Super Planet System Behind The Moon

Chapter 39 - Searching For Earthbenders, And Meets A Mysterious Woman.

Aidan and Lucas had spent fifteen hours looking for news or data about the earth bender they might find, just like how it was when Lucas, Eliot, Sam, and the others found news about Aidan's whereabouts.

However... In reality this time, for fifteen hours they searched for the earth bender, they couldn't find him. It was very difficult for them to find information about this earth bender.

Tik… Tik … Tik … Tik…

The repeated typing sound from the keyboard came from the room where Lucas and Aidan were looking for data and information on earth benders. The voice echoed, occupying the silence in the internet room of the government facility. The office should have closed about five hours ago. However, the two of them were still able to log in and use the computer. Of course, it was all thanks to Lucas' teleportation they used.

Which ultimately makes them more flexible to use these free facilities.

Lucas kept looking, and his eyes never left the computer screen in front of him right now. A few moments after he saw the screen, he narrowed his eyes when he felt that the place was getting quieter and even quieter than before. Which finally made Lucas turn to the side to check the whereabouts of Aidan who had been sitting on his right side all this time.

"Kh... Kh..." Lucas couldn't help but chuckle after he saw how Aidan, who had been helping him all day, was sleeping very soundly, even though their task of finding earth benders wasn't done yet.

At first, Lucas intended to do something cruel by waking Aidan and asking him to stay focused on finding the earth bender. However, unfortunately, Lucas is not such a cruel and arrogant person. In the end, he just silenced Aidan and didn't bother him. Leaving the man to rest while he himself had to search for the earth bender's whereabouts all night.

The night has turned into morning, the moon that previously always accompanied the silence of the night has now sunk to be replaced by the morning sun which encourages all people on earth who are busy pursuing their goals.

Aidan slowly woke up from his sleep when he began to hear noises around him, he opened his eyes and found that he was now at the bus stop with Lucas who was now pensive by his side, as if lamenting their fate face at a later date.

"I'm sorry that I accidentally fell asleep, Lucas..." Aidan immediately apologized to Lucas who was now breathing, then spoke.

"Yeah, it's fine... I know you were tired last night." Lucas answered to Aidan who now nodded his head slowly, confirming Lucas' words.

Aidan looked down the road and looked at the passing cars, he turned back to Lucas and asked, "Did we... Um, did you find the earth bender's information?" A question that Aidan said that he had made a mistake made Lucas even more silent. Aidan could see a shake of the head from Lucas and the tired gasps that Lucas showed him again that morning.

Aidan, who realized that Lucas was tired right now, patted Lucas on the shoulder to give Lucas healing.

But Lucas put his hand away and said he was fine now. "I'm fine, Aidan." That was what Lucas said to Aidan which made the man with healing powers frown, unsure of what Lucas had just said to him.

"You... are you sure?" Aidan asked Lucas, trying to reassure him if Lucas was okay. And the man nodded to reassure him, Lucas stood up from his seat then held out his hand to Aidan as he said,

"Come on! I think we should go around to find him!" Take Lucas to Aidan who is now frowning for the umpteenth time. This time it was the words that made Aidan confused.

"Look for? Where do you want us to look?" That was the question asked by Aidan to Lucas who now turned his head towards the silent Aidan.

Lucas, who understood what was going on in Aidan's mind, explained again, "We're going to the library or the newspaper office, where they might have reported something about someone who used to control the land." That was the explanation Lucas explained to Aidan, although Aidan still doubted whether it would work or not. But he who couldn't bear to see Lucas' persistence finally chose to nod his head in agreement and immediately grabbed Lucas' hand to leave the bus stop.



At this time Aidan and Lucas were in a small alley, which was next to the tall buildings that were standing around them at that time, which of course made Aidan feel unfamiliar with the place. He turned to Lucas to ask.

"Where is this?" Aidan finally asked because he didn't know where they were at this time, he could only look at Lucas who was walking ahead of him while answering his question,

"We're behind the newspaper printing office, Aidan!" Lucas replied to Aidan who was now frowning, they walked over to then face a security guard and asked permission to look at the previous news that had been printed here. But of course, getting permission to browse through the old news was very difficult, even if it was just a look. But in reality, even if Lucas didn't ask permission it wouldn't be a problem. Because Lucas' intention at that time was just to see a map of the location of the building. Where each room looks different and finally he gets a room called the archive room. Which is located on the seventh floor within the office. After knowing that,

The two of them walked out with relaxed steps from the building, the curious Aidan immediately walked ahead of Lucas to face him. "Lucas, do you know where it is?" Aidan asked who already understood how Lucas worked.

Lucas who heard the question just nodded his head faintly and held out his hand to Aidan, as they turned to enter the same alley as before. Aidan smiled and immediately shook the hand to disappear from the place.



Aidan and Lucas currently appeared in a room filled with collisions of neatly arranged sheets of paper. Which may amount to hundreds of thousands of shelves in the large room.

Without delaying any more time, the two of them immediately looked for news and information that they were currently needing.

Aidan walked to the right and Lucas walked and looked to the left. Both of them immediately searched without stopping starting from that second, they were looking for one news about earth benders from thousands or even millions of news in the archive room.

"Remember Lucas, we're only looking for news from the last twenty years!" Even Aidan's warning words to Lucas made Lucas nod his head while still looking for the news carefully.

One hour …. Two hours… Three hours… and even Four hours. Aidan and Lucas continued to find out where the Information was, but neither of them found anything.

Aidan is now very tired, so he can only search while sitting among the scattered books that he has arranged neatly so that it is easy to find the news. But not with Lucas who still positioned himself to stand and look for the news painstakingly. Both of Aidan's eyes were currently on Lucas which finally made Aidan get up from his seat to approach Lucas saying,

"Lucas… I think we need to rest now, I'm really hungry." The words that Aidan said to Lucas, made Lucas now nod his head and put the newspaper he was holding back in its place. Lucas then extended his hand to Aidan.

"We will rest for now!" Lucas said to Aidan who was now nodding his head at that and they left the file room to rest.



At the same time, when the two of them put their feet on the ground, Lucas' body staggered to the side which of course took Aidan by surprise. Aidan swiftly caught the body and helped it to stand properly.

"Lucas!!" Aidan screamed, and it made Lucas apologize to him as he tried to get back on his feet. Even though Aidan himself knew that Lucas' body condition was no longer able to stand up.

Aidan looked right and left to find a place where he could take Lucas to rest, which finally made Aidan realize that Lucas took him to a location that was quite quiet.

Aidan also had no choice but to immediately help Lucas sit on the pavement, and then he was about to heal him there.

However, Aidan was too weak to heal Lucas at the moment, which of course made him curse himself because he didn't have enough strength to heal Lucas right now.

"Shit!" that's the curse that Aidan threw to himself, Aidan's current gaze turned to look at Lucas who was half-conscious in front of him which made him feel he had to do something right now.

"Are you two okay??" Suddenly a voice heard by Aidan at that moment made Aidan now turn his gaze towards a woman who had just asked a question beside him and also Lucas, which made Aidan now exhale with relief, because at least he met someone at this time.

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