Super Planet System Behind The Moon

Chapter 151 - A Little Problem


"!!" Vernon's gaze quickly turned to Zach who was also surprised when the two of them felt a vibration and also a thumping sound from outside the ship, which of course made them believe it was from the mountains and lava under the plane at that time.

"I don't think this will last long, we must act immediately!" said Zach to Vernon who now exhaled in response to Zach's words at that time, which then made Vernon walk towards the screen on the plane, which then made himself now say,

"Let's take this plane!" said Vernon and made Zach nod his head in response to Vernon's invitation at that time.

Zach walked towards the buttons there, which then made himself now look at the buttons one by one around him at that moment, to finally say,

"What should we do??" Zach asked Vernon who at that time also seemed to be looking for something around him right now where he was standing.

"We have to find the key to his life, you idiot!" Vernon explained to Zach who now snorted when he heard the word 'stupid' that Vernon said to himself as if he didn't accept Vernon's being said that way. But he tried to hold himself back and kept looking for a button or key so they could at least start the ship.

Zach's gaze is now focused on the red button in front of him at that moment, which finally made Zach tilt his head when he was curious about the small red button,

"Vernon… I think I found the button!" Zach said to Vernon who was now looking at him and then said,

"Are you sure that's the button to turn this plane on, Zach?!" Vernon asked Zach who now nodded in response to that, but not with Vernon who looked doubtful about it.

"Are you sure?!" Vernon asked again, and it made Zach squeak and then say,

"We won't know if we don't try!" Zach explained to Vernon which then made Vernon say,

"Are you sure you're going to try it?! what if it turns out to be a missile, Huh?!" Vernon asked Zach who was now looking at Vernon very annoyed because he really couldn't contain his emotions at Vernon's attitude at that time.

"Are you scared, Vernon?!" a question that was asked by Zach at that time, made Vernon now frown and then look into Zach's eyes and say again,

"What do you mean, Huh?!" Vernon asked Zach who was now smiling or rather smirking and then said,

"You're hesitant to start this plane because Lucas isn't here, and you don't have the guts to ride it either, do you?!" said Zach, as if he was insinuating everything that Vernon was doing at that time and that of course made Vernon feel annoyed, and now walked over to Zach to pull the collar of the shirt he was wearing and said,

"What did you say?! say one more time what you just said to me, Huh?!" Vernon asked Zach who was now looking at Vernon sharply and said,

"You… you don't dare to do anything if without someone great around you, what I'm saying right now is true, isn't it?" Zach asked Vernon which now Vernon immediately hit Zach in the face until he fell down and then accidentally pushed a lever that was around there and made the plane stagger backward, and made both of them now roll backward at the same time, and this is made the plane collide with the surrounding rocks, and it must have surprised Vernon and Zach at this point.


The two of them screamed as they rolled over and then was startled when the plane shook as if it had just hit something there, and that made both Vernon and Zach look at each other again for Vernon to say,

"We should try to suppress it!" said Vernon and it made Zach say,

"Yep!" said Zach which made the two of them now try to stand up from the shock of the plane that occurred, and immediately Zach positioned the lever back to its original place so that the vibration of the plane did not occur again, and at the same time, Vernon pressed the button around the big screen, which then the screen turns on and displays the location outside, as well as several maps and other wind directions.

"Huh… well! I think we should get out soon, is that lever a steering wheel, Zach?" a question asked by Vernon at that time, made Zach now nod and say,

"I think so, Vernon!" said Zach to Vernon who now nodded his head and then turned his head to stare at the broad direction which at that time was positioning downwards and upwards, and made Vernon now have a feeling that it is a controller for up and down, which makes Vernon now immediately pull the lever. upwards, and at the same time their plane sped upwards, and of course, surprising both Zach and Vernon at the time,

"OOOOOH!!" "I think we should take it slow!" Zach said to Vernon, who now turned his head to look at Zach and then said,

"Oh ... Right ... okay..." said Vernon which made Zach now exhale trying to calm himself down and then they managed to run the plane smoothly, even though at first they had to fight first.

"Yeah!! We did it! Hahahaha!" said Vernon to Zach, who at that time Zach laughed happily because they managed to drive the plane.


Both of their eyes now turned to stare at the screen that displayed a warning to fly higher because the path they were on was the path of commercial aircraft traffic, which made Zach now say,

"Vernon! Do something!" said Zach to Vernon who now turned to look at a light blue button that glowed beside him, and that made him automatically press the button because he felt that the button that was on was a suggestion to do, and sure enough the plane that they were riding now up a few feet off the ground and made Vernon breathe another sigh of relief at that.

"Where is our next destination?" a question that was asked by Vernon at that time, made Zach now turn his gaze and then say,

"Home! That's what Lucas said earlier!" said Zach in answer to Vernon's question which now made him nod his head and say,

"Then let's go to the house!" Vernon said to Zach.

In the current residence of Elizabeth.

Nick's gaze, which at that time was being treated by Aidan, turned to look at Lucas who was standing in front of him at that time.

"What about your assignment? Have you found the ship, Lucas?" a question that was asked by Nick at that time, made Lucas who heard it smile as he nodded his head in response,

"Then… where is the ship now?" continued Nick asking Lucas who now said,

"They're on their way here, Nick… take it easy!" Lucas replied to Nick who was now frowning at this,

"Are you sure they can be counted on at this point?" Nick asked again, and now Lucas nodded his head at the question.

"Sure! They will come!" Lucas said to Nick, but not long after that, there was a roar and a fairly strong wind came, which made the ten people there turn their heads towards the window, while Marla, who was very curious there, ran over to the window to see what was happening. who came around them at that time. Marla's smile grew when she saw something emerge from a soft light there, which made her now say,

"They're coming!" said Marla, and that made Lucas now nod his head in response to that, which then now turned his head to look at Nick and then said,

"What I said is right, right? they're coming!" Lucas said to Nick who now chuckled at that and then nodded his head in response to Lucas's words at that time.

At the same time, Vernon and Zach descended through the exit door that was written on it, which then made Vernon turn his head to look at the ship that was not seen there,

"They designed it to be invisible!" said Vernon as he walked to keep pace with Zach who was now chuckling and nodded to then say,

"Of course, if they were to be seen clearly at this time, the citizens would be very worried because of that!" said Zach to Vernon who now shrugged his shoulders and then nodded his head to respond if Zach's words were true at that time.

"Oh! Hey… how do we get into the ship?!" as if he had just remembered that, making Zach now stop his two steps and turn around to face the direction of the location of the ship where they stopped the ship.

"Take it easy! I saw this! And it looks like with this we can enter without the hassle of looking for the door like in the beginning!" said Vernon to Zach who now turned his head towards a small remote that Vernon was holding, which of course made Zach now frown and then said,

"Are you sure about that?"

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