because the commission you offer is really high!"

"Okay, you can do whatever you want!" Jiang Tian shrugged.



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