Aidan's gaze was currently on a woman who was standing right beside him while watching him and Lucas with a very worried face that he showed to Aidan who was still awake.

With that worried face, the girl asked Aidan. "Are you two okay?" The question asked by the woman, made Aidan could only exhale slowly and nodded his head confidently, and then said,

"Ah yes... I'm fine, but it seems my friend is tired." Aidan replied to the woman who was now looking at Lucas who was sitting limply while shaking his head. Lucas, who was visibly weak, tried to dismiss that fact by saying,

"I'm fine..." Lucas said, speaking in a low voice, almost whispering to both the woman and Aidan. But her condition said otherwise, seeing her pathetic condition like that with a face that looked peaked made the woman feel sorry and couldn't bear it.

Seeing the very worrying situation that made the woman feel bad for the two of them, she then offered to them, "It's better if you come with me... He seems to have to be treated for exhaustion and you look just as tired as he is. " The woman said to Aidan who finally nodded his head. But Lucas kept his stance and shook his head to refuse the offer offered by the kind woman while saying,

"No need... Thank you....-

But before he could finish saying his thanks, Lucas really couldn't hold his consciousness any longer, so he finally fainted, causing Aidan to panic at the sight.

"Lucas!! Lucas!" Called Aidan in a panic and tried to resuscitate Lucas. The woman who was standing beside Aidan immediately helped Aidan and again said that he offered himself so that they would be helped by him.

"Quick, bring him to my house… I have IVs and other medicines that can be used to help him!" Finally, the words spoken by the woman made Aidan nod in agreement and immediately carried Lucas up for him to ride on his back and slowly followed the good woman's steps. Because Aidan was tired so he walked with a limp.

The woman who looked back and saw Aidan who was having a hard time immediately came back to Aidan and said, "Let me help bring him along." The woman said to Aidan who stared at him silently and lowered Lucas from his back so that the two of them were now carrying Lucas's body to walk together towards the woman's house.

Along their journey, the step-by-step they went through, made Aidan feel a little awkward because he didn't know who the woman who helped him was. They hadn't known each other since they first met, so Aidan had the initiative to start a conversation between the two of them. But before he opened his mouth, Aidan closed his mouth again because he felt that this was not the right time for him to get acquainted with this woman.

"That's it, my house that has to bone white paint!" The woman said telling Aidan about her house, which made Aidan immediately turn towards a house that the woman had just pointed at which looks very majestic with bone-white paint. Of course, this made Aidan feel quite surprised.

"That one house?" Aidan asked the woman because he did not believe it. The woman just nodded her head and smiled making them finally step back to bring Lucas closer to the magnificent house.

After they entered the courtyard of the woman's house and stood in front of the door of the magnificent house, the woman asked Aidan to hold Lucas' body for a while, while he tried to take out the house key and open the door. "Can you hold it for a moment? I took the key and opened the door!" That's what the woman said which of course Aidan would accept and hold Lucas with all his strength so as not to fall.

After opening the door of her house for them, the woman with long, flowing brown hair gently turned to Aidan and smiled at him so that Aidan could feel sure that this woman was good.

The woman said, "Come on, bring him into the house!" Take the woman to Aidan who immediately nodded his head and carried Lucas slowly into the house, and of course, the woman helped him again.

Aidan followed the woman's steps who carried Lucas into the magnificent house that looked stunning.

"The bedroom is upstairs, so let's just put him on the couch for a while!" the woman said to Aidan who again nodded in agreement with the idea he was saying. They brought Lucas to the sofa and immediately lay him down on the sofa. Lucas' body seemed to be limp on the couch, but at least this was what they needed. That was the thing in Aidan's head.

"Hah…. Thank you for the help." Said Aidan as he sighed repeatedly. While the woman immediately turned to Aidan who had just said his thanks. The woman nodded her head in acceptance.

When the atmosphere became more awkward, Aidan immediately used the situation to directly get to know the woman. "Oh right! We haven't gotten to know each other yet. My name is Aidan!" Said Aidan who immediately introduced himself and immediately stretched his hand forward to shake the hand of the beautiful woman who was now smiling at him even wider and nodded his head slowly while welcoming Aidan's outstretched hand and said,

"I'm Elizabeth." The woman replied, introducing herself as Elizabeth to Aidan who nodded his head and smiled at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth, the woman has brown hair that reaches up to her waist. Her hair looks soft and falls, making it a personal attraction. Elizabeth also has a sharp nose with less prominent cheekbones, but a sharp chin. Elizabeth's existence was like a goddess who had come down from the sky to Aidan.

"Beautiful name!" Aidan said to Elizabeth who then laughed loudly at his words.

Elizabeth stopped her laughter and then answered again, "Thank you… Ah, you also get some rest! I'll get some drinks and also an IV for this friend of yours." Elizabeth said to Aidan who nodded his head in agreement with what the woman had just suggested, while again saying,

"Thank you, Elizabeth!" Aidan said to Elizabeth who at that time walked out of the room while nodding her head before finally she left there and was not seen in Aidan's sight because he turned towards the kitchen.

Aidan turned to look at Lucas who was still unconscious, which then made Aidan only shake his head and slumped down on the single sofa that was also available in the room, next to the sofa Lucas was currently using.

"You know Aidan? We are fortunate to have met such kind people offering help as Elizabeth is today. But why did you refuse?" Aidan said to Lucas who could not hear his words at all, Aidan currently looks like he is grumbling to Lucas because he feels that Lucas is a difficult person. Remembering how he kept refusing to be given help before, which of course made Aidan couldn't understand Lucas' way of thinking.




Not long after that, Elizabeth came with a glass of lemon water and also a tray containing an injection, a tube, and a bag of IVs. All Aidan believed was for Lucas right now.

"Come here, I'll help!" Said Aidan immediately stood up and grabbed the tray from Elizabeth's hand who was now smiling happily because of it.

"Drink that lemon, Aidan!" Elizabeth said to Aidan who nodded his head after he placed the tray on the table.

Aidan's gaze is now on Elizabeth who is squatting in front of Lucas who is lying on the sofa and then Elizabeth takes an injection and a tube from the infusion that has been provided previously. Which of course made Aidan feel a little nervous about it.

"Eum… Can you do it, Elizabeth??" A question asked by Aidan at that time made Elizabeth now turn to Aidan and then nodded as she said,

"Yeah… I've worked at my father's hospital for five years, so… just to infuse someone is easy for me, Aidan." Elizabeth answered to Aidan who was relieved to hear that answer and then he exhaled slowly.

"Wow… It turns out that you are a great person huh." Aidan said to Elizabeth who now only smiled in response and then he immediately infused Lucas. Hanging the infusion on a pole that he had also prepared beforehand.

"Um, Elizabeth." Aidan called out to the woman, but Elizabeth quickly said,

"Lizbeth." Said Elizabeth, which made Aidan frown not understanding what he just said which made Aidan finally ask,

"Huh??" Aidan asked Elizabeth who was now smiling and said again,

"You can call me Lizbeth, Aidan!" Lizbeth explained to Aidan who immediately nodded understanding what Elizabeth had just said at this time, and Aidan laughed at that. Then Aidan nodded his head in understanding.

"All right, Lizbeth." Aidan said correcting his words, which made Lyzbeth now smile and nod her head to return to the call.

"Thank you very much." That's what Aidan said to him who was now smiling and nodding his head again.


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