Super Planet System Behind The Moon

Chapter 150 - Vernon And Zach Hurdles

They had been on the rim of the volcanic crater for about half an hour by then, looking for a hidden plane. But they haven't found the hidden plane there at all, so in the end, Zach feels tired because he has to keep throwing rocks around there, but it doesn't hit anything at all other than falling around there.

"Huh… Lucas! Are you sure that the plane is located here?" A question asked by Aidan at that moment made Lucas nod his head in response to it.

"Yeah! At least that's what they told us!" Lucas said in response to the question asked by Aidan at that time, which then made Vernon there nod his head in response to it.

"Yeah… that's what they said!" Vernon explained to Aidan as well as Zach, which then made Zach even now exhale to then say,

"Eum… are you sure that what that guy said about inside the island is a volcano?" Zach asked which then made Lucas nod his head and made Vernon now frown and then say,

"Is it possible that inside they mean this lava?" a question that was asked by Vernon at that time made the three of them now turn to look at Vernon to then laugh at that and say again,

"Haha… don't joke at a time like this Vernon!" Aidan said to Vernon who was now frowning and saying,

"I'm serious!" continued Vernon, and made Zach now shake his head and continue looking the same way Lucas did at that time.

However, because Vernon was feeling very, very curious at the time, making himself now immediately grabbed a small rock and then throw it into the lava which was churning at that moment, and then an unexpected reaction appeared at that moment.


A loud voice was heard and made Lucas, Zach, and Aidan turn quickly towards the place where Vernon was standing at that time, which looked like he was quite surprised by what happened at that time,

"W… what is that?!" A question asked by Aidan at that moment made Vernon now point at the lava while saying,

"I think I know where they're hiding it right now!" explained Vernon, and made the three of them now look at the lava and made Lucas now chuckle as he said,

"Khkh… don't tell me the plane was in the middle of the lava, Vernon!" Lucas said to Vernon who was now shrugging his shoulders before finally saying,

"I don't know... but what is clear is that my stone bounced and a loud sound was heard!" explained Vernon to Lucas, which then made Zach now exhale again to then take a pebble and throw the pebble again right in the middle of the hot lava that was churning there, and what happened was the same thing as what Vernon explained to them. The pebble bounced off and the startling loud sound came again.


"See?! What did I say!" said Vernon to Aidan which now made Aidan nod his head in response to that, while Lucas is now walking to approach the lips of the lava there, which of course Zach quickly restrained him and said,

"Be careful! We don't know where the plane was put! This time, this lava is the real one!" Zach said to Lucas, which then made Lucas now nod his head in response and then said,

"I think we should find something to confirm whether this is lava or not!" Lucas said to Zach, which coincided with that made Vernon now shake his head and walk over to them, and then without hesitation, he stepped into the middle of the churning lava which of course shocked the three who were there.

"Vernon!!" shouted Aidan, and at the same time Vernon's feet flew there, which made Vernon now allow his gaze to look at Lucas and then smile as he said,

"I think this plane covered all the lava, Lucas!" said Vernon to Lucas who was now exhaling, and then nodded his head to then say,

"I don't think you ever thought about your safety, Vernon!" Lucas said to Vernon who now shrugged his shoulders and said,

"I'll be fine since Aidan is here!" said Vernon now extending his hand towards Lucas, so that at least Lucas could get on the invisible ship there, which then made Lucas now look like he didn't respond to the outstretched hand and made Vernon now wave his hand to at least get them up there for now...

"Then… if it's like this, what should we do?" Aidan asked Lucas which then made Lucas now say,

"We have to find the entrance, so we can at least get in and ride this plane from the inside!" Lucas said to Aidan, which made Vernon now say,

"Can't Zach get this ship from above?" Vernon asked, and immediately made Zach now turn to look at him with a look full of heaviness there,

"You think I'm a magician who can carry a ship I don't know what size it is right now?!" a question that was asked by Zach at that time, made Vernon now understand and nodded his head to then say,

"I was just asking, Zach!" said Vernon and made Zach feel quite annoyed with Vernon at the time,

"Woah… I didn't expect to feel this angry!" Zach muttered and it made Lucas smile and pat Zach on the shoulder to then say,

"I told you not to reply!" Lucas said and that made Zach nod his head and focus back on looking for the door from the plane that was see-through at the time.




The footsteps and movements of the four people who were there were suddenly stopped when the plane they were on at that time shook and caused the lava below them to seem increasingly thrashing as if they were about to explode at that moment.

Vernon's gaze that saw this now shook his head and then said,

"Lucas, I don't think we have much time!" Vernon said to Lucas, which made Lucas immediately say,

"Let's find the door!" Lucas said, and that caused them to quickly fumble around for at least something that could be said to be a button or a doorknob they could reach and get them onto the plane.

Aidan now sat down and crawled around Vernon's side, trying to find the doorknob they were referring to, and it was immediately followed by Vernon who was also busy looking for the doorknob there. Neither of the four said a word, because they were busy searching, which of course the sound of the roar of the lava below them getting louder and the heat increasing, and made Lucas feel very worried at that moment.

"We can't let this happen, we have to take this ship!" that's the mumble that was thrown by Lucas, and at the same time, another buzzing sound made Lucas's gaze suddenly turn to stare at Aidan who now managed to get the door and opened the door wide.


That's the buzzing sound. Aidan's gaze now turned to look at Vernon who was then beside him who also looked equally surprised when he realized that Aidan had managed to find the door they were looking for there.

"I found it!" said Aidan looking surprised at the time, and made Lucas now smile and nod to then say,

"Good! Hurry in!" Lucas said, and that made Aidan, Vernon, Zach, and even himself rush into the spaceship.

Once they entered the ship, they realized that there were a lot of buttons on the ship, which of course made the four of them both amazed and confused by it.

"How do we ride it?! do you know how, Lucas?" A question asked by Aidan at that moment, made Lucas shake his head, and then his brow furrowed when he heard a familiar voice at that moment.

"Lucas! Come here together with Aidan! Nick needs you!" the words he heard at that time, made him realize now that Elizabeth needed him, which then made him turn his head to look at Aidan.

"Aidan, we have to go!" Lucas said to Aidan, which of course made Vernon and Zach now turn to look at him,

"What?! We're leaving, then what about the plane?!" Vernon asked Lucas, which now made Lucas shake his head and say,

"No! Just me and Aidan, Nick needs both of us, and I leave this to you two! Because I believe you can do it!" Lucas said to Vernon, and that was of course a shock to Vernon and Zach,

"Ah… wait, what do you mean?!" asked Zach,

"There's no time, hurry up! We go!" said Lucas who now immediately grabbed Aidan's hand and disappeared just like that, leaving Vernon and Zach now looking at each other and then both surprised when they heard a popping sound from outside, which made Vernon immediately say,

"Let's take this plane!" said Vernon and made Zach nod his head in response to Vernon's invitation at that time.

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